Well-Known Member
Similar console controller format to the Turnigy evo and Taranis x-lite. Bought an evo, trying to settle on basic entry tx/rx combinations. Bit out of the loop on what makes money sense now days.
Taranis is a fucking mess right now and all the experts are disgusted with them, it's a dogs fucking breakfast, you are not alone in confusion! Most are recommending the radio master T16 or now the T18 these days for a full sized radio, they are multi protocol so you can use a variety of receivers. I believe the small radio he reviewed is multiprotocol too and is suited for beginners who will be flying close in and flying drones or wings for the most part. $85 goggles, a $40 dollar radio, a $80 wing, some batteries and a charger will put you in in the air with FPV, a couple of hundred bucks and change.Similar console controller format to the Turnigy evo and Taranis x-lite. Bought an evo, trying to settle on basic entry tx/rx combinations. Bit out of the loop on what makes money sense now days.