Well-Known Member
yes, obamacare protects me from your irresponsibility and indigence.
a poolboy who "services" a dozen guys daily for a whopping $25k a year like you is probably too irresponsible and reckless to buy insurance, so obamacare subsidizes your insurance costs.
a magnate of the pool scrubbing industry like you making about 200% of poverty would have his insurance capped at 7% of income, or about $140 a month. that's the cost of an ounce of weed from yours truly, which is not a whole lot.
now, should an irresponsible bum like you choose to roll the dice, you have to pay a penalty tax every year which is much lower, but actuarially covers your hypothetical yet inevitable health care expenses so that responsible folks like me don't have to pay your eventual bills when you come down with skin cancer from scrubbing pools in the arizona sun all day.
yes, obamacare is health insurance reform that protects people like me from the irresponsibility of bums like you.
You are such a sad little man... Again, you have to figure out what demon makes you feel the need to drink yourself into insensitivity and face that issue or you are never going to break the cycle of alcoholism and dependence.
Your continued misunderstanding of math has not affected my income nor my bank balance yet so I am going to let you keep spewing your inane hatred and lies without challenge...
You go bucky!!