Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
Heres a few pictures, my light with the duct, my duct going to my fan, then the duct from the fan coming out and onto my ballast keeping it cool.

Also the two windows I usually keep one of them open atleast all the time.
my humidity and temperature reader also has a wire for an outdoor adapter thingy, can I also do the same thing as you and just hook that up and then keep my reader outside my tent?
I figured it was literally for outdoor O.O lol.

And I have a Sunleaves digital hydro-thermometer minimum/maximum reading memory with outdoor sensor, it's pretty much a cord with a little thing on the tip that plugs into my device, do i just put that by my plant laying on the soil to check humidity / temp from inside the tent? or does it only check temp?



Well-Known Member
OOO K now I know whatcha got going on .. lol crazy how pics help.. first I would hang the wire or put a bamboo stake or something to get the sensor at the canopy level.. that is prob the most important temp you need to know in the tent. Once your girl soon to be GIRLS :) are looking settled in .. lower the 400 watter as low as you can without it burning the back of your hand if you put your hand right at the tops of your plants for a full minute.. normally 12-18 inches above the tops is good. Now to help temps you need to get the air that your fan is pulling from the tent and off the hot bulb.. OUT of the room.. so out the window .. or into the attic ( be careful with that because you dont want extra moisture in your attic). BUt basically you want to get all the hot air in another area then the room your tent is in... I have mine exhausting out a window and into the backyard. Otherwise your gonna just start heating up your whole bedroom. IN the future if you can afford it because you probably need a stronger fan .. I would either A. put a duct from the other side of your light up to the top of the tent ... to get the hot air from the top of the tent.. this is also where your carbon filter should go when ya get one. OR B. buy a 2nd fan just for exhausting your tent. You need to pull the air out of your tent and replace it atleast 1 time every 5 minutes to keep the girls healthy and provide plenty of CO2 for them. All I can think of right now.. it looks like ur getting it down the .. looks good!


Well-Known Member
ignore the duct in the back.. but this is how I use to exhaust my tent before I bought a second fan.. The filter is at the top of the tent to get the hottest air out.. if not it just sits up there.. and builds up.. which really becomes a problem when your plants are 3-5 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh I got what your saying now, so pretty much put another duct at the top of one of the corners of my tent to exhaust mostly the hot air built up cause heat rises yea? I can do that right now.
-Valueline 171 CFM 4 Inch Centrifugal Inline Fan- This is what I have, I don't know if its good or not, but seems pretty good.
I have air conditioning in my apartment so i'm not worried about heat.. it stays around 70-75 degrees in my house.. which is fine to me, but should I still vent the air out into my living room or something?


Well-Known Member
and yea haha! my girlfriend insists on buying this water by the cases... haha plants seem to enjoy it.

now when i'm finished with this grow I can come praise you for all your help since you live close lol.
that or just let you have some of the end result haha.


Well-Known Member
You might be ok because your only exhausting 400 watts of heat.. I have 2000w in my bedroom so I HAVE to put the heat out the window.. even if my whole house is 70 degrees with the air cookin.. that individual room will be 90 if I didnt exhaust it ... That fan might be enough foryou... i have the same fan in the 6 inch and 8 inch versions.. the thing that kills it is when you buy a carbon filter for odor control.. they rob a lot of cfm's. IF you have your medical card and live real local .. maybe we can exchange some home grown buds and tips/experiences.... its so nice being in cali and not having to hide ..... send me a personal message if ya want and we can see how close you are.... Keep buying the water by the case btw.. ur paying my bills :)


Well-Known Member
also if ya can get the duct towards the middle top of the tent if possible.. I took that pic before I moved it to the middle of the 8x4 tent. I must of rearranged my ventilation a 100 times before I was happy .. keeping a 8x4 at 75-83 degrees is challenging especially with 2000watts in there and a T5 4 bulb 4 footer in the closet.. I wish I could go to a smaller setup like yours .. but its my personal grow and I am trying to provide for my grandparents who also have cards.... would of been easier if i started smaller .. but im loving it .. its working out good.. and I have been around and helped grow for a few years so I think that gave me a head start :)


Well-Known Member
Update, my current one plant has grown an inch a day since i've gotten my setup, it's lookin greener and greener aswell.

Was a little worried I over-watered a tad because the plants were getting droopy at the end of the 18 hours of light, but I read plants sometimes just do that at the end of the light cycle. But now they popped back into form this morning.

I'm going to need to get an intake fan though cause when I shut my lights off and my exhaust fan is still running with my tent closed up, it creates a negative pressure inside my tent... any quick cheap ways to fix this without buying an intake?


Well-Known Member
you want negative pressure .. just open one of the passive intakes at the bottom of the tent.. so new fresh air can be pulled in...


Well-Known Member
God I swear you are the man, everytime i've been in need so far you've come through.

Wont that be bad cause it'll let light in?
Do you mean just open up the circle vent holes at the bottom of my tent or the windows?..

Last night I pretty much just left some of my tent at the bottom unzipped cause it was dark in my room anyways when I was asleep... don't know if thats bad/good.


Well-Known Member
Possibly my new plant, it looks good.. girlfriend said someone just brought it into the shop she works at.. but they want too much imo.
Was just possibly going to call my usual clinic I order my meds from cause their shit is best of the best no joke, but they are in rockwool.

can you actually do rockwool to soil without any problems?



If you pressed for time(moving) consider a 24/24 veg cycle. A previous was that energy wouldn't be an issue.Ima newb, so the rate of growth I can only say will be quicker; I assume some adjustments of some sorts'll have to be made.


Well-Known Member
Steez I have some clones if ya want 1 or 2.. They have been rooting for 6 days.. so im sure they will be rooted in the next day or 2.. I have Alien OG and Querkle from tga that I can spare.. I also have Laughing buddha from Barneys farm.. but it is almost a pure sativa and flowers for 12 weeks or more some times so depends if you like sativa's. I only take clones for personal so I can only spare a few.. but if i remember right your only growing a couple plants. I just took 2 cuttings from my hindu kush but that wouldnt be ready for another week .. shes a real easy one to grow .. and stays super bushy. Let me know if I can help ya out :)


Well-Known Member
O about the passive intake.. When i was using mine I just rigged a way for the light not to be able to come straight in . there should be flaps on your tent to help with the light coming in also.. depending on the brand OR you could just open one of the ducts on the bottem.. put a peice of ducting in there with a turn in it so no light goes into the tent.. then put some panty hose over the open end to prevent any bugs from crawling in lol.


Well-Known Member
I already had a panty hose ready and cut for that exact problem lol.
Yea, i'm way down for some clones man!!!! Especially after seeing what you produced, holy shitballs.
I'm probably going to do what you said, for each duct opening on my tent it has 2 bag-like things with string ties to tighten them up if wanted, i can probably rig it somehow to make it to where it wont let light in.


Well-Known Member
Ill send ya a pm Once I see some roots... it will prob be 1 or 2 more days.. till they root. Send me a pm of what ones you would like to try.


Well-Known Member
ITs good to have that ventalation running while lights are off too.. specially once your in 12/12 and have big pots of moist soil in there.. the humidity will go high as hell inviting powdery mildew ect.. if you dont vent with lights off.. so its good your addressing it now before the flip:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Just got my 3 new clones, not including 2 more I might get tomorrow from a friend... so i'll have 6 total, which is kindof much in my opinion for how much light I have.. I think I should stick with four.

Master Bubba, Northern Lights, Hindu Kush.... about 5-6 inches.. but they look really good to me already.
Any idea what kind of fertilizer I should pick up?
And what kind of nutes I should pick up aswell?

