Found Mites, shut room down and time to serilize.


Well-Known Member
We have some spider mites in our indoor room, given the amount of plants left indoors and everything we have going on outdoors, we pulled the room to prevent cross contamination with the outdoor via ventilation and on ourselves. With the room empty, I planned to bleach everything. re-paint and do some other maintenance. I bought a can of Doktor Doom fogger to fog the room and kill off anything remaining. the lights will remain in there along with most the other equipment to sterilize that as well. Ill seal the room off completely while this happens and leave it dark for 2-3 days. Well use new drainage trays, new pots, soil, pretty much new everything that we can. All the infected material was removed off site as well.

Am I missing anything here? Any tips or recommendations. This is my first time dealing with mites personally and after this room is cleaned, there is new stock ready to bring in and fill it back up. Ive don't quite bit of re-search, but honestly most of what I have read pertained to a room with plants still it. This is an empty grow room at the moment....


Virtually Unknown Member
No Pest Strips work good in a sealed room. I'd hang a few.

the dichlorvos vapor is heavier than air so a fan too
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Well-Known Member
Well do preventative treatments for the outdoor, but the indoor literally got scrapped. That's tough for most folks to do, but the material that was there is being ran into oil and then made into edibles for our personal.


Well-Known Member
I was told to use Forbid/Avid together. One targets eggs and the other does adults... I applied it once and I was good. Mites are hard core, I found them in my worm bin also... The combo really works!


Well-Known Member
I thought that I would never get rid of them. I live in an arid climate favorable to the mites and I battled them for 18 months. Azamax was the next best but it is only crowd control because I would battle again in 3-4 weeks... I sprayed avid/forbid only once and had enough to spray the parimeter.
Farmers use the cheaper formula and ended up making them resistant to normal methods. I sprayed my vegging plants and harvested the flowering... Awesome!