Fuck Marijuana!


Well-Known Member
I see so many people call it Marijuana. Why?

I have decided to stop using the term "Marijuana" to describe the Cannabis plant. There are more ways to refer to reefer than ways to refer to vaginas.

The term "Marijuana" was blatantly used by WR Hurst and his cronies like HJ Anslinger, to demonize Cannabis. "Marijuana" was the term that helped the original laws against Cannabis to get formed.

Referring to reefer as "Marijuana" did 2 things:
1 It made people think it was some plant OTHER than hemp. (If people knew that this "mexican loco weed" was actually harmless old hemp, they would have seen through the bullshit)

2 It made people relate Cannabis use to Mexicans. (aaah, Mexicans! The newspaper says they are scary!)

Even today, "Marijuana" has a negative connotation to it. When you watch the news, and they bust a major criminal gang, how to they present that news to you? usually by spreading a bunch of guns and bales of various drugs on a table, then put in big letters, "POLICE SEIZE MARIJUANA"
When you take a class in public school where they teach you about drugs, the textbook tells you all about the dangers of "marijuana"

"marijuana" is not the technical term, or the proper term, it was actually put in place by people who had a calculated plan to demonize our beloved plant.

I think we as a community should find one of the many of other names it has, and call it by that.

Lets go smoke some pot, herb, ganja, weed, cannabis, dank, nuggets, ..... (help me continue this list, im sure with your help we can come up with hundreds of other things to call it)
I dislike the term as well, and for the same reason. MJ is a propaganda word.

I use 'cannabis' when speaking of it formally. 'Smoke' is good in informal situations. And 'grass' is okay if you are feeling retro. 'Weed' and 'pot' are derogatory too, but I do not mind them so much.

When I refer to 'Industrial Hemp' I make sure to include 'Industrial.'

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
heres a conversation i like a bout this topic with some bomb ass weed i had one hit and ur stoned:)

buyer: yo, you got any chronic?
me: naw man i dont got any chronic, but i got some boom bloom?
buyer: whats that man?
me: its this green plant, its a type of hemp, but once u take a hit u just put ur bong down and you look at your smokin buddy n go BOOM! then u wake up 3 hours later next to 4 pizza boxes



Well-Known Member
spliff, joint, bong fill, devils weed, green, killer, kill, indica, sativa,trees,phatty,sticky icky,dope,hydro, dro,kgb,kine bud,homegrown,420,green goddess,herb,chronic,cheeba,indio,buddha,locoweed,maryjane,shake,sinsilmila,skunk,whacky tobbacy,bush, draw,dry high,dubby,gage, ganja,giggleweed,grass,hemp,jane,jive,mexican green,panama red,pot,puff,reefer,resin,roach,smoke,tea, texax tea, thai sticks..
just a few of them that i found.. i am sure there are many more too..
How could I forget 'herb?'

As long as you don't call it 'dro' we're good. Unless it actually is hydroponic. Even then I prefer 'hydroponic' to 'dro.' :mrgreen:

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
How could I forget 'herb?'

As long as you don't call it 'dro' we're good. Unless it actually is hydroponic. Even then I prefer 'hydroponic' to 'dro.' :mrgreen:
I agree totally! Its always the young ones too. It usually goes like this
"so this is some good herb we're smoking on, what kind is it?"

"oh thats organically grown outside (insert strain name here)"

"this is some good DRO"

"no, its good kind"

"Its kinda good DRO?"

and who is on first.......


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is NOT HEMP. Marijuana is also NOT cannabis if you look at it scientifically...

Marijuana is the bud within the flower on the cannabis plant.

Though Hemp too can produce bud, from the female plants, hemp plants yield bud that has an extremeley low THC count....in the .01%, can't even get you high.

I get irritated when I hear the word dope or pot used to describe marijuana...The word weed isn't that bad, but pot and dope just sound.... like bad things lol.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
The word "Dope" has been around for a long time, and been used for many things. Its only in the last 50 to 60 years that its been associated with herb. I was watching some movie from the 1930s and they kept using the word dope, so i looked it up, its got many meanings.


Well-Known Member
I like "herb" and strain name......can't stand pot and Marijuana, if talking to the non-smoking public, I will always refer to it as cannabis. good thread.


Well-Known Member
I see so many people call it Marijuana. Why?

I have decided to stop using the term "Marijuana" to describe the Cannabis plant. There are more ways to refer to reefer than ways to refer to vaginas.

The term "Marijuana" was blatantly used by WR Hurst and his cronies like HJ Anslinger, to demonize Cannabis. "Marijuana" was the term that helped the original laws against Cannabis to get formed.

Referring to reefer as "Marijuana" did 2 things:
1 It made people think it was some plant OTHER than hemp. (If people knew that this "mexican loco weed" was actually harmless old hemp, they would have seen through the bullshit)

2 It made people relate Cannabis use to Mexicans. (aaah, Mexicans! The newspaper says they are scary!)

Even today, "Marijuana" has a negative connotation to it. When you watch the news, and they bust a major criminal gang, how to they present that news to you? usually by spreading a bunch of guns and bales of various drugs on a table, then put in big letters, "POLICE SEIZE MARIJUANA"
When you take a class in public school where they teach you about drugs, the textbook tells you all about the dangers of "marijuana"

"marijuana" is not the technical term, or the proper term, it was actually put in place by people who had a calculated plan to demonize our beloved plant.

I think we as a community should find one of the many of other names it has, and call it by that.

Lets go smoke some pot, herb, ganja, weed, cannabis, dank, nuggets, ..... (help me continue this list, im sure with your help we can come up with hundreds of other things to call it)
dope 'round here is slang for methamphetamines(crystal,ice, etc) man made hard drugs are and should b illegal. marijauna is natural and so is coke opium, and peyote, yet they are illegal to consume if caught under the influence.i use the term marijuana quite often, without the term marijauna we wouldn't have our beloved maryjane name to consider it as. and i use the term pot alot. it all depends on the preferences of the people who say it. and when you say fuck marijuana pretaining to what people's preferences are, then shame on you, u are saying fuck cannabis in general, down the whole list of whatever its called and you are indefinitely shunned by sheer stupidy. so FUCK YOU stickyicky....I LOVE MARIJUANA


Well-Known Member
Im mexican, we aint scary, we just dont like to b pissed off. LOL man i know what you were saying, that the word "marijuana" has a negative ring to it. cannabis in my oppinion has more of a negative ring. cannabis should have been called plantofbliss


Well-Known Member
It's the OOOHLONG! that gets me feelin' straight rasta. I like to pack up the bingy (bing-ee) and get ire. Like rollin' that godzilla skin or the devils lettuce. It's all the same herb. Oh yah, and i get blunted off a fat chonga donkey or gorilla finger. My father calls it dope and that shit drives me up the wall. it makes me think of meth-mouth.