

Well-Known Member

I used to sell grilled cheese at dead shows...the dog would get the ones that fell off the grill...He learned pretty quick to NOT eat grilled cheese...smart fucking dog he was...

lol, fuk i might have bought one of your cheese sandwiches at a show.


Well-Known Member
always gotta keep the "FUCK" factor .. Do you fucking grasp the fucking concept?:shock:
i dont fucking know.. so what your sayin is that every fuckin post has to have the word fuck or a derivitive of the word fuck in it somewhere. is that about fucking right cause if so then its a pretty fanfuckintasticly simple concept to grasp.. is that about fuckin right worm?


Well-Known Member
i dont fucking know.. so what your sayin is that every fuckin post has to have the word fuck or a derivitive of the word fuck in it somewhere. is that about fucking right cause if so then its a pretty fanfuckintasticly simple concept to grasp.. is that about fuckin right worm?
Fucking right dgk!! It's not like we are fucking rocket fucking scientist!! we just have to fucking follow the fucking concept that this fucking thread that fucking fdd fucking made!!


Well-Known Member
FUCK!!!!! did u just say u wanted to fuck fdd??? and i have a fuckin question.. i remember awhile back we had a i win thread go.. but was closed b/c it was deemed useless (if memory serves me correctly).. so in fuckin comparin i win to fuck i would say they r pretty much the fuckin same dont ya think?


Well-Known Member
Oh you are most fucking def correct dgk!! but... Not fucking much we can do a bout that fucking shit.. i win again, fuck it!!