freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet .


Well-Known Member
So? What's stopping them from doing the money making?

The Fed should be more concerned with cyber security, then "regulating" domain names! I could care less about how many www.cameltoe.whatevers there are. Hell, they can't even get hi speed out in the country at any affordable rate! It all has to be the big corporate money machines controlling delivery! In the EU it all comes through your electrical outlet and at cheap rates! BLINDING fast too!
We should all be able to have access to quality Hi speed at a fair rate!
There are places in the US that the electric companies are also internet providers.


Well-Known Member
there were about 32 million americans on food stamps when obama took office ( @Flaming Pie )

now there are about 40 million on food stamps.

you are literally mentally retarded, and racist.
If you compare the average increase per year of the number of people on food stamps during the Bush administration (1.5 million) versus the average increase per year during the Obama administration (5.5 million) – food stamps have increased nearly 4 times more per year under Obama than under Bush.

In addition, if you compare statistics from 2003 (three years into President Bush’s first term) with numbers from 2011 (three years into President Obama’s presidency) the number of people on food stamps jumped 111 percent -- from 21.2 million to 44.7 million.

Hmmm, I'm the racist? How many black and brown people have I killed? How many has Obama killed?

Obama...thousands, children included.

Guess that makes him the racist. When it comes to helping the impoverished
'Bama dindu nuffin! Never in the history of this country has te divide between the rich and the poor been greater than it has been under Obama.


Well-Known Member
What Gore stated was " I took the initiative in creating the Internet" inventing vs. Creating, semantics I guess.
So his statement isn't actually inaccurate. He did in fact take the initiative to get ARPARENT funded, which was the precursor to the internet, as was CERN, a project that Tim Berners-Lee was part of.

Al Gore's statement actually isn't even an exaggeration, whereas, Donald Trump who has repeatedly stated that he is worth "well north" of 10 billion. When in fact he is worth far less. In fact Forbes, a Republican run propaganda machine, has him at around 4.5 billion. Which I think is an overestimation.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So his statement isn't actually inaccurate. He did in fact take the initiative to get ARPARENT funded, which was the precursor to the internet, as was CERN, a project that Tim Berners-Lee was part of.

Al Gore's statement actually isn't even an exaggeration, whereas, Donald Trump who has repeatedly stated that he is worth "well north" of 10 billion. When in fact he is worth far less. In fact Forbes, a Republican run propaganda machine, has him at around 4.5 billion. Which I think is an overestimation.


Your post has compelled me to confess something. I'm not really a Bigfoot. I feel so ashamed, yet also relieved to get that off my chest.


Well-Known Member
If you compare the average increase per year of the number of people on food stamps during the Bush administration (1.5 million) versus the average increase per year during the Obama administration (5.5 million) – food stamps have increased nearly 4 times more per year under Obama than under Bush.
Please cite please.

Hmmm, I'm the racist? How many black and brown people have I killed? How many has Obama killed?

Obama...thousands, children included.
You definitely need to cite this one.


Well-Known Member
Your post has compelled me to confess something. I'm not really a Bigfoot. I feel so ashamed, yet also relieved to get that off my chest.
Since we are in the mood of admitting things. My penis really isn't as small as I claim it to be. Oh, and I made $1,900 today sitting by the pool.


Well-Known Member
Since we are in the mood of admitting things. My penis really isn't as small as I claim it to be. Oh, and I made $1,900 today sitting by the pool.

i made $2700, took the dogs for a walk by the lake, and volunteered for hillary clinton.



bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
how do they get all the wires connected to each computer they never came into my house to hook that wire up and it works ??? and they have to split my wire off and connect it to every ones elses wires lmfao .images.jpg horse-funny-face-reddit.jpg images.jpg imgres.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dilbert Creator Scott Adams "Shadowbanned" From Twitter After Trump Support

by Tyler Durden

Following the permanent banning of conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos from using its service; the suspension of the account of Glenn Reynolds, aka @instapundit and creator of the Instapundit blog, a University of Tennessee law professor and a conservative columnist for USA TODAY; and blocking veteran reporter Mahir Zeynalov after bowing to pressure from Turkish president Erdogan; last week saw the 'shadowbanning' of thoughtful - non-violent - twitter-er Scott Adams - the creator of the Dilbert cartoon character.

Following a blog post daring to discuss how "dangerous" Donald Trump was compared to Hillary Clinton... (excerpt below)

...the alleged risks of each candidate so you can see how they compare on the “scariness” dimension.

Alleged Clinton Risks

  1. Dementia risk (because of age)
  2. Low energy (maybe can’t perform the job)
  3. Temperament (alleged to yell and throw things)
  4. Might allow more terrorists into country via immigration
  5. Influenced by lobbyists to start wars (Eisenhower warned of this)
  6. Drinks alcohol (We don’t know how much or how often)
  7. General brain health is questionable lately
  8. Adversaries won’t know who she serves or how she will react.

Alleged Trump Risks

  1. Dementia risk (because of age)
  2. Trump is “literally Hitler” (This risk is cognitive dissonance, not real)
  3. Con man (Sure, but we’ll be watching him closely)
  4. Temperament (responds proportionately every time)
  5. Race riots (Clinton’s side created this risk by framing Trump as a racist)
  6. Inexperience (But Trump routinely succeeds where he has no experience)

If you think Trump is risky because of his “temperament” or because he is “literally Hitler” you are experiencing cognitive dissonance caused by Clinton’s persuasion game. I mean that literally. And remember that I’m a trained hypnotist. That doesn’t mean I’m always right, but it does mean I’m trained to spot cognitive dissonance and you probably aren’t.

I don’t think any of us is smart enough to evaluate the relative risk of either candidate. And that’s my point. If you think Trump is the dangerous one, that isn’t supported by his history, his patterns, or the facts. It is literally an illusion created by his opponents.

Scott Adams asked his followers for examples of Clinton supporters being violent against peaceful Trump supports in public... which seems to have 'triggered' some people and got Adams "Shadowbanned" from Twitter...

This weekend I got “shadowbanned” on Twitter. It lasted until my followers noticed and protested. Shadowbanning prevents my followers from seeing my tweets and replies, but in a way that is not obvious until you do some digging.

Why did I get shadowbanned?

Beats me.

But it was probably because I asked people to tweet me examples of Clinton supporters being violent against peaceful Trump supporters in public. I got a lot of them. It was chilling.

Late last week my Twitter feed was invaded by an army of Clinton trolls (it’s a real thing) leaving sarcastic insults and not much else on my feed. There was an obvious similarity to them, meaning it was organized.

At around the same time, a bottom-feeder at Slate wrote a hit piece on me that had nothing to do with anything. Except obviously it was politically motivated. It was so lame that I retweeted it myself. The timing of the hit piece might be a coincidence, but I stopped believing in coincidences this year.

All things considered, I had a great week. I didn’t realize I was having enough impact to get on the Clinton enemies list. I don’t think I’m supposed to be happy about any of this, but that’s not how I’m wired.

Mmm, critics. Delicious :-)

P.S. The one and only speaking gig I had on my calendar for the coming year cancelled yesterday because they decided to “go in a different direction.” I estimate my opportunity cost from speaking events alone to be around $1 million. That’s based on how the rate of offers went from several per month (for decades) to zero this year. Blogging about Trump is expensive.

But it is also a system, not a goal. I wrote a book about that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If you pay for a service, IP addresses,...How can the Government regulate you and not the services instead ?

They get 'em young and fill their heads with obedience being a higher virtue than critical thinking. Plus, they aren't afraid to jail dissidents.



Well-Known Member
They get 'em young and fill their heads with obedience being a higher virtue than critical thinking. Plus, they aren't afraid to jail dissidents.

View attachment 3796692
My young do not suffer that fate. Do yours ?
Have either one of you taken a human life because they "annoyed" you? How about push someone out of the way in a grocery store because they were in your way?

No? Ok slave, you are just as obedient. Only difference is you cry about it. Stop crying and start doing. Now go make my god damn sammich!
