Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
The new ladies look very nice.. If your putting them in Fox Farms Ocean Forest.. you probably wont need much for veg nutes wise.. that soil seems to feed em ok for about 3-4 weeks. Are you thinking you wanna go organic or reg nutes... I think organic you get the best taste and quality but loose some yield .. the chemical nutes still produce great results .. and a lot more yield.. but organic always taste better in my opinion. For your first run I would get something pretty simple and proven that way you can focus on all the other stuff your learning.. then experiment with other nutes and additives when your feeling comfortable.. and youll have some base results to work off of. I wish i would of done some training on my first run.. that is whats bothering me the most because the girls get OUT OF CONTROL. Ive used the General Hydroponics Flora grow/bloom/micro for my first run threw... the 2 new girls I added are getting Fox Farms GROW BLOOM AND TIGER 3 part.. im gonna compare results.. The General Hydro nutes worked well .. I never had a plant that didnt stay DARK and healthy green .. well until now cus its late in flower lol. But the Flora series I am using is made for hydro and you have to feed them light.. I have a soil feeding chart for these nutes.. so if ya use them let me know and Ill email it to ya. They also have a floranova series and a organic series.. SOOO many options LOL. imo you really just need to get something basic.. then try other stuff as you go and see what works for you . Everyone has different ideas of what helps their grow. If you use tap water try to set it out for 24 hours to let the chlorine evaporate... I bubble mine personally for 24 hrs .. then add molasses and bubble it for a little longer to mix the thick stuff :)


Well-Known Member
Hey steez I just reread your setup.. your gonna need bigger pots when they get big enough to flower .. general rule is 1 gallon for every foot of growth.. I have all mine in 3 and 5 gallon containers.. From here forward I will run all 5 gallon containers... the 3 gallon containers worked fine but the same strains in 5 gallon containers are just so much bigger and chunkier buds.


Well-Known Member
I'm most likely not going to use organic, unless it's easier to maintain.

I'm more for quality, but still want a decent yield.
Should I just go to my hydro-store and ask them for the best basic nutes for flowering?
And i'm going to need a PH meter for my water when I add the nutes so that means I need PH up and down right?
And I use bottled water to water my plants, bad?


Well-Known Member
wow, 5 gals on a 400w? threes were kind of big for me. I've ended up using perfect pots. 4 under my 400w but I do have to water almost everyday when they get big..


Well-Known Member
I think of it like this... everyone needs tools.. mechanics need a wrench and a jack .. cooks need pots n pans.. growers need the right tools too to do a good job too.(ex:ph meter.. ppm ect). You can do it without the right tools..but it sure makes the job easier! Bottled water is not bad.. but you can use tap .. they will consume alot of water when they are older.. if your going to do 4-6 plants.. I would only veg for a couple weeks...they will stretch when they go 12/12.. and you want them all to fit in the footprint of that 400.. I have seen clonesbout 6-8 inches tall and still got over an ounce per plant of finished bud.. so starting em small isnt so bad..


Well-Known Member
Smoking by the PC thought i'd show you guys the kind of bud that the place I got my clones from has, and hopefully what my bud might resemble in the slightest manor...
And some wax from my girlfriends work, tastey.

Happy tokin! :]



Well-Known Member
Just woke up, lights finally kicked on.. Humidty stayed under 50% throughout the night and the temp is usually stable around 75-78.
About to head to the hydro store and pick up some 3GAL Buckets, more FF Ocean Forest, Perelite, and quite possibly some nutes for later.

I'll have pics up when I finish setting everything up. :]


Well-Known Member
Alright so, I went to the hydro store.. and the guy told me to actually transfer my rockwool cube clones into a SOLO cup for a week rather straight into a 3GAL/5GAL to prevent root bound, aswell as switching my 1GAL plant into 3GAL/5GAL. so i'm going to get some solo cups today to put the clones in, unless you guys think otherwise? I also took all the soil out of my 1GAL plant, and mixed some perelite into it and mixed it around.
So as of right now, i'm waiting 1 more week before putting ALL of my plants into 5 GAL buckets, then i'm going to start 12/12.

Anyways, I got.. 4x 5GAL Pots.
FoxFarm Ocean Forest.
Gnat Strips.

Will throw up some pictures when I finish watering.


Well-Known Member
Normally I go from clone to beer cups/ solo cups.. or 1 gallon grow bags.. ... then a week before flower I go into my 5 gallons.. let them get established for a week or two .. then flower em.. .. Im about to post a little update in my journal on the 1 Querkle I had to take at 5 weeks 4 days :(. Actually came out good though.. Looking forward to your update!


Well-Known Member
So, these are the babies... Master Bubba, Northern Lights, and Hindu Kush..
and my oldest of them all, the desert dream.
They just got put into Solo cups with 20-30% Perelite and the rest FoxFarm OceanSoil, and remixed my Desert Dream with more perelite. Watered everything today till I saw water come out the bottom, not a lot just enough to know it came out, but I watered my desert dream like probably a whole waterbottle with no water coming out the bottom, so I figure I should put even MORE perelite?

Anywho, so now I plan not to feed for 2-3 days we'll see how they look, but i'm already way stoked right now with how they are looking, let me know if you see anything I should change or do different.
My Brother also told me to try to keep the temp under 80, cause if its like a stable 85 it causes the plant to stop growing?.. truth?

Also, the desert dream is already smellin a little bit, OOOLALA :D



Well-Known Member
you probably wont need to feed for 3 weeks or so with the ocean forest soil.. its pretty loaded with goodies.. if you do decide to feed start VERY low so you dont burn em :). Looks good...


Well-Known Member
Little curiousity, didn't see these before but upon closer inspection found it on the hindu kush... theres more on the leaf i took a picture of, but it also is on 2 more leafs of the plants.. sorry for the quality, don't have a camera besides my cellphone or nitendo DSi :XzzzzzLeaf.jpg

There are little white dots scattered across.. but i don't see anything on any of the other plants besides one little tiny black dot on one of the northern lights leafs, probaby just dirt.
but this plant is what im worried about, i wouldnt mind just throwing this away and keeping the other two if i have to.


Well-Known Member
look under the leaves.. that could be spider mite damage... If you dont already have one .. i would go buy a little loupe or jewelers magnifying glass.. like a 30x one .. here is pic.. you can find them online.. hydro shop.. sometimes radio shack.. I have the loupe one for insect inspection and a 100x mini micro for looking at trichomes to see when the girls are finished.. Both of em were less the 15 bucks each. The mites might be visible to the naked eye.. the eggs look like tiny little white dots on the bottom of the leaves.. It could just be old damage from the mom plant .. and there is no more mites.. or it could have mites... i would go through it inch by inch.



Well-Known Member
They don't look like dots, it almost looks like pin holes, its not like somethings growing on it its like something was eating it.
But i'm going to go grab a 30x when I get some more cash, spent like 800$ this week :P

And it turns out upon further inspection of my lease, after my lease is up I have the chance to pay month-to-month..

So I'm going to full veg these babies and knock out some yield!!!

+getting a 12inch white widow clone tomorrow to finish off my group of girls.


Well-Known Member
Nice .. WhiteWidow is a great hybrid.. just start it early it stretches crazy in flower.. I have one that is a couple weeks in flower.. ill show ya a pic tonight when the lights come on ...


Well-Known Member
I just called the clinic, and they said that their room is bug free and they even put me on hold and checked all the plants just to be sure for themselves lol... even when the guy showed up the clones were in this big tube like thing that he had to push something to release the air and then whip out the clones.
So maybe just damage from the mother or something?... it's the worst on this leaf as it is anywhere on the plant, only a small amount on the other 2 leaves maybe 2-4 dots. and nothing else on any other plants.
And I trust this place too ontop of it, i mean it's the only place in my area I can get dank dank dank top quality meds from.

any ideas from the magical and wise experts?


Well-Known Member
its probably fine... but just do routine inspections here and there.. we get mites out here all the time.. specially in the summer heat.. Better to get a little preventive plan going before you get any.. with neem or something similair... They look really good though.. Do ya plan on doing any special training??


Well-Known Member
Training, not sure what you mean by that haha.

I got a 30x Microscope just now, and they seem fine.. the hydrostore brought up thrips.. but I saw waht thrips do and its nothing like it...

I think it's just damage from the mother, but i'll keep close eyes.
My brother just sent me two pics of his plants hes doing, and of his personal OG strain.
I'll let you guys check it out, :]



Well-Known Member
Question :

Should I trasnfer my clones in the Solo cups into a 1GAL pot before I put them into a 5GAL pot?