jeff f
New Member
No thats you ruin politics. See your tactics involve trashing over people because you have no worthwhile plans or ideas. Real politics is about presenting your ideas to the public, debating others without all the shit being thrown between one another.
They talk shit about her because she's an easy target. Do you honestly think she has any chance of becoming president? Do you think she has any chance of doing anything besides a cute face on fox news. I will guarantee if she runs in 2012 that Obama will be relected. Fuck maybe it's our chance to get Ralph Nader to finally get elected.
as i mention, you personally may not be afraid of her but the politicos sure are. they slam her every chance they can, this isnt a mystery fellas. this is politics 101 day 3 of class. you pick your competition and begin slamming them. it lets you know who they think is their stiffest competition. its fact, thats how it works. your lesser competition you ignore. its not rocket science