Found my old marijuana growing book!

I even remember people talking about getting a seed in their eye when it popped out of a joint and how lucky they were not to loose an eye lol.

Many just used a record cover and a playing card.

Back in the day, all my t shirts had little holes from hot seeds popping out of joints and burning them. Had quite a few in the uupholstery of my car too
this might sound crazy but i smoked some moldy black weed in jamaica 20 years ago that was cured in the gound for 6 months. it was the funkiest shit i ever smoked and to this day i have never been more high. it was grown by a 75 year old rasta that had been growing for over 50 years. he told me that this was the only true lambs bread i will ever smoke. shit was incredibibly smooth. maybe there is something to this curing method.
Early 70s. we had Christmas lights on the ceiling, candles with wax all over bottles, Al Demeola playing.. The neighbor got busted for being a grower with one 6" plant. 4 finger bags for $10. Rolled a monster joint from a Cheech and Chong album. Big Bamboo?
Funny i was thinking about the 4 fingers lid ..That was our scale,lmao.. we use to measure that way,dam!!..that shit was crazy..I knew a guy who use to sell really green(trash) homegrown..he use to put liqour on the weed then bake it and sold it in town ...That shit was horrid,lmao..He made me go find my own connection..I didn't want to smoke his shit even when it was free...His brother -law & i was really close.. so i hung out there ,i couldn't stand that weed...lmao..Funny thing we were in a small town in New England pop. about 35,000 ..So at times he was the only person in townselling ..People actually use to/had to buy that shit,(myself included) ..Like i said i went an found me a connection in another town..he use to have columbian gold....I couldn't buy enough from him ,evrryone who knew i had was after me ..They were tired of the nasty wet green crap,lmao..too funny...
cool old books, I have some too, hundreds, checkout some of em' at, buckaroobonsai, you guys might like em'. Esp see my 1st all hemp edition of the emperor wears no clothes, one of the rarest jack herer books in existence, it was jacks own copy.
ahhhh, the thi weed and thi stick, panama red and Columbian gold days. I miss chocolate thi. the buddah was kick butt too.