Free Grow Videos


Well-Known Member
I saw this whole 10 videos of this guy start to finish he explained almost everything to me about cannabis when i first started.


Well-Known Member
hey this is a good basic dvd but its abit dated the best 4 reference i would say is jorge cervantes ultimate grow dvd from high times


Well-Known Member
i didn´t know there were HPS in blue spectrum....Mr Green keeps saying this through the entire clip..wich i bealive is not true...either u have MH in blue or HPS in Red/Orange spectrum....Peace and Pot
as far as i know hps runs in the red/orange range but they do have hps with enhanced blue spectrum. somewhat equiventlant to flowering with an hps and mh at once. I'm just throwing that tidbit out there, but i do agree with you that he was incorrect in the video because i dont believe thats what he wass talking about.


New Member
Here's some more videos for the newbies
TuT - Germinating Cannabis Seeds in Rockwool

DIY - Individual Stackable Cloning Units

DIY - Mass Cloners

TIP - Light Proximity

DIY - Closet Growbox


DIY - Plant Tanners

DIY - Organic Soil Beds

TuT- Curing Cannabis with Fruit

TuT - Proper Harvesting & Drying


Well-Known Member
When I first started thinking about growing, I referred to some instructive videos. I cant tell you how much they helped!!! I'd like to share them with you, but first you'll have to go get a couple of apps to download, and play them.

To download the links I'm about to give you, you'll need uTorrent, and to play them, you'll need The VLC Player.

uTorrent is a free program from softonic, and can be found @
The VLC Player is also a free program, and can be found @
If anyone has any trouble with either of these programs, simply post back here and I'll help you sort them out.

Now that you've got the apps, you can download and play these informative videos...

Mr. Greens "I grow Chronic" is a complete guide to building your own indoor hydroponic system. He also shows you how to clone more efficiently.
It can be found @

Jorge Cervantes has a series of movies that are very informative as well. They cover indoor/outdoor/greenhouse EVERYTHING! He covers all aspects of growing.
They can be found @
Ultimate grow Pt.1@
Ultimate Grow Pt.2@


Thank you very much. I realize that everyone has their own preference on which way is best to grow this or that but for a noob that is very informative and helpful. Much appreciated and I will send the link to buds wanting to get growing! Thank YOUUU!!!