Fuck Bars!!


Well-Known Member
how do you get them?prescription wise?what do you tell the doctor to get on them?i could make more money,i sell my adderall when i get them,quick and easy money.any info on how to get prescibed xanex would be appreciated.

ps pills suck anyways,they fuck ur liver and kidneys
there for anxiety so just go to the doctor and act like you have anxiety problems hes either gonna give you ativan,klonopin,valium,or xanax you can make money off of any of those


Well-Known Member
I thought she was talking about "bars" as in rolling good ass J's or blunts.

Oh and Rattatoullie, xanax isnt prescribed for ADD.


Well-Known Member
shit your fuckin old!! everyone < 30 knows what a bar is.. i read the title and knew what it was about.. get with the program!
Ha. Maybe most people aren't around these types of drugs and stick to other things. Just because someone doesn't know that a "bar" is a xanax doesnt make them any less knowledgeable than you.

Maybe some people don't want to be part of the "program"

That is all.


Well-Known Member
that xanax shit is crazy...when igot down here to h-town, thats all these doped up mofos talked about ,
takin handle bars and leaning on some purple....

its not my cup or tea

give me some good ganja, shrooms, lsd, mescaline, and some really good china white.

whats up with all this south lean back, and slow your self down shit...
Xanax and other prescription medications are in my opinion the governments way of making money off of drug addicts. They can't just legalize marijuana because they have no way of taxing it cause everyone can grow their own. Instead they get millions of us hooked on these nasty pills that kill you faster than inhaling pot smoke....Oh and I consider myself fairly educated about pills and didn't know what a bar was either so for whatever that's worth-


Well-Known Member
Bars? Damn I learned something today too. People around here would never even think of taking benzos recreationally...half of the people I know probably wouldn't even know what they are LOL.
lol, its juts xanax. not like synthetic heroin. if you get high anxiety levels, like really intense, they will prescribe a form of xanax for you....when used properly, xanax is beneficial. i use it in a legal manner.

VERY BENEFICIAL and people actually do need it...me included. So many people try to get it to sell or abuse it makes it very hard for some (especially people in their 20s) to obtain the drug that actually helps them-:peace:

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member

VERY BENEFICIAL and people actually do need it...me included. So many people try to get it to sell or abuse it makes it very hard for some (especially people in their 20s) to obtain the drug that actually helps them-:peace:
yeah, i dont sell anything. I do get alot of tension and shakiness. I know for a fact that marijuana is not the reason why i shake and become tense. I had quit smoking for about a half a year and still experienced tons of tension and shakiness, even at home. I use it for general purposes and it does NOT make me tired, but, rather calm. I have rather severe anxiety versus simple phobias. My body will twitch/shake/movie involuntarily and xanax helps calm my nerves down.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
Xanax and other prescription medications are in my opinion the governments way of making money off of drug addicts. They can't just legalize marijuana because they have no way of taxing it cause everyone can grow their own. Instead they get millions of us hooked on these nasty pills that kill you faster than inhaling pot smoke....Oh and I consider myself fairly educated about pills and didn't know what a bar was either so for whatever that's worth-
marijuana doesnt work for everyone.

DaRk Ak

Active Member
some ppl may need them, in the right dose. there not too bad to do every once in awhile, like one or 2 blue ones. the main problem is when ppl that dont need them get on them almost every day for like a week or 2 n they completely become someone else, for the worse. a group of my close friends started buying them for real cheap n had taken them for a couple weeks n they came to my house n stole a bunch of stuff while i was at work. plus they were just nuts for awhile, wanting to fight all the time, mood swings, making stupid scenes everywhere.... then once they were not able to get them so cheaply they quit doing them so much n now there back to my good ol buddys that would never do my wrong. so yeah the bars are over kill, too easy to abuse. klonopin will take over you too the same way.

DaRk Ak

Active Member
if u live in a pill ate up area then u would deff know what a bar is, everyone talks about em... some areas arnt big on pills yet, n thats a good thing. people here will pay 100 bucks for one oxy 80 mg, thats ONE pill, stupid people.


Well-Known Member
I've stated my views here before, but let me say it again. ALL you people that do need it for "real" reasons - that's cool. It's still a very dangerous drug. It is VERY habit forming and the more and more you take, the higher the dosage you need. I don't care if the doctor is prescribing you .25's or 1's. You will eventually NEED a higher dosage. Another shitty thing about bars is that you HAVE to take them for the rest of your life - unless you decide to go to rehab or do it yourself. I chose to not go to rehab and take a super low dose of (can't remember the name), that was also a benzo.

If you go cold turkey, you end up with huge mood swings, torment everyone in your life. Hate the world, start hallucinating - thinking people are out to get you, and last but not least - the fucking seizures! I don't know how this shit is still LEGAL!

Take my advice to who ever is reading this. Don't ever take them if you don't need to! If you do decide to take some, do it once every year. Not day after day after day like I did. Also, I forgot to mention. These things are EVERYWHERE! You can go to quaks and get them, or buy them off the street. I use to hit up H-town every month or so with a gang load of friends and knock out all the doctors. They give you 120 10mg dones, 60 Xanax, and some form of a muscle relaxer - either Soma's or Flexerils.

my two cents again....

Anyone else care to comment?

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
damn, if you use it in a illegal or abusive manner, its obviously going to have repercussions. i take a 2mg SR (sustained rls) alprazolam, which is the generic version of xanax, so it may be less potent. Sometimes i think the ADD meds that i started taking after high school caused my anxiety to become severe. I was put on 25mg of Adderal XR for college and this did help me pay attention and complete readings and assignments.


Well-Known Member
a couple weeks ago i got my hands on some xanax 90's the peach colored ones and it was my first time doing dem so i popped two of em and smoked a lil eigth and after like 30-40 minutes my legs felt a lil wobbley and i felt really chill but i didnt feel that fucked up, i dont see what the big deal 'bout xanax is i remembered everything i did the next day too!?!