Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!


New Member
why dont u give it up dick what is your motivation to post here
to get the last word and own the tread
e bully
fuck u and piss off you bring mothing to this thread except bullshit
plenty of other threads for u to manhandle


New Member
How many times do I have to say it?

I wasnt talking about your puppy. The OP was a pitt.

Give it up dude.


Boy, you're proper worked up. Thats really funny. ..... Dude, re-read my posts and ask yourself is it worth that throbbing you feel in your head.
hey stupid
someone said u misspelled it
and u think u really have that much effect on people with your trolling skills pleazeeeeee
i just like talking shit to you
it ammuses me
even my dog is laugh at your sad ass trolling
piss off come back when u can really troll


New Member
How many times do I have to say it?

I wasnt talking about your puppy. The OP was a pitt.

Give it up dude.


Boy, you're proper worked up. Thats really funny. ..... Dude, re-read my posts and ask yourself is it worth that throbbing you feel in your head.
dude what happened i seen u editted and added this EDIT:

Boy, you're proper worked up. Thats really funny. ..... Dude, re-read my posts and ask yourself is it worth that throbbing you feel in your head

then u deleted it did u realized it looked as stupid as it did to everyone else?


Well-Known Member
since i refuse to conversate with such an idiot... will someone please tell stupid ^^^ that it is spelled pit, as in american pit bull terrier, not pitt.
hey stupid
someone said u misspelled it
Pedantry is the last refuge of the imbecile. Especially when their own posts are littered with dozens of grammatical errors.

I'll leave you to your 'four legged security' pics. I understand.


Weed Modifier
stop being a troll made your point? now its just getting ridiculous...add to the thread, stop insulting new members, what you got to prove?.... or better yet move on to the t/t section.


New Member
Pedantry is the last refuge of the imbecile. Especially when their own posts are littered with dozens or grammatical errors.

I'll leave you to your 'four legged security' pics. I understand.
thank u we understand too
all knowing and powerful keyboard jockey
go find another thread to pull your dick out on so we can get back to the thread u interrupted


Well-Known Member
what grammatical errors ru referring to? like how i just used ru instead of are you? the difference between my "grammatical errors" and yours is that i purposely abbreviate the spellings of words cuz im lazy, not cuz i dont actually know how they're spelled. u on the other hand spelled it 'pitt' multiple times so it definitely wasnt a typo, u just dont know how to spell it. which is fine, there are a lot of words i dont know how to spell im sure, i just dont use them in order to not look like an idiot. if i must use a word i dont know how to spell there is always but u probably didnt even know u were misspelling it, thats the sad part.


New Member
ok hey how many of u guys house trained your dog
i keep mine indoors and having a hard time training her
when i take her outside she just wants to play


Well-Known Member
what grammatical errors ru referring to? like how i just used ru instead of are you? the difference between my "grammatical errors" and yours is that i purposely abbreviate the spellings of words cuz im lazy, not cuz i dont actually know how they're spelled. u on the other hand spelled it 'pitt' multiple times so it definitely wasnt a typo, u just dont know how to spell it. which is fine, there are a lot of words i dont know how to spell im sure, i just dont use them in order to not look like an idiot. if i must use a word i dont know how to spell there is always but u probably didnt even know u were misspelling it, thats the sad part.
Geeze, just post another Dog pic. I don't care. LOL


Well-Known Member
F A B and southsac just quit feeding him and maybe this troll will retreat to his bridge.
ur right, im done responding to him for good now. sometimes its just impossible to not respond to such a moron. i guess part of me thinks that maybe ill be able to sharpen up the duller tools in the shed, but i dont think there is any sharpening to be done with that tool.


New Member
what grammatical errors ru referring to? like how i just used ru instead of are you? the difference between my "grammatical errors" and yours is that i purposely abbreviate the spellings of words cuz im lazy, not cuz i dont actually know how they're spelled. u on the other hand spelled it 'pitt' multiple times so it definitely wasnt a typo, u just dont know how to spell it. which is fine, there are a lot of words i dont know how to spell im sure, i just dont use them in order to not look like an idiot. if i must use a word i dont know how to spell there is always but u probably didnt even know u were misspelling it, thats the sad part.
oh forget that
back to regular scheduled program bro
u got some nice dogs and i see nothing wrong with their living arrangements
look like happy dogs to me


New Member
ur right, im done responding to him for good now. sometimes its just impossible to not respond to such a moron. i guess part of me thinks that maybe ill be able to sharpen up the duller tools in the shed, but i dont think there is any sharpening to be done with that tool.

sometimes when its broke u got to just discard it


Well-Known Member
2012-04-25_10-58-02_918.jpgI left for two days this weekend and my girls didn't eat till I got back. Now that's some love. My wife said they were on her hip the whole time. Like I said b4 get um hungry, feed them well, make them family and they will die 4 u!

2 of them relaxn after dinner


Well-Known Member
ok hey how many of u guys house trained your dog
i keep mine indoors and having a hard time training her
when i take her outside she just wants to play
my dogs are outside dogs, i use to keep my first dog inside when it was just her. when she was a puppy i took her outside about once every two hours and would not come back in until she went. and as soon as she would finish i would praise her, after awhile she would run to the back door and cry to go outside. my other two dogs on the other hand have never been inside so they are not house trained but they relieve themselves on the opposite side of the yard that their dog house is on. most of the times dogs are fairly easy to house train, they dont like to piss and shit where they live. does your dog have access to go outside, like a dog door or something? or do u have to let her our every time? cuz when my pup was young a lot of time she would make it to the back door and piss right there cuz she just couldnt hold it in time for me to get there. if u dont have a dog door and its possible for u to get one put in, might want to consider that. it will make ur life a lot easier.

edit: imo, the whole rubbing a puppy's face in the piss when they go inside does absolutely nothing. the dog will have no clue y ur rubbing its face in the carpet. i was always told that so i tried it on my first pup and it made no difference. what made the biggest difference for me was just getting her on a schedule of going outside every couple hours and sticking to it. puppies bladders arent that big so they cant hold it forever. even if they know theyre suppose to go outside sometimes they just cant make it. and if those cases rubbing their face in it really does nothing. so if u were planning on trying this method, or u already do, i would scratch it. i dont think its like terrible inhumane or anything i just dont think it works at all.