Friend Fucked on a front; What to do?

The problem with doing the whole thing at his friend's place is what happens to his friend when he skates out of their with their (his by all rights) cash. Your friend fucked up though fronting to them (I'm assuming he does it frequently) more than once.
In my opinion these guys sound like a bunch of clowns & punks. On a basic level these guys are nothing but bottom feeding thieves. Flat out common thieves. Thieves are 9/10 times cowards at heart.
You stated the guy who ripped him off is a pussy.
Option 1 - If your friend wants his $ back then he's just going to have to up and take it when guy shows up. Might have to be prepared to rough him up a bit. Take precautions and all that. Maybe bring a little muscle with him that's going to hang out in another room to bust in if/when things go down. If your friend can't take him down easily then I suggest some added muscle. If dude doesn't carry then it could be as simple as getting right on top of him if he gets uppity. Learn a proper choke hold. Or a sleeper. No words. No talking about how "they did him wrong" or any of that business. Act 1st and then talk after. He can talk when guy wakes up. It takes less than 20 seconds to drop someone with a proper sleeper. If you can hang on for more than 5 it gets easier by the second.

Option - 2 He can cut his losses.

Option 1 He gets his $ and breaks even. Word gets around. People will think twice about screwing with him. Street cred and personal clout is a good thing to have.

Option 2 He takes a hit. The thieves get away and probably even sit around bragging about it from time to time.

If he's going to do business with people he has to front to then he shouldn't have to do it more than once. Getting that first payout and re upping should have been his clients first priority. Profits can come after that. If it's someone who constantly has to be fronted to then they flat out don't know how to handle their own business in the first place. Or they have no gameplan and or don't care about having a gameplan. Those are people to flat out avoid. Nothing good will ever come from dealings with bottom feeders.

Your friend needs to start being smart about his business from now on though. Learn from this and never repeat it.
im bored so i guess ill repeat some and give my opinion

a.) charge it to the game and learn, never front. never front never front. especially to friends or fam. just dont do it. doesn't matter if small amount yiu dont care about, thats even worse. then when you dont get back you dont really care and look like a bitch. or collateral, car title, jewelry anything thats worth more than the front.

depends what sort of person you are.
as hot rod harley said. thats how we do things honestly

cartel connects have given me much safety over the years, my trap houses stay unlocked and i dont walk around strapped. got boys at entrances to neighborhood as well as watching each trap, i aint gonna fight, you can come in snatch whatever, but you better hurry and you aint gonna leave this block. understand. money is blinding your own mother might turn on you if you have 30 racks just chilling off a deal etc

b.) get some heat, ride 4-5 deep and come out hot, none of this talking crap like a villain on tv. get it done and move before/if laws show.
a few racks is enough change to wind up in a cold case. come through the door and sweep, with your squad coming in same time. snatch the money and weed, rest is up to you..i imagine yiu dont think anyone should be hurt. fine, now they know your about your business and word will spread


hipoint carbine
.45 acp
these are cheap burners you load up on, are there better, sure.

yiu best get yo shit together. if nothing happens to him and other folk sees dealer again or word gets out..guess what happens.
yiu end up in a ditch off rundberg (austin tx) bet you $5 theres a body down there right now

if yiu want to continue making an income selling, especially on the black market you gotta be smarter. if yiu want to move weightyou better protect yourself. yiu gotta get grimey. this business is easy money because the work comes in differently..

i dont drop weight in the city i live, it gets too hot and people will start to know and recognize you.

if this is to extreme or to much for you or your friend. a career on the blackmarket isnt for him. i promise. doesnt matter if its just weed.

try blackmarket in a legal state maybe.

you really need to change your mentality when doing this. doesnt matter if your in the ghetto or dealing with old money customers

im bored so i guess ill repeat some and give my opinion

a.) charge it to the game and learn, never front. never front never front. especially to friends or fam. just dont do it. doesn't matter if small amount yiu dont care about, thats even worse. then when you dont get back you dont really care and look like a bitch. or collateral, car title, jewelry anything thats worth more than the front.

depends what sort of person you are.
as hot rod harley said. thats how we do things honestly

cartel connects have given me much safety over the years, my trap houses stay unlocked and i dont walk around strapped. got boys at entrances to neighborhood as well as watching each trap, i aint gonna fight, you can come in snatch whatever, but you better hurry and you aint gonna leave this block. understand. money is blinding your own mother might turn on you if you have 30 racks just chilling off a deal etc

b.) get some heat, ride 4-5 deep and come out hot, none of this talking crap like a villain on tv. get it done and move before/if laws show.
a few racks is enough change to wind up in a cold case. come through the door and sweep, with your squad coming in same time. snatch the money and weed, rest is up to you..i imagine yiu dont think anyone should be hurt. fine, now they know your about your business and word will spread


hipoint carbine
.45 acp
these are cheap burners you load up on, are there better, sure.

yiu best get yo shit together. if nothing happens to him and other folk sees dealer again or word gets out..guess what happens.
yiu end up in a ditch off rundberg (austin tx) bet you $5 theres a body down there right now

if yiu want to continue making an income selling, especially on the black market you gotta be smarter. if yiu want to move weightyou better protect yourself. yiu gotta get grimey. this business is easy money because the work comes in differently..

i dont drop weight in the city i live, it gets too hot and people will start to know and recognize you.

if this is to extreme or to much for you or your friend. a career on the blackmarket isnt for him. i promise. doesnt matter if its just weed.

try blackmarket in a legal state maybe.

you really need to change your mentality when doing this. doesnt matter if your in the ghetto or dealing with old money customers

I appreciate you weighing in, although I think the situation is a little different than you are imagining. The individuals live very far away from each other in different states and he is in a legal state doing it semi-legal, semi-black market to my understanding. I agree with all points you made, collateral, never front (I'm sure that lesson has been learned by now) word will spread in a negative way if nothing is done about it and could come around to bite him (although very few knows where he lives, I don't think these guys would remember) and they are not in the same state making it more difficult to set him up or anything like that + he has several large dogs and a legal grow, so shouldn't have too much to worry about there. IMO, the main thing to worry about as far as potentially getting a reputation as a pushover would be if he were to front anymore, people would be more likely to fuck him over. I don't think he's to concerned about people trying to visit his house though, lots of people and large mean dogs living there.
Would you agree on my thinking here or no? It's in a state with mmj laws, as far as using force, weapons would not be needed with these punks, none of them can fight. But what's the chances of cops being called for assault? And if he just takes the money then drives off, what's the chances they would call the cops for stealing money? I highly doubt this would happen, but hate to give my friend ill-advice that will work to his disadvantage and fuck up his future. I don't know that it's worth it for someone who eventually wants to get involved in the legal mmj business?

I agree with Doublejj for the most part that it is not worth all that for a couple lbs of weed, but at the same time I do agree with you in that -- what kind of message does that send about my friend when word gets around he's a pushover?
The problem with doing the whole thing at his friend's place is what happens to his friend when he skates out of their with their (his by all rights) cash. Your friend fucked up though fronting to them (I'm assuming he does it frequently) more than once.
In my opinion these guys sound like a bunch of clowns & punks. On a basic level these guys are nothing but bottom feeding thieves. Flat out common thieves. Thieves are 9/10 times cowards at heart.
You stated the guy who ripped him off is a pussy.
Option 1 - If your friend wants his $ back then he's just going to have to up and take it when guy shows up. Might have to be prepared to rough him up a bit. Take precautions and all that. Maybe bring a little muscle with him that's going to hang out in another room to bust in if/when things go down. If your friend can't take him down easily then I suggest some added muscle. If dude doesn't carry then it could be as simple as getting right on top of him if he gets uppity. Learn a proper choke hold. Or a sleeper. No words. No talking about how "they did him wrong" or any of that business. Act 1st and then talk after. He can talk when guy wakes up. It takes less than 20 seconds to drop someone with a proper sleeper. If you can hang on for more than 5 it gets easier by the second.

Option - 2 He can cut his losses.

Option 1 He gets his $ and breaks even. Word gets around. People will think twice about screwing with him. Street cred and personal clout is a good thing to have.

Option 2 He takes a hit. The thieves get away and probably even sit around bragging about it from time to time.

If he's going to do business with people he has to front to then he shouldn't have to do it more than once. Getting that first payout and re upping should have been his clients first priority. Profits can come after that. If it's someone who constantly has to be fronted to then they flat out don't know how to handle their own business in the first place. Or they have no gameplan and or don't care about having a gameplan. Those are people to flat out avoid. Nothing good will ever come from dealings with bottom feeders.

Your friend needs to start being smart about his business from now on though. Learn from this and never repeat it.
I agree 100%, and the thought of them bragging about it makes me upset and it's not even my thing. Thanks for your advice.
Tell him to find a new customer and tell them to go f**k off
He has plenty of other customers and didn't need to front in the first place so idk what the hell he was thinking. In your opinion, best to leave the situation alone, not make a bad situation worse?
Businesses have ups and downs. He should cut his losses if he wants to head back on the up.

I could maybe see selling them one but another front is bad business. The I got robbed story is shit kids pulled in highschool.

He doesn't have to harm anyone, just tell them they need to repay the last front before they get another. They should have to work their way back up, not your friend.

If some one is working with you on a front basis they will always be one up on you. Its like giving them a free bag just for doing business with you. That first bag never gets paid for.

When your weed runs out and they can't get more from you, they take the money they owe for the front and give it to other dealers to start business with them.

Then when that guy runs out they rip his front money off and come back to you with a bullshit story like I got robbed.

People don't care if your out of money as long as they get high, no matter what drug you sell.

Its best to hold out for better customers who have cash. Slow money is better than no money.
Yeah I agree 100%, thanks for the advice my man.

I agree with pretty much everything that has been said in this thread. Damn, it's hard to figure these things out.. Contradicting opinions.
Firearms are to be used as a last resort for self defense, only. They are not for brandishing around trying to correct your poor business decisions. Your friend overextended credit to the wrong people, it happens to business all the time. Quit blaming the other guy's. You fucked up you trusted them, take it like a man. Using a gun only admits you are too weak to handle business yourself the right way. I have moved tons of weed in this game for many years & I never had to revert to firearms. Your buddies own greed overwrote his common sense, don't let a gun do it again...
Personally I don't lay people on anymore, no money no smoke but in the past I sort of ran it like a pawn shop if you have no money and you want an oz to sell yourself to earn some money I would always take something as collateral an oz is 200 quid where I live in the uk and if you want one I'll take goods worth 300 quid eg your tv X box cameras phones anything of value to yourself making sure the goods are worth more then what there asking gives them incentive to go make the money fast and give it to you then you hand them there shit back if not you then sell it make your 200 back and 100 on top for the inconvenience it's the best way I think.
sounds shady as fuck. How can they have the nerve to ask for another front after not paying the previous one back.

Basically the only thing to do here is chalk it down to experience and cut the assholes off until they pay for the front. When you decide to front you are basically gambling your money, you have to accept that the whole situation is an evaluation of trust. They pay for the goods they take at a later date as agreed and business can continue, they don't and business can't continue. simple. don't front what you cant lose because there is a high chance people with no money to buy there and then will continue to be people with no money to pay. revenge is not a consideration.
The problem with doing the whole thing at his friend's place is what happens to his friend when he skates out of their with their (his by all rights) cash. Your friend fucked up though fronting to them (I'm assuming he does it frequently) more than once.
In my opinion these guys sound like a bunch of clowns & punks. On a basic level these guys are nothing but bottom feeding thieves. Flat out common thieves. Thieves are 9/10 times cowards at heart.
You stated the guy who ripped him off is a pussy.
Option 1 - If your friend wants his $ back then he's just going to have to up and take it when guy shows up. Might have to be prepared to rough him up a bit. Take precautions and all that. Maybe bring a little muscle with him that's going to hang out in another room to bust in if/when things go down. If your friend can't take him down easily then I suggest some added muscle. If dude doesn't carry then it could be as simple as getting right on top of him if he gets uppity. Learn a proper choke hold. Or a sleeper. No words. No talking about how "they did him wrong" or any of that business. Act 1st and then talk after. He can talk when guy wakes up. It takes less than 20 seconds to drop someone with a proper sleeper. If you can hang on for more than 5 it gets easier by the second.

Option - 2 He can cut his losses.

Option 1 He gets his $ and breaks even. Word gets around. People will think twice about screwing with him. Street cred and personal clout is a good thing to have.

Option 2 He takes a hit. The thieves get away and probably even sit around bragging about it from time to time.

If he's going to do business with people he has to front to then he shouldn't have to do it more than once. Getting that first payout and re upping should have been his clients first priority. Profits can come after that. If it's someone who constantly has to be fronted to then they flat out don't know how to handle their own business in the first place. Or they have no gameplan and or don't care about having a gameplan. Those are people to flat out avoid. Nothing good will ever come from dealings with bottom feeders.

Your friend needs to start being smart about his business from now on though. Learn from this and never repeat it.
Sleeper hold?

Maybe they can do it on t.v with big time wrestling and get famous while he is at it!

A sleeper hold,,,,,,Bawahahahahahahahaha!
My friend came to me the other day looking for advice on a situation and I am wondering if anyone here has any useful suggestions for him on what to do or not to do.

Essentially he said he was helping some friends out; for every one they bought, he fronted them one. This last time they apparently "got robbed" for everything he fronted them, & he said he is 100% sure they are lying. He said they now are wanting him to front one for everyone again, (It is to my understanding they don't have any of the money to reimburse him with) and the dudes plan is to use the money he makes on that to pay him back. To me it seems like they will just fuck him over even more. He said they want to meet him at his friends house close to where they are currently vacationing to do the deal because his friend lives much closer to them. He said he was considering meeting up with them and acting like everything is fine and after counting the money, saying he's going to go check on the dogs in the car, take the money and leave, then not contact them anymore.

One thing I was considering for my friends sake is they have been to his house once, but he said it was late at night, they followed him there and more than likely did not pay attention to his address. They've seen his grow and he says that it is legal, and said he even showed them his paper work when they were there, but I don't know if it is legal or not, he may just say that hoping it works to his benefit.

What do you all suggest my friend do? He said it would be a huge loss to just walk away from.

So, did your friend handle this? What did he do about it?

I agree with doublejj and others. Your buddy should chalk this off as a lesson and move on. Especially considering they've been to his house. They know he has dogs, and I don't think any mutt is a match for a glock. Even a 150lb dog (that's a big fucking dog btw!!).

I feel for your buddy though. Not much worse in life than a thief.
The problem with doing the whole thing at his friend's place is what happens to his friend when he skates out of their with their (his by all rights) cash. Your friend fucked up though fronting to them (I'm assuming he does it frequently) more than once.
In my opinion these guys sound like a bunch of clowns & punks. On a basic level these guys are nothing but bottom feeding thieves. Flat out common thieves. Thieves are 9/10 times cowards at heart.
You stated the guy who ripped him off is a pussy.
Option 1 - If your friend wants his $ back then he's just going to have to up and take it when guy shows up. Might have to be prepared to rough him up a bit. Take precautions and all that. Maybe bring a little muscle with him that's going to hang out in another room to bust in if/when things go down. If your friend can't take him down easily then I suggest some added muscle. If dude doesn't carry then it could be as simple as getting right on top of him if he gets uppity. Learn a proper choke hold. Or a sleeper. No words. No talking about how "they did him wrong" or any of that business. Act 1st and then talk after. He can talk when guy wakes up. It takes less than 20 seconds to drop someone with a proper sleeper. If you can hang on for more than 5 it gets easier by the second.

Option - 2 He can cut his losses.

Option 1 He gets his $ and breaks even. Word gets around. People will think twice about screwing with him. Street cred and personal clout is a good thing to have.

Option 2 He takes a hit. The thieves get away and probably even sit around bragging about it from time to time.

If he's going to do business with people he has to front to then he shouldn't have to do it more than once. Getting that first payout and re upping should have been his clients first priority. Profits can come after that. If it's someone who constantly has to be fronted to then they flat out don't know how to handle their own business in the first place. Or they have no gameplan and or don't care about having a gameplan. Those are people to flat out avoid. Nothing good will ever come from dealings with bottom feeders.

Your friend needs to start being smart about his business from now on though. Learn from this and never repeat it.
What the holy hell son? Peace and love bru.