FOX Admits Obamacare Works!!!

yes, obamacare protects me from your irresponsibility and indigence.

a poolboy who "services" a dozen guys daily for a whopping $25k a year like you is probably too irresponsible and reckless to buy insurance, so obamacare subsidizes your insurance costs.

a magnate of the pool scrubbing industry like you making about 200% of poverty would have his insurance capped at 7% of income, or about $140 a month. that's the cost of an ounce of weed from yours truly, which is not a whole lot.

now, should an irresponsible bum like you choose to roll the dice, you have to pay a penalty tax every year which is much lower, but actuarially covers your hypothetical yet inevitable health care expenses so that responsible folks like me don't have to pay your eventual bills when you come down with skin cancer from scrubbing pools in the arizona sun all day.

yes, obamacare is health insurance reform that protects people like me from the irresponsibility of bums like you.

You are such a sad little man... Again, you have to figure out what demon makes you feel the need to drink yourself into insensitivity and face that issue or you are never going to break the cycle of alcoholism and dependence.

Your continued misunderstanding of math has not affected my income nor my bank balance yet so I am going to let you keep spewing your inane hatred and lies without challenge...

You go bucky!!
Da Man619766 said:
I am sure they were promised something if they said it. I was fucked. My premiums for my employees went up 100%. Now they will get none from me for free. They must pay it themselves. My employees are the losers.
The only true winners are the big insurance companys......... :-(
heheheheheeeeehe..there you go, losers.

as rollie would go cry..lullerzzzzzzz


aren't there some socks, with holes, or unmade turkey clubs lying about? you parade Trixie Babbett, or whatever her name is, around like she just wrote the fucking Iliad. this woman was one resume rejection away from the adult entertainment industry. Sky................
heheheheheeeeehe..there you go, losers.

as rollie would go cry..lullerzzzzzzz


I see two libtards politicking. I don't see what you claim. But go ahead and delude yourself. Maybe you can tell us again how you "refused to allow corporations to make a fortune off you" after they told you they didn't need you.
Well that’s 5 minutes Ill never get back, they said nothing you claimed

Fucking fuck fuck fuckster, anvil to the face of the conservatives lol....most immature bullshit I have ever heard politically, this guys and idiot and the shit you listen to Schuylaar is disturbing . How old are you? serious question

Poor Skylard doesn't really experience the world in the same way the rest of us do. She glows, though, and Doer wants desperately to do her!
Poor Skylard doesn't really experience the world in the same way the rest of us do. She glows, though, and Doer wants desperately to do her!

libs are way the fuck out there lately, fake polls, aggressive rhetoric, child like behaviour. Can't tell if they don't even care if they look like hypocritical idiots or all the shitty report cards democrats are getting is sending them over the edge. This Iraq situation has them all worked up, funniest shit ever.
100lk/4years = 25k per year.

pretty simple stuff.


Sad little man. I will get bored of this place and disappear for a few days or a week or months and come back and you are here, pissing on everything and everyone to make yourself feel important.

It seems rather pointless to argue with you about what I make IRL when you purposely twist everything to mock people. You mock people who dont make a lot of money, you mock gay people, you mock everyone who doesnt exactly tow your world view and then you call yourself tolerant and when confused by logic and/or reality you resort to pictures dragged up from the internet.

If you havent tried AA, you might want to give it a chance. It is full of self centered assholes...
libs are way the fuck out there lately, fake polls, aggressive rhetoric, child like behaviour. Can't tell if they don't even care if they look like hypocritical idiots or all the shitty report cards democrats are getting is sending them over the edge. This Iraq situation has them all worked up, funniest shit ever.

fake polls?


yeah, screaming about fake polls worked so well last time for you guys, didn't it?

and i bet we're all real worked up about the disaster that we predicted before your phony and trumped up case for invading a nation pointlessly.

Sad little man. I will get bored of this place and disappear for a few days or a week or months and come back and you are here, pissing on everything and everyone to make yourself feel important.

It seems rather pointless to argue with you about what I make IRL when you purposely twist everything to mock people. You mock people who dont make a lot of money, you mock gay people, you mock everyone who doesnt exactly tow your world view and then you call yourself tolerant and when confused by logic and/or reality you resort to pictures dragged up from the internet.

If you havent tried AA, you might want to give it a chance. It is full of self centered assholes...

the funny part is that you're speaking about AA from personal experience.

sorry if reminding you of what you said about what you earn upsets you so much. but you make $25k a year scrubbing shit off the sides of pools in the hot sun. sorry if your own words preclude you from telling further lies at a later time.
fake polls?


yeah, screaming about fake polls worked so well last time for you guys, didn't it?

and i bet we're all real worked up about the disaster that we predicted before your phony and trumped up case for invading a nation pointlessly.

easy, il Duce..........

the funny part is that you're speaking about AA from personal experience.

sorry if reminding you of what you said about what you earn upsets you so much. but you make $25k a year scrubbing shit off the sides of pools in the hot sun. sorry if your own words preclude you from telling further lies at a later time.

I guess I will just have to console myself with the 50,000 dollar check... Life is hard.

You are a little boy. Maybe someday you will grow up.
I guess I will just have to console myself with the 50,000 dollar check... Life is hard.

You are a little boy. Maybe someday you will grow up.

i thought you were going to thtart thome new thuper awethomes buthnitheth and make millionth of dollarth now.

i guess we just have no idea what you're capable of.

You have no idea what I am capable of.
i thought you were going to thtart thome new thuper awethomes buthnitheth and make millionth of dollarth now.

i guess we just have no idea what you're capable of.

Your wife must be so proud of you bucky. Do you show her all the witty posts you make?
Your wife must be so proud of you bucky. Do you show her all the witty posts you make?

no, but i do read aloud to her some of the retarded posts you guys make.

you've made so many that she knows you by name now. i just refer to you as "that idiot from AJ" now and she knows.

her favorite one from you is not my favorite (you have no idea what i am capable of). her favorite was when you asked me to draw iran's route to the sea.

Draw me a picture of how Iran gets to the sea

no, but i do read aloud to her some of the retarded posts you guys make.

you've made so many that she knows you by name now. i just refer to you as "that idiot from AJ" now and she knows.

her favorite one from you is not my favorite (you have no idea what i am capable of). her favorite was when you asked me to draw iran's route to the sea.


Well thank god she has you to sit around all day and monitor the internet. Again, she must be very proud.