fucking whiteflies need help

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Those hungry whiteflies have been eating my leaves I bought a spray that kills whiteflies and all over pests that may damage your crop. I saw a couple of the white flies on my plant last night i sprayed the plant wth repellent. But the flies went on to eat the top growing leaves. I noticed this morning as i left the plant a night. I dont want to use the bug spray is there another way to keep the hungry bastards off my plant. If i see them i will clap them to death with my hands. There are a few bites out of a couple of leaves willl this affect my plant at all very small as the leaves are the new ones just developing.

Please let me know if u have a good way of dealing with the pesky little critters without causing any stresst to my plant. I try and kill the little fuckers by hand if i can but they only appear at night. Like they know I'm asleep and have a good feast while I'm sleeping.


ps got two b52 seeds started to germinate the best looking seed I pray to Jah that it will germinate soon.


Active Member
Get the white fly yellow sticky paper follow the directions can be purchased at any garden shop.They live in the soil as well. You can also get a liquid to pour over your soil.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
The plant is still in Veg Stage I got pics of it in my gallery I will enduce it to flower in a couple of weeks when someone advises me when its ready basically. I think its a male I really hope not if it is I will let it grow and try to cross it with the b52 if that germinates into a fine healthy female. A Thai B52 cross now that gotta to be a first


Well-Known Member
While its still in veg, get some of those pest strips, yellow ones, it attracts them, i would also get a bucket of water and actually dunk every plant in it make sure you get the fuckers all at once

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I stayed up last night killing those little critters and no more bites hooray ty for the advice about the fly paper will pick some up today.