You all realize that this is a precursor to give a permanent bail out to wall street...? From Obama..... guess who owns him?
Wake up ppl.....
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Division A of
Pub.L. 110-343, enacted October 3, 200
Come on CJ, you are right about it being completely horseshit that they are trumping up these charges against GS, then follow it up with saying it is somehow Obama's fault?
GS did nothing wrong and was completely legal. They do what they have been doing for years and just now got caught because of the financial mess that BARNEY FRANK and CHRIS DODD got us into thru fannie mae and freddie mac giving the people that couldnt afford to own a house and extra 300K to go and buy a house. and what happened they failed to make $$ and pay for that house.
GS will pay a huge fine and will never fail because they have given MILLIONS and BILLIONS to Obama and his band of crooks.
8 years of business school behind this post.
8 years of business school didn't really help you out with knowing that it wasn't fannie or freddie that caused this, it was the shadow banking industry which if you remember all those commercials from quick loans, quicken loans, ect. Do you not remember all the junk mail for refinaincing you used to get from weird companies you never heard of?
They were the ones that started the mess, it was not people buying under 100k homes in poor neighborhoods (who had to fill out actual paperwork and prove they had enough income to pay it back(not like the no document loans the shadow banks got away with due to loophole mining) that caused this, it was middle income people buying 500k homes in suburbs. Taking out second and third mortgages thinking that they could use it to 'flip' houses and make a killing.
Once the shadow banking industry (who has very little regulation unlike the actual banks (yes they are vastly different)) really started to take off you can see where the other banks were forced to jump on the bandwagon or lose all their investors to the new competition. I believe it was goldman sachs that asked congress to 'save them from themselves' a while back due to the problems this was causing for them due to the fact that all large financial institutions had to react to this to keep their investors.
So they made money off the backs of other people..whats the government doing to day to the people of this country? the exact same fucking thing.
there was a poll out today about 65% of people think there needs to be financial reform in the country...well guess what?, 99% of that 65% dont know shit about economics and can barely balance a checkbook let alone know the dealings on wall street and could do better off just staying in the homes and living their lives and never worry about what happens to make this country run.
True, but you also missed how much we all benefitted from this boom. The money wall street made from these mortgages is nothing compared to what us americans made. Think not only about all the people that made money flipping homes, but people that took out loans to buy cars, tvs, furniture, all those businesses also boomed, and the people that got hired prospered, and then the people who sold the services like real estate people, landscapers, lowes, road construction to all the new suburban sprawls, on and on, we all benefitted greatly from this boom. The banks were just the only ones that were forced to keep track of their end.
We were just too stupid to use this boom to increase our productivity as a whole. And instead blew it all on tv's and crap we didn't need instead of reinvesting it into our infrastructure and education so that today (25 years later) we would have been able to have a much more educated workforce that would be so much more productive it would be like nothing we have seen yet in our world. But alas people bitch about taxes and government intrusion, when in a boom cycle it is best if we use some of the excess to increase our infrastructure. But it is not going to happen because the republicans are so wrapped up in their failed and by the hip feelgood economic policies to lower taxes at all costs (even in boom cycles) which leaves them with nothing to do to help the economy when the inevitable bad cycle happens (like lower taxes (which Obama has done taxes are the lowest levels for Americans who make under 140k a year than anytime since I believe JFK I will have to double check that later) and increasing government spending (to give a band-aid to failing businesses and stop the blood losses)).
This is a big reason why every republican president since the 60's has had a recession. Because their economic policies are essentially non-existent.
But instead we are dumber, fatter, and slower than we were in the late 80's.
But we are still by far the largest exporter, and poised to get back on track due to the work the government has done. Unemployment is starting to turn, productivity is through the roof (lots of inefficiencies that needed to be dealt with as we all got pretty complacent), and the drive to 'get back into shape' as a country mentally and physically will return and we will continue to be the dominant economy for a long time to come.