

Well-Known Member
Fuck that! I buy my cigs from fucking philly.. about 6 bucks a fucking pack

Much fucking cheaper..

,,,,,,PS; I'm not trying to jack this fucking thread!

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
fuck tragedies
fuck death
fuck poverty
fuck corporate assholes
fuck the fare for each bag on the airplane
fuck war
fuck expectations
fuck power


Well-Known Member
fuck all the politics
fuck the economic wars
fuck the uninformed informant
fuck the whole world

I agree with you, to a certain point with the list.

btw, I like your avatar pic man. Nice. You free hand that? Peter Griffin from FG. I like the show as well.. nice.

but I dunno about 'Fuck the world'. I mean, there's things on the planet that I enjoy and like. Alot of things actually,

but I do have my dislikes. So, also, I tend to always keep an open mind about things.. to see it things from someone

else`s point of view.

Haha, Tony Soprano can't get any pussy.. what a shock. The mafia wasn't and isn't anything like that.. I'm from a Sicilian

background, and my old man, and my grandpa, his old man... tell stories about the real Wise Guys that actually ran NY.

Those were real "gangsters".. nothing like these 'fake' gangsters that think they're an organized group. But they're not..

and never will be organized.. and ran like the 'real mafia' was ran back in the early 1900's.

I'd like to be reborn.. and reborn into that era. Not only just to see how my life would be different back then, but also,

things were better back then. Everyone knew how to just relax, and let things run their course. But not these days..

now people won't even wave at you.. you know.. walking in the park one day.. or driving down the road.. and just decide

to waive at someone to be nice.. and they give you this look like "well, what the.. why you all waving your hand at me for??!"

You know what I'm saying???

Anyhow, I'm off. I'm going to lay in bed, smoke a bowl and watch tv until I fall asleep.

Peace everyone..