

Well-Known Member
fuck a narc, fuck a rat, fuck a bumb, fuck a leach fuck a snitch, fuckin snitches get stitches, end up in a coma, make dead bitches, and wind up in ditches, same goes for ho snitches they die naked with no britches this aint a flo bitches its just coincidences

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
That was fucking deep?

Holy fucking shit.


And fuck waiting well over a month for a quarter gram of some research chemical.

Fuck impatience, fuck me, fuck you, fuck the world.



Fuck finals

Fuck gas prices

Fuck taxes

Fuck insurance, just fuck a fucker up for your fucking money when they fuck up and fuck your shit up

Fuck mother nature

Fuck taco bell


Fuck blown-ass speakers

Fuck driving a car that's 15 years old [not really, it's a really good car, but doesn't appeal to superficial bitches]

Fuck I'm fucking tapped out of shit to fuck

What the fuck. Well, fuck, I'll be back fellow fuckers.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
No, that game is not full of water.

I've only won the water style ones twice.

[The rest of this post is unrelated... I always add these brackets when I realize after I write the entire post that the topic left mid-post. Though I often add brackets during the initial writing]

I'm a scratch-off fiend too... I'm probably gonna spend at least ten bucks on them tomorrow when I get paid... and about 3-4 more dollars every day until next payday...

I've been eating a lot of Taco Smell recently... they always fuck up my order, but they're the only ones open by the time I decide I'm too hungry to wait until morning to eat, and yet too lazy to drive all the way to Walmart, shop, drive all the way back, cook something, eat, and clean up after myself... When I could just buy eat and throw away the evidence.