Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


no i havent seen any noticable roots exposed or anything resemblant yet. Im using some cocohusk starter cubs that are wrapped with some sort of netting. It wont be too many more watterings before the netting is going to fall off and my coco will be falling apart haha.

Ill keep looking for signs of roots and as soon as i see some or if the net falls off, ill dixie cup her. I have some regular ol potting soil, should be fine right? If there are anythings i could add to it, let me know. Thanks alotabal!


Well-Known Member
just dixie cup her now then.. dont wanna risk that thing falling apart and distupting the root ball.. For soil I only use fox farms.. but Im sure any decent soil will be fine for the dixie cup.. just make sure it drains well... Cut holes on the bottom of the dixie too.. What soil/nutes do you plan on using for the rest of the grow?


Active Member
wow sorry bro .. i just re read your 1st post and your tent is a 3x3 soo ....
400 watts x 9sq ft .. 44 watts per sq ft.. not too bad.. sum cfl's to supplement could really help your yield .. or a 600 watter would be perfect :)
I have about 80w sq/ft .. I have a 1000w & 150w hps in the flower room with a couple cfl's at times .. I was womdering in a 3x5 tent how many plants could I grow if I LST them?? Also what do you think a common yield for that many plants might or might not be ?? In a 7gl ... 5gl ... 11 gl .. and more to be bought .. I have 3 going now but want to add more but not too many for the lights ? I want to get close to max yield and dense nugs .. I can get the 1000w about 12" away from the canopy .. Still doing my 1st grow .. Didnt veg long enough.

Thanks to anyone that could help ...

Not trying to hijack the thread ... I posted 3 times about this but havent gotten any responses .. Thanks

- thchead


Well-Known Member
2 Pounds dry per plant?! wow, that's a lot.. is he doing it outdoor??

I wouldn't know about the soil, or the solo cup.. can you post a picture of your plant ?


Well-Known Member
And Thchead I would answer your question, but i'm not a master of tent dynamics and whatnot, I think alotaball should know.

But I would think it boils down to the size of the pots, I use 4 5GAL pots and I think they are too big for my setup, but should work..
If you're using 9gl.. 11gl and whatnot I think you would probably only be able to fit maybe 2 more plants and still get max yield.

but what do i know :P


Well-Known Member
THC.. its not the plant count that matters.. pretty much you will get similar yield from 1 plant or 5 plants or 10.. doesnt really matter.. what matters is you have enough light for your area.. and that you fill that ENTIRE area with a nice even canopy.. and you will get the max yield for your lighting setup. So put as many plants as you would like to fill your grow area. Light determines yield more then plant count.

The rule of thumb I was told.. is 1 gallon for every foot of planned height.. SO if you think she will finish at 5 ft.. go to a 5 gallon.. I do know though .. i have 2 appox 3 ft tall hindu kush's.. one I put in a 5 gal grow bag.. the other a 3 gallon grow bag.. I can tell the 5 gallon girl has more weight on her and looks more robust.. that was reason enough for me to go to all 5 gallons from here on out.

If it was my area I would prob run 3-5 plants.. you should get great results from the lighting you have..very close to what I have per sq ft and I am amazed at the density in my indica's.. I cant wait to pull the hindu kush's and show you guys .. the buds are ROCK hard.

As for yield .. .5 grams a watt is a new grower estimate.. the better more experienced growers who are dialed in..get a gram a watt if not more.. I would make sure you replace your bulbs after a few grows.. they lose strength and keep the glass on the hood very clean . SO a fair estimate if you fill your area well with a decent yielding strain.. 3/4lb -1 1/2. Really tons of variables though!

Please understand all of this is my opinion on what I have learned during my grow and the other grows I have been part of.. Talk to ya soon THC and STEEZ i gotta go trim lol :)


just dixie cup her now then.. dont wanna risk that thing falling apart and distupting the root ball.. For soil I only use fox farms.. but Im sure any decent soil will be fine for the dixie cup.. just make sure it drains well... Cut holes on the bottom of the dixie too.. What soil/nutes do you plan on using for the rest of the grow?
Molasas/kelp seaweed/humic acids/maybe some liquified fish, not sure if ill go with the fish yet but i might.


Active Member
maybe some liquified fish, not sure if ill go with the fish yet but i might.
Fish Emulsion is really good for your plants in the vegetative state and becomes less important in the Flower stage. You can find it @hardware stores or the hydro shop. Really, I have found that it is a good idea to talk to the hydro guys at the shop. They usually know what variety of 'tomato' it is you are trying to grow, lol. They have a lot of helpful feeback while being able to show you the exact nutrients and their uses. Which may give you a good idea of what is out there, and will be more understood now that you have been growing for a little while.


Well-Known Member
Watered the ladies this morning, gave them a neem bath before lights out last night. They drank like 12 waterbottles and finally after pouring it like 2 minutes later water showed up in the drainage catch under the pot.

But they are going to love the next 2 days :]


Active Member
Thanks alot .. I reallly apprieciate the feedback.. I will de go w/ 5 plants and hopefully shoot for around .5g a watt .. Which with heavy lst and an even canopy im hoping for a lb . what size light did you say you were using again? and how close can you get to the canopy with it ? .. thanks for the tip on cleaning my glass it was really dirty. How many mason jars would I need for a lb ? Thanks


Active Member
I use squid .. Plants seem to love it. Shit stinks real bad tho .. Kings kush got a dose last night. Along with some bioroot, bioThrive, bioBud, calmag & hygrozyme. Hope she likes it


Well-Known Member
Thats actually a question i've been meaning to ask, thank you for bringing it up THCHead...

YEA ALOTABALL, since you're the almighty wizard of this thread, and can conjure up miraculous answers!
How many mason jars do you think we will need for a pound harvest?

And i'm using a 400W light + Air cooled reflector... I got the light probably 10 inches to a foot from my plants and I can probably even drop it another 4 inches if I wanted to...
I read it's heat that kills plants not light, and my light literally has no heat.. i can put my hand on the glass and feel nothing after its been running all day.


Well-Known Member
Im about 16 inches from the tops.. But I hope to improve that .. I want to buy some bigger hoods.. I really dont have much heat and I could get them lower.. but I have to keep atleast that high or the light footprint isnt big enough to cover all the plants. I am going to upgrade to xxxl hoods after this harvest I believe.

Now for mason jars.. I fit about 1 ounce of fairly dense nugs in a jar.. still leaves room for some air in there.. You could prob sqeeze in more.. but I wouldnt .. im too nervous about mold... SO 16 jars . I live in the ghetto and have a 99 cent store on the corner lol.. and they have some big glass jars with screw lids.. ill show you a picture later.. they are only a buck and look to fit 2-3 ounces.. Ill let you guys know what they fit after I hit the collective this evening .

Regs Suck

Hey guys. I've been following while gathering information from the site. Ya'll seem like some guys I would hang out with, so if you don't mind I have a few questions.

I'm about to start my first grow. I planned on doing it in a closet, but after seeing how much ventilation I would need and the odor issue, I decided to build a box and put it into the garage (more space, cant vent outside through window or up through ceiling, just more options in general). I plan on building a a 6'x4'x6'. Is plywood with flat white paint enough? Should I put anything else on the walls? Like aluminum foil or reflective board?

Going by what I've read on this thread, with my 600w light I have about 12sf to work with for plants. About how many plants does that equate to. Oh btw, witll be planting NL fems.

Equipment (as of right now):
PowerTrip 600+ kit:
6" or 8" air cooled reflector w/ flip glass
Dimmable fan cooled ballast
Dual-Arc 600w bulb
FFOF and FF light warrior for the seedlings
GH micro and bloom
five gal buckets

Any advice, comments, suggestions, or caveats will be greatly appreciated. I am about to leave for work, so I will not be able to respond to any posts until later this evening or tom morn, but I will check back. Thanks again and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
I would be worried in the garage about heat.. is it a insulated garage? Flat white works well imo .. I think I read its 85 % reflective.. but mylar beat it out at 90 something percent.. in the study I read.. As for plant count... its up to you.. you can fill the space with a bunch of smaller plants .. with a few mediums.. or even 1 or 2 big plants.. depends how long you want to veg.

12 sq ft with 600 watts is pretty good.. just dont overcrowd em and I think you will get some nice dense nugs :)

Let me know what results you get from the Dual Arc.. I have heard mixed reviews on them. When I buy my next house I want to kinda do the same thing. I would like to run my 2 1000 watters.. then put a 400 watt or 600 watt MH on a light mover over all the plants .. that way they get constant red spectrum .. and some blue. In a perfect setup in my mind I would use the 2 1000 eye hortilux kits I have and a 400 with a ceramic metal halide on a mover. My buddy runs those bulbs.. AND I LOVE EM.. they just dont put out enough lumens.. but the plants LOVE the spectrum they produce.


Well-Known Member
Be careful if those are the GH flora series nutes.. they work well in soil too.. but you need to use the drain to waste feed schedule.. and I still went about 1/4 - 1/2 strength.. my plants stayed VERY green. I have been very happy with how they worked!

Regs Suck

Thanks for the input. I don't know if it is insulated or not, but if I had to guess I would say no. The temp in there today was around 83-85 deg. My "plan" as far as plants go was about 6-7 ultimately in 5 gal buckets. I know you said in an earlier post it's not the quantity of plants, just make sure you maximize the light. I was kinda hesitant on the dual-arc bulb, but the guy said he's seen some phenomenal products, so I said what the hell. Would you mind emailing me that soil chart you were telling steezz about? I'll pm you my address. If not it's cool. I know I'm the new guy around here. What combination did you use in your feeding water? (e.g. micro and bloom together?) The guy at the store said I shouldn't need grow. Yes they are the flora nutes. You said I shouldn't need any nutes because of the FFOF for the first 3-4 weeks, but i like your idea of GENTLY introducing them to it. Did you use the 1/4 strength on your first few feedings during veg? This is all so exciting to me, not just because of growing my own smoke, but also the challenge of it all. And also, generally how long would you veg? I would like the plants to be anywhere from 3-4 ft tall, but will nice dense nugs. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I started at around a 1/4 strength of their drain to waste feed schedule.. they should have it at the hydro shop or online... I will look for the feed schedule for soil specifically ... when I get home tonight.. No problem sharing it.. I got it from someone else .. and it worked very well. I still used a little of the grow.. but you probably wont need it if you only veg for 3-4 weeks.. If you plan to veg longer like 2 months and do alot of training... then ya get the grow for sure. Basic rule of thumb is if its a indica it will be about double the height when finished from the flip of 12/12. Sativa's can double to triple in size.. O another thing about the nutes.. always mix in the GH micro first.. it has a PH buffer and has to be mixed in first.. then do the other ones (grow or bloom). I would worry about your temps.. even with really good ventalation your going to have a 4-8 degree raise in temps over the ambient temp.. anything above 85 without co2 will give ya airy buds imo. I try to stay at high 70's to low low 80's. You might be able to find a strain that will still do well in the heat.. but I wouldnt know which ones those are.

Sorry if this is kinda a thrown together response .. im using my cell.. ill be on the pc tonight and will give ya some better answers. Im really putting all my effort into training and pruning on this next go around on my grow.. I really wanna see the difference it makes over my current grow which all the plants pretty much grew naturally . Im not topping , lsting , and pruning off the bottom 1/3 of under growth .. that way the plant uses less effort for the small stuff.. it also give me an area where I can have a fan blowing between the soil and bottom of the plant.. so moisture doesnt build up.. im really paranoid about powdery mildew.. I have seen it tear up too many grows.


Well-Known Member
Send me that GH conversation chart aswell alotaball!! I should be getting nutes this weekend, probably sunday aswell as a PH Meter... You think I should get a PH/ PPM Meter? The hydro store by my house has like 50$ the cheapest, couldn't find anything like you said and that's just for a PH Meter, the PH/ PPM are like 120$+... which would you think I should get?

Also, welcome to the thread Regs!
glad to see new people stoppin in and this thread coming in handy for others.