Found a sealed 1989 Gameboy!

I got my first one in rehab. Well a halfway house after rehab, but same thing kinda. I got a box from my presents and the Gameboy was one of them, but I knew it was coming. Anyways, it helped to ease some of the boredom, but I always find a way to entertain myself.

I was making homemade "fireworks" (Don't want to say the B word, lol), back then and would set them up around the perimeter on timed fuses (cigarettes). People didn't know what the fuck was happening and would freak out. I'd just sit back and try to control my laughter. They finally caught on that it was me and we all had a big meeting and they showed everyone one of my mini pipe bombs. They actually said they were works of art, but that they really should call the authorites. Well they didn't do shit, but take my supplies, lol.

This was in Louisiana and they were selling fireworks for New Years so I had access to fuses for the bombs, firecrackers, and they had some huge smoke bombs that we had some fun with too. We lit one in the bathroom of a restaurant with lots of windows, and just watched as the whole place filled with smoke and everybody evacuted thinking there was a fire. We threw another in a bar as we passed by. Of course all this shit was my idea.
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I got my first one in rehab. Well a halfway house after rehab, but same thing kinda. I got a box of my presents and the Gameboy was one of them, but I knew it was coming. Anyways, it helped to ease some of the boredom, but I always find a way to entertain myself.

I was making homemade "fireworks" (Don't want to say the B word, lol), back then and would set them up around the perimeter on timed fuses (cigarettes). People didn't know what the fuck was happening and would freak out. I'd just sit back and try to control my laughter. They finally caught on that it was me and we all had a big meeting and they showed everyone one of my mini pipe bombs. They actually said they were works of art, but that they really should call the authorites. Well they didn't do shit, but take my supplies, lol.

This was in Louisiana and they were selling fireworks for New Years so I had access to fuses for the bombs, firecrackers, and they had some huge smoke bombs that we had some fun with too. We lit one in the bathroom of a restaurant with lots of windows, and just watched as the whole place filled with smoke and everybody evacuted thinking there was a fire. We threw another in a bar as we passed by. Of course all this shit was my idea.
I remember bombing through campgrounds throwing handfuls of blanks into peoples camp fires. Man was I a bit off when I was younger. Not like the stable guy I am today, lol.
I remember bombing through campgrounds throwing handfuls of blanks into peoples camp fires. Man was I a bit off when I was younger. Not like the stable guy I am today, lol.
I lit a tiny copper pipe one off at Sun Lakes campground in WA. It was in a canyon so the explosion bounced off the canyon walls over and over. It was great. Then literally a minute later we were being surrounded by parks department people. I told them it was a leftover firework I had. They took my lighter away and that was it, lol.
I've got some legal explosives I'm gonna have some fun with when I go shooting again sometime.
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I expect to be surrounded when I use these too, lol.
Holly Shit, I can buy tannerite in Canada. Oh wow, dude, that is unbelievable. No more home made explosives, you are the man. Can`t believe I have not come across this before. I am so ordering this, you my friend are the best.
Oh the fun I could have with my Mk4 Mark 2. I am envious, if I want to blow something up I have to make it myself up here in the north.
Can you not get Tannerite there? You can't get it in some of the states either. I'm lucky to be in CO. I'm gonna bust out my AR15 that I still haven't shot for these bad boys.

I've always loved blowing shit up. The 4th of July was always one of my favorite holidays. I still keep a box of fireworks here to light off during the winter or for special events. I also lit some when the Broncos won the Super Bowl a few years ago. I've always been a pyro and it didn't help when I met a scientists son in 8th grade that told us how to make gunpowder, smoke bombs, and compound explosives the white Strike Anywere match tips, lol.
Can you not get Tannerite there? You can't get it in some of the states either. I'm lucky to be in CO. I'm gonna bust out my AR15 that I still haven't shot for these bad boys.

I've always loved blowing shit up. The 4th of July was always one of my favorite holidays. I still keep a box of fireworks here to light off during the winter or for special events. I also lit some when the Broncos won the Super Bowl a few years ago. I've always been a pyro and it didn't help when I met a scientists son in 8th grade that told us how to make gunpowder, smoke bombs, and compound explosives the white Strike Anywere match tips, lol.
This is my fault, we have always made home made stuff. I live up here with a pussy whipped brady bunch government that seems to feel they need to play babysitter to everyone. I had no idea I could get tannerite, these idiots even stopped allowing Kershaw knives to be imported. That`s why I have 30 or 40 of them in my cupboard. I have many riffles and bows, just not all I want due to the silly laws. Here in Canada only gang bangers are supposed to have guns, I think they want the rest of us to wear whistles and learn the fetal position. I for one refuse. I am amazed this is available here but I will be ordering asap. Gonna be an awesome spring. Thanks. Sorry to OP for taking your thread off topic.
Holly Shit, I can buy tannerite in Canada. Oh wow, dude, that is unbelievable. No more home made explosives, you are the man. Can`t believe I have not come across this before. I am so ordering this, you my friend are the best.
I know man, I've just recently learned about it. I think we can thank @DoubleAtotheRON for that one. He's the one who got me interested in it. I had no idea this shit was out there either. And they get bigger than 1/2#. I just got the smaller ones to not draw too much attention here in quiet CO, lol.

I got super lucky too. I didn't actually pay for mine. I ordered it off Newegg and they said they failed to ship it in the time they said and that I could cancel my order. Well I did, but they still sent it a month later. So free Tannerite for me, bonus.
I know man, I've just recently learned about it. I think we can thank @DoubleAtotheRON for that one. He's the one who got me interested in it. I had no idea this shit was out there either. And they get bigger than 1/2#. I just got the smaller ones to not draw too much attention here in quiet CO, lol.

I got super lucky too. I didn't actually pay for mine. I ordered it off Newegg and they said they failed to ship it in the time they said and that I could cancel my order. Well I did, but they still sent it a month later. So free Tannerite for me, bonus.
Be careful with that shit!.. don’t hit any metal targets... it will send pieces for 100 yards. But have fun!!
Be careful with that shit!.. don’t hit any metal targets... it will send pieces for 100 yards. But have fun!!
Oh ya. For sure. I understand shrapnel. I was always conscious of that stuff when I was blowing shit up.

I plan on shooting them from about 100 yards. I won't have any metal around them. I'm sure I could make a way more powerful explosive out of it if I put it in a sealed metal container and then shot it, but I'm not gonna do that. Or even better take a solid metal container and fill it with gas and put the Tannerite in the middle in a glass jar so the plastic doesn't melt from the gas. That could be interesting, lol.

I take no responsibility for anything stupid anyone does from my comments, lol.
Oh ya. For sure. I understand shrapnel. I was always conscious of that stuff when I was blowing shit up.

I plan on shooting them from about 100 yards. I won't have any metal around them. I'm sure I could make a way more powerful explosive out of it if I put it in a sealed metal container and then shot it, but I'm not gonna do that. Or even better take a solid metal container and fill it with gas and put the Tannerite in the middle in a glass jar so the plastic doesn't melt from the gas. That could be interesting, lol.

I take no responsibility for anything stupid anyone does from my comments, lol.
If you want more bang, wrap the shit out of it real tight in duct tape. Like 10 layers.
If you want more bang, wrap the shit out of it real tight in duct tape. Like 10 layers.
I use to make easy compound explosives with shotgun shells, a screw, and some duct tape. I'd also wrap aluminum cans around them sometimes, but that's dangerous. The duct tape works fine. I would remove the shot from the shell and seal it back up. Put a screw that will act as the firing pin and tape it in place. Then attach it to an arrow. Here's a crude pic I made for fun on my Surface. I have no artistic ability and don't know what I'm doing. It's also missing the arrow, but maybe it'll make sense.

A hundred bucks for a sealed GameBoy? nofugginway! you could easily fetch waaaay more for it, since it's in the factory shrink wrapping.

I still have my Gameboy Color, an SP, an Advance. and some earlier DS games. Plus a couple Pokemon and Zelda titles. Still got my GameCube WaveBird controller and a copy of TLoZ: Wind Waker and a memory card too.

I used to have a whole bunch more collectibles. But, got rid of a heap of my stuff the last time I moved halfway across the state.