Free To Talk about and Gain growing Knowledge!!!

Me and the boys had a bucket-o-thon a couple years back. They gave up before 10. Miyagi doesn't have an off button when it comes to weed though, so easy win for me. The prize..? I got to smoke more buckets.
Now lads if you excuse me for a while, I need a grandpa nap. Nothing to do with buckets.
u guys get a chance to check out last page on my outdoory thread??

i'm in the process of warming some boobies up ;) filling her balloon as I type she loves the volcano, lil sexy hippie
Should just put boobs in the title thread, that will get feet through the door! Haha where the boobs at?
Yeh nice norgs!! fuck i'll have to grow some outdoorys and get the misses onto it... could be a new idea for a porn mag!! buds and boobs and puss!!
So I am new to growing. I have a 7 week old plant. I have faced a couple troubles, such as small yellow spots. also I am not sure whether or not im over watering my plant, Here are some pictures. Please help me and guide me and let me know if im doing a good job or not.IMG_0568.jpgIMG_0566.jpgIMG_0565.jpgIMG_0567.jpg