Fuck Bars!!


Active Member
Florida Girl I take it you live in florida like myself. Florida is a big prescription drug state, which just about every state is now. Bars, also called totem polls, roxys, methodones, oxys everyone here in FL is addicted to that shit.

A lot of people here in FL get them from the pain management center then sell them for a shit load of cash and the only people getting rich are the sellers. Stupid ass people taking bars and snorting roxys while getting drunk at the same time. Im young myself and I know how everyone is here atleast in palm beach it could be different where you live. The pain management centers are making billions off dumb people everyday.

If your smart you will stick to weed and not be fucked up all the time. The whole reason for smoking weed is not to get "fucked up" but to achieve a higher feeling for creativity and more in depth thinking.

For those of you that argue that you need xanax for anxiety bullshit! Have you ever taken a 2mg bar? you will be totally fucked up out of your mind, there is no way in hell that can treat anxiety..... My cousin has a prescription for the .25 mg and those actually help him, hes not taking 1mg bars like most people who are claiming its helping their anxiety thats bullshit.

I'm honestly thinking about getting a video camera and recording everyone I see standing in the medians holding their signs that say "why lie need a beer?". Its sad that the guys homeless and has an alcoholic addiction. I don't see any marijuana users out there holding up signs that say "why lie need weed?" and you won't.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
Dose depends on how severe the anxiety is, and yes, there is such thing as anxiety, open up a psychology text book and you will, without a doubt, find tons of information regarding anxiety and its severities. no bullshit. if the only drug you have experienced in a habitual manner is pot, you may not get anxiety, but if you have used other drugs in an abusive manner, tension can easily arise which leads to skepticism, shakiness, and etc. my body has experienced tons of shakiness in public places, talking helps, but, the shakes do not go away!! people use it so they can talk to other people without feeling shaky and irritated.


Well-Known Member
I am shocked that people don't know about bars. Eh, actually not really. I don't know anyone who has ever even seen crystal meth.

ive tried crystal meth, im in ireland and is not so common. its usually the eastern europeans who bring it in. thats a nasty drug! the czeck guy i got it from told me it was mdma, i had a nasty surprise for about 4 months afterwards coming down, depressed, anxious, paranoid, etc etc. do not touch that shite!


Well-Known Member
does it compage to valium or rohipnol, rohipnol is some crazy stuff, used to take 5 pills at a time and try my best to fight off the sleep, man oh man!


Well-Known Member
take a video camera and record somebody on a 'bar' , don't even trip on the bums that have already fucked their lives so bad they can't do anything but wait for a handout. all i kno is these drugs that fuck you up so bad (how is blacking out fun?) might be alright at the time...

but if you thought you had a great time drinking last night, but blacked out, and then saw a video of yourself being a total idiot...you might think twice or at least try to control yourself at a reasonable high.

same goes for xanax ...


Well-Known Member
that xanax shit is crazy...when igot down here to h-town, thats all these doped up mofos talked about ,
takin handle bars and leaning on some purple....

its not my cup or tea

give me some good ganja, shrooms, lsd, mescaline, and some really good china white.

whats up with all this south lean back, and slow your self down shit...
thats whatsup.......i be leaning on that purp too son.....man i like your style..... but yo! dont turn into a head kid...... but really what does xannnax have to do wit getting roobed....dude must have been pased out..... i dont do drugs...just weed....


Well-Known Member
White 2.5milligrams peach 0.5 milligrams purple 1mg.Im bipolar with severe anxiety attacks and have taken them for 10 yrs there a tranquilizer,and you will know if you ever have had a panic attack,feels terrible like your having a heartattack , you cant breathe and feel like everybodys watching you it sucks to say the least.Does anybody know anything about oxycotin a friend gave me some that say 40 oc and are peach looking i think there time release???I have disc problems in my neck waitin on surgery.I have taken these before i took 2 then another about 4 hrs later and thought i was a gonner thats why im asking if there time release because i really didnt feel anything till i laid down?IM taking 10k MG of hydrocodone a day and I no its killing my liver so looking for something to ease this pinched nerve?When i awake i cant feel my hands there asleep and numb.


Well-Known Member
I'm old and don't have time for SHIT drugs. Did 'em once years ago and it was just like any other downer. Go to sleep and wake up with a headache. A shit high and a waste of time... but at least I know what a bar is now... but we used to hussle heavy girls for what we caledl BARS(diet pills) that looked like M&M's but actually they were 15 mg pharma methedrine but they had a downer in them to put ya to sleep that I think was phenobarital. Ambarr 1's and 2's? Too long ago, can't remember. Better than sleeping though...


Well-Known Member
yea man they used to be cool and shit, but its fuckin crazy how crazy it makes people. within the past 2 days my friend down the road got robbed of 100+ bars at gun point, the next night was pick pocketed at a bar of his 40+ bars, then when he noticed his shit was jacked he stared trippin and shit. so then leading on these 5 other guys outta nowhere startin to harass him and he got fuckin wacked with a metal ojbect. all over fuckin bars man.... AAHHH FUCK THAT SHIIIT
then again its his fault too cuz he was prolly 10+ bars deep. dumb shit!

im pretty sure everyone has been fucked over from bars... they're the fuckin devil man!!:evil:
hey ... my gf just told me her boy just got robbed after doing too many bars and lost 600 dollars(last week).... its not the neighborhood...i think people just act nuts when they do bars.....it definately increases the chances of getting robbed.... it happens alot...
Shit i wanna try that shit.... im just gonna make sure i dont have any money when i do...hahah..


Well-Known Member
the smartest guy ever right there..."i wanna do bars....all my friends got robbed while doing them....sounds sweet!"


Well-Known Member
yeah, invincipal, i hear what youre saying. my friend was high on weed when he got robbed and now i wont go near the stuff.
Yes bars can be very dangerous. Last weekend my husband was trying to entertain the local redneck crowd, starting dancing on the bar and moonwalked right off the end of it:) It was eleven feet and he actually knocked himself out for a minimum of five minutes....Kind of funny shit since he wasn't seriously injured-:hug:


Active Member
read the first post and nothing after:

but yes fuck bars. I've lost many good friends to drugs and it all started with xanax. One is in prison for life(murder) or is recently released and others have moved onto roxxies and whatnot and are going down the same path...


Well-Known Member
I take 0.5mg after a big night out on the pills with a bit of smoke to sleep. They work wonders. But taking them for anything else is just stupid. Best sleep with no anxiety or fucking stupid mind fuck dreams. Actually no dreams at all just a good 6 - 8 hours sleep. The only bad thing about doing them that way is you have sea legs for the first hour after waking up.