Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
Well the alien is plant I showed you that im lsting.. she isnt in flower yet.. but will be next.. as soon as I have room in the tent :).. but the chems my friend .. are looking so nice :) and all cloudy trichs when I scoped her last night so hopefully 5-10 days before CHOP FEST :)


Well-Known Member
It's funny cause I showed my girlfriend your pictures of the alien and clones and she was like "they are so....." and i was like "how plants are suppose to be?" lol.
You have to be the only person/place I would ever get clones from, from here on out. I'm not dealing with bullshit clinics who don't grow or know about plants.
And plus every one of your strains is like a favorite of mine, even if they weren't a favorite of mine.. i'm sure if i smoked your stash of that strain it would turn into a favorite :P


Well-Known Member
And the new growth coming in on my northern lights is a little yellow, should I be worried.. is this from over-watering or something? Everything I've found on this has usually come across some sort of PH imbalance in a hydro-system or some sort of nutrient def. but i'm not using any nutes....


Well-Known Member
steez I have never had any luck with clinic clones.. I kinda got lucky when I started my grow cus I knew what to look for pest wise and disease wise because I had already been growing and messing around at other locations within the collective. But OMG.. i must of see 4-5 different people who offered me clones in trade ect over the year whos plants were a ticking time bomb.. Powdery mildew... Mites.. Root Aphids ( dont even go there) fucking scary pest.. But I think if you pay attention .. from the get go .. and dont let them infest.. you can still beat any of these pest ... but if you throw a clone like that in a jungle with your other plants.. they can set in and fuck EVERYTHING UP! Especially if you put something with mite's ect... into flower.. because once buds are present.. there is not many sprays you can use anymore.. and I dont like to use chemicals in flower AT ALL because I dont want any residue in my buds or smoke. Steez also I dont do clones for profit.. im doing em for myself .. so if you wanted a couple in a future.. i wouldnt charge ya more then the supplies to root em ect.. prob 5 bucks or something .. unless they were already in 5 gallons of soil or something .. then maybe a little more.. cus FFOF is EXSPENSIVE lol.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it, I still have probably enough for 2 more 5GAL pots, I think I overbought. Shit 5 bucks a pop isn't nothing for what I could yield off of it, and the quality god the quality and plus if they are in 5GALs that means they are older which is good and worth more money :P. The bug problem doesn't seem to be returning so far since the 2 neem oil baths and I plan on giving them another bath either tomorrow or the next day depending on how things look.. I did see 3-4 gnats in my tent trying to escape through the screen window last night but I have 2 gnat strips in each pot.. so I think that should subside. But once I get this problem done with or if I were to start a new harvest, if I just spray neem oil on them once a week will I be fine?


Well-Known Member
depends if you eradicate them completely .. but if you keep spraying neem and they keep coming back.. you probably will have to try another product.. I have seen at buddies grows... where the mites build up a tolerance to the the treatment your giving to them.. and you have to switch to something else... BUT if they are all wiped out.. I would keep using the neem as a preventive.. because it helps prevent powdery mildew also and a bunch of other things :). Im not positive about how often to treat em.. I havent used neem a very much .. I cant get over the smell lol. I did have a praying mantis egg in my flower tent... mostly because they are cool to look at when im working with the girls and inspecting em .. They eat other pest.. I must not have had anything in there though .. because they all ate eachother and then I had just 1 big one left.. that I think died from starvation lol.. bad for him .. good for me.. Lady bugs are another beneficial bug .. only eat pest.. BUT i dont think any of these beneficial bugs help unless they are more for preventive .. they cant fix a infestation with the exception of predator mites..


Well-Known Member
Hey Steez ... I just looked in my clone dome and 2 of the 10 alien dogs finally rooted.. SO that means the big mama that i lst'd can go in the Flower ASAP :). If one of your girls dont make it.. you can try on of the baby alien og's I have.. its gonna cost you ONE rip of your finest smoke.. lol jk you can have one for free . Im still hoping all of urs make it though.. Damn im excited they finally rooted.. i couldnt flower the mom till they did cus I didnt want to loose the genetics and she was my last one left.. Hopefully by tonight the rest will root too and ill have 10 little baby Aliens :)


Well-Known Member
ET FLOWN HOMEEEEE. hahaha. Yea in that case I might forget to water my hindu...*cough cough* lol. but it sounds good i'm totally down for that. My desert dream is looking so fucking nice man ahhhh, specially since I topped her before I started to LST and I think I see where the 2 main colas would of came out lol !!!!! I counted like 13 'pre-flowers' i think they are called?


Well-Known Member
And what are smart pots? never heard of them >.<

-edit.. holy shit it's like a bucket that breathes o.o


Well-Known Member
Hmm, is there anything I can get for later to produce more yield? I read just now that you should get about .5 gram for every 1W of light you have, so I have 400W.. thats roughly 200grams, which is about 7 ounces... that's kindof low in my opinion... so, should I get another small light or some CFLS or something?


Well-Known Member
Ive seen 1g a watt from lots of people .. Imo opinion . your tent is a 4x4 or 5x5.. When you can afford it I would buy a 600 watt setup or 1000 watter .. and a nice 6 or 8 inch fan.. then sell your 400 watter.. or save it for veg or if you expand when you move. I really have never been impressed with 400 watters.. dont get me wrong they are way better then most cfl grows i see.. but 600's are probably imo the best all around light.
I have 2000 watts in that 8x4 and their is still spots I would like more light. I think a 400 is good for a 2x2 or 3x3 max . The 400 will have a lot better yield if you can limit plant height and keep the canopy as even as possible. The 400's dont have that much penetrating power.. but also dont produce much heat so you should be able to get the light pretty close to the top of your plants. If ya go to home depot or lowes .. you can get some nice 50+ watt(actual wattage not equivalent) cfls... for supplemental lighting.. then buy some cheap clip reflectors.. and for about 30-40 bucks you can add a few thousand lumens down low.


Well-Known Member
You get about 55,000 lumens from a 400 watter 95,000 from a 600w and 150,000 from a 1000w. Imo you want around 50 watts per sq ft atleast for good hard dense nugs.. not the light airy stuff :)
If your tent is a 4x4 thats 16sq ft .. 400 watts divided by 16sq ft is only 25 watts per sq ft.

Remember too that bulb life and distance to the plants will greatly change the amount of light they receive .


Well-Known Member
wow sorry bro .. i just re read your 1st post and your tent is a 3x3 soo ....
400 watts x 9sq ft .. 44 watts per sq ft.. not too bad.. sum cfl's to supplement could really help your yield .. or a 600 watter would be perfect :)


Well-Known Member
Yea i'm probably going to have to pick up another light then, Just to make things a little bit better. Ladies are lookin good this morning, the Desert Dream wanted to grow so bad, but how I lst'd her it's almost like shes comes up then her main stem goes towards the pot and then all her new growth is coming up towards the light, so i'm probably going to have to support her somehow when shit gets crazy. O.O but all in all things are lookin great, i'll post some pics in about an hour.


Well-Known Member
I finally got some sleep last night, slept from like 2 to 11:30, after 2 weeks of 3 to 9.. so i'm like REALLLLLY groggy today, i just want to lay down ugh. specially with is being like 100+ degrees outside, im chillin in with the AC on. >.<


Well-Known Member
I took all the ties off the desert dream and stood her up straight, it seems like it helped the undergrowth come in a lot, shes really bushy.. as soon as she gets bigger im going to try it again.


Mine finally got the second set of leaves, do you think its safe to throw her in a dixie cup? And would there be any negative effects if i added some soil around the stalk maybe an inch just to help support it?

I also talked to my brother in Cali, he said there getting up to 5 lbs dry weit on some plants, dayam. he said the majority came in around 2 lbs+ per plant. but they been doing it for years, i cant wait to get out there to see it.


Well-Known Member
Ray .. do you see any root yet.. as soon as you see roots I would get it into a dixie .. you could even do it now.. Burying the stem is a good idea! .. that way she is a little shorter and sturdier ..