Friends with Sexy Benefits ;)

This has both worked and not worked for me. 1. make sure it is KNOWN upfront that nothing is expected to come from this. 2. verbally repeat #1 often. 3. Dont make it obvious if you see other people besides this one. 4. this is just me, But I would refrain from spending the night or having them spend the night UNLESS drinking is involved. 5. The minute feelings, jealousy, other people get involved I pull the plug.
Good way to explain but feelings will get involved trust me...
Think of it like this if you sleep with anyone else you are not a hoe YOU just got friendly PUSSY LMAO
I thought you weren't gonna tell any one about us............ lol jk

LMAO IM SORRY! i just wanted others opinions :lol::lol:

Ahh I love all these responses thanks guys! The truth is, he's a total jerk. I dont like him as a person personality wise but something about him makes me want to fuck him silly... so in reality, i never see myself getting emotionally attached. He's way too high maintenance and... just not my type! I just like to have sex :D and he's someone I feel sexual with just not..emotional. Last time we hooked up I got up and left :-P Next morning he was like "you didn't stay the night?" Im like no, were not like that...hahaha!

I do see where most of you are coming from though.. i've been down that road, got emotionally attached and got hurt :( So thats why I feel better about it this time cause i've known this guy forever, and even if shit did go down hill I don't care, he's not someone im in fear of losing a friend over that. I'd enjoy the ride.. LITERALLY ha! Love it.

bongsmilie stay high :eyesmoke:
LMAO IM SORRY! i just wanted others opinions :lol::lol:

Ahh I love all these responses thanks guys! The truth is, he's a total jerk. I dont like him as a person personality wise but something about him makes me want to fuck him silly... so in reality, i never see myself getting emotionally attached. He's way too high maintenance and... just not my type! I just like to have sex :D and he's someone I feel sexual with just not..emotional. Last time we hooked up I got up and left :-P Next morning he was like "you didn't stay the night?" Im like no, were not like that...hahaha!

I do see where most of you are coming from though.. i've been down that road, got emotionally attached and got hurt :( So thats why I feel better about it this time cause i've known this guy forever, and even if shit did go down hill I don't care, he's not someone im in fear of losing a friend over that. I'd enjoy the ride.. LITERALLY ha! Love it.

bongsmilie stay high :eyesmoke:
You sound like my kind of girl lmao..Enjoy riding lol...
Relationships based purely on sex never work. Someone is gonna get sprung or get used to the idea that its always there. Friends are THE WORST people to sex. They already have some kind of attachment to you because your friends right? Ya. It'll end badly. I've never seen it work out. And if it does it's usually with a stranger.

Good luck.
Relationships based purely on sex never work. Someone is gonna get sprung or get used to the idea that its always there. Friends are THE WORST people to sex. They already have some kind of attachment to you because your friends right? Ya. It'll end badly. I've never seen it work out. And if it does it's usually with a stranger.

Good luck.

Thanks dear. I havent decided if im going for it, but I'll see.. I just know that our friendship isnt worth much to me (ha) so im kind of happy to get some sex out of it, and if shit goes south then see ya never!

Ah its been too long since i've been single! :eyesmoke:
Sounds like a real winner.

Just kidding. I may have to try that one some time. Although I'm pretty sure that's one of those 1 - million tactics.
Sounds like a real winner.

Just kidding. I may have to try that one some time. Although I'm pretty sure that's one of those 1 - million tactics.

You mean steal someones panties??? RUDE!!! lmao
I think its obvious I couldnt give a shit about this guy…..maybe I shouldn't fuck him again? I mean..he is a jerk..ahhh going to smoke a bowl and think about it!!!
LMAO IM SORRY! i just wanted others opinions :lol::lol:

Ahh I love all these responses thanks guys! The truth is, he's a total jerk. I dont like him as a person personality wise but something about him makes me want to fuck him silly... so in reality, i never see myself getting emotionally attached. He's way too high maintenance and... just not my type! I just like to have sex :D and he's someone I feel sexual with just not..emotional. Last time we hooked up I got up and left :-P Next morning he was like "you didn't stay the night?" Im like no, were not like that...hahaha!

I do see where most of you are coming from though.. i've been down that road, got emotionally attached and got hurt :( So thats why I feel better about it this time cause i've known this guy forever, and even if shit did go down hill I don't care, he's not someone im in fear of losing a friend over that. I'd enjoy the ride.. LITERALLY ha! Love it.

bongsmilie stay high :eyesmoke:

i can only see hurt coming out of this tbh.. you've already said that the one time you've slept together, he was all.. why did you get up and leave.. that right there tells you that dude has some kind of feelings for you that go beyond just wanting to bang you.. and you say you don't really like the dude very much, but somehow you have a friendship with him, which also leads me to think that he is the one persuing something with you.. be it just the friendship, or what have you.
to continue to sleep with the dude with no expectations of it ever going any where, dudes gonna end up hurt.. again, just my two cents.
I was raised to believe in love and all that gay shit. Which was why I was so aqwered with woman when i was growing up till about 17....anywho the first "friend with benefits" was (and still great friends) K----....

She'd always come over and smoke, get high, w.e. we just got along great. For about a year shed always snuggle with me, rub my feet, even rub on some areas that hinted towards what she wanted. But I was madly in love with this other girl (still am but, what are you gonna do...) and she had a bf. finally after a year, one night she was snuggleing with me and I just lifted up her chin we looked at each other and I kissed her, and yeah...nature took over.

It was great. It wasnt some cheap "im drunk and just meet you" sex. It was passionate, hot and sweaty, just awesome hard sex. (she loved it rough, and i loved giving it rough). After that she stood at my house for like 2 weeks and we FUCKED all day LOL....

After about 3 months one night she slept over, by now we knew the deal. She was talking to some guy online. She was always in online relations which seemed dumb to me but she really really really liked this guy. So we get naked, I stick it in and she just goes "I cant do this...please stop" ofc I instantely get off and ask whats wrong and shes all upset saying she feels like a whore and I felt TERRIBLE....not cause of the sex cause she was my friend and I didnt want her to feel like that especially over us having sex =/ So she lived down the block and was gonna walk home at like 4 am I walked her home and we just kept conversation about something else. When we got to her house she was gonna go in and I stopped her and just gave her the longest hug and whispered "let's just stay friends...okay?" and we were both emotional and that was that....

3 weeks later they broke up or whatever and we did have sex a few times after that again but now were just back to being friends and I dont regret anything, niether does she.

In was great and confusing all at once....
what was his response to "Next morning he was like "you didn't stay the night?" Im like no, were not like that...hahaha!

his words, facial gesture, posture.

and how did he ask that "you didnt stay the night?" just because he seemed casual, doesnt mean he was so what was his posture like?

useful hints to see if he could get "emotionally attached" (And possibly an unwanted stalker lol, you said he was a jerk(though even the best of men (however idiotic)have fallen into that trap, prowling outside their obsessions home and not really knowing why lol)

but probably (but not necessarily) and likely if he´s a jerk, he´s just using you for the sex and unlikely to form an emotional attachment(possibly even became your friend for that purpose)
but since you just want to use him back, what the hey. its just sex and if you both dont have any "cooties" lol,or both actually do ,lol, should be allright.
i don't like to get involved with friends. new men I meet who are not from the past, perhaps. now, I can only speak about he past because I've been in a relationship for so long. ANyways, I don't recommend that kind of relationship with someone you care about. I can't say they always end badly but they always end. If you like to remain friends, I wouldn't get involved. If you don't care about the friendship or want a future with this guy (that you say is a jerk), go for it.
Practice on me and Ill give you a report and then you can make up your mind...............but FWB useaully winds up Not Friends due to emothions and youve lost a great is cool.....but humans no matter what are emotional very very hard to be that intimate with someone and not have feelings that will get in the way..........think everyone here is saying the same its in your ball park to decide.
and hey ganjulia.. i've just noticed that your on the east coast.. i'm on the east coast too, wink wink, lol.. and just think, we're not even friends, no friendship to worry about losing, lol.. joking of course..