Well-Known Member
I appreciate you weighing in, although I think the situation is a little different than you are imagining. The individuals live very far away from each other in different states and he is in a legal state doing it semi-legal, semi-black market to my understanding. I agree with all points you made, collateral, never front (I'm sure that lesson has been learned by now) word will spread in a negative way if nothing is done about it and could come around to bite him (although very few knows where he lives, I don't think these guys would remember) and they are not in the same state making it more difficult to set him up or anything like that + he has several large dogs and a legal grow, so shouldn't have too much to worry about there. IMO, the main thing to worry about as far as potentially getting a reputation as a pushover would be if he were to front anymore, people would be more likely to fuck him over. I don't think he's to concerned about people trying to visit his house though, lots of people and large mean dogs living there.
Would you agree on my thinking here or no? It's in a state with mmj laws, as far as using force, weapons would not be needed with these punks, none of them can fight. But what's the chances of cops being called for assault? And if he just takes the money then drives off, what's the chances they would call the cops for stealing money? I highly doubt this would happen, but hate to give my friend ill-advice that will work to his disadvantage and fuck up his future. I don't know that it's worth it for someone who eventually wants to get involved in the legal mmj business?
I agree with Doublejj for the most part that it is not worth all that for a couple lbs of weed, but at the same time I do agree with you in that -- what kind of message does that send about my friend when word gets around he's a pushover?
I agree 100%, and the thought of them bragging about it makes me upset and it's not even my thing. Thanks for your advice.
First of all, If your friend is able to front a couple lb's of weed, he isnt within the law on his allowed amount of usable, and must have more plants than allowed!
What legal state is his garden in?
In MI you can have 5 pt's and your self to grow for, You can legaly have 12 plants per pt and your self if you are a pt/cg.
so in MI a c.g/pt with a full card can legaly have 72 plants, and what we call a MI lb 15 oz's of useable mm=2.5 oz's per pt and himself!
The pt's can also have 2.5 in there possesion/home/wtv, no plants!
Now to get back to your op, I was under the impression that he was fronting this so called friend non pt an oz for every one paid for!
are you saying he is fronting an lb for every lb purchased?
It would be nice to know what amounts you are talking about, untill near the end of page 2 here, most of us were thinking oz's not lb's,
More details on amount would be nice and easier to advise on, but I would'nt resort to gun violence, having a gun during the commision of a fellony is going to at least get him 2 yrs for the gun, if not 5 for during the commision of a fellony!
I hope all works out for your friend, I also hope he learned a valuble lesson!
I dont front to no one, If real friends or family ask for something I give it to them, I dont front or sell to friends and family!