Fugus gnats


Brewed up a batch of soil about a month ago. 50% peat 30% perlite and 20 ewc (I purchased in bag form). Let the soil sit in a large covered tote in the garage ( floating around freezing) for a month and just now using the soil to up pot a few plants.

Gnats everywhere. Is it possible the gnats came in with the EWC. Thats all I can think of


Well-Known Member
I have never bought EWC with gnats in it but i have had gnats nest in a open bag of EWC i had left out so i put bag in freezer and eliminated larva and adults. It sounds like if your tote wasn't 100% sealed and temperature was not really cold enough to kill off insects they might have came from your environment✌


Well-Known Member
Brewed up a batch of soil about a month ago. 50% peat 30% perlite and 20 ewc (I purchased in bag form). Let the soil sit in a large covered tote in the garage ( floating around freezing) for a month and just now using the soil to up pot a few plants.

Gnats everywhere. Is it possible the gnats came in with the EWC. Thats all I can think of
What kind of EWC did you get? Brand?


Well-Known Member
Then they didn't come from that. I use that stuff all the time. If anything it will stop fungus gnats. Their EWC have Hypoaspis miles that love to eat gnats and their larva. Maybe you killed off all the beneficial insects.

I usually buy their vermicompost now, but the EWC are almost half price with the Black Friday deal. So I ordered another bag.

You can get another $5 off if you go through this link.


Well-Known Member
Then they didn't come from that. I use that stuff all the time. If anything it will stop fungus gnats. Their EWC have Hypoaspis miles that love to eat gnats and their larva. Maybe you killed off all the beneficial insects.

I usually buy their vermicompost now, but the EWC are almost half price with the Black Friday deal. So I ordered another bag.

You can get another $5 off if you go through this link.
[/ Yeh they have a hell of a deal going on


Well-Known Member
Then they didn't come from that. I use that stuff all the time. If anything it will stop fungus gnats. Their EWC have Hypoaspis miles that love to eat gnats and their larva. Maybe you killed off all the beneficial insects.

I usually buy their vermicompost now, but the EWC are almost half price with the Black Friday deal. So I ordered another bag.

You can get another $5 off if you go through this link.
Will do


Well-Known Member
I've been using the same soil for over a couple years. And I haven't seen any gnats for like 2 years now. I originally bought the Wiggle Worm brand and they had hypoaspis miles that took care of my initial issue, but I've been buying the Build a Soil stuff since.


Well-Known Member
Brewed up a batch of soil about a month ago. 50% peat 30% perlite and 20 ewc (I purchased in bag form). Let the soil sit in a large covered tote in the garage ( floating around freezing) for a month and just now using the soil to up pot a few plants.

Gnats everywhere. Is it possible the gnats came in with the EWC. Thats all I can think of
If you have fungus gnats, my first guess is that you haven't been turning the soil daily and have just been letting the soil sit. Just like you said.

Typically fungus gnats are 100% a sign of stagnant water, which leads me to believe you likely haven't been turning your soil enough.

Your soil is loaded with stagnant water, and has likely gone anaerobic by this point. Does it smell like shit too? Because if you're smelling an offensive odor and not a sweet earthy smell, you're likely smelling the ammonium gas that is the result of anaerobic bacteria taking hold of your soil due to the the stagnant water and lack of oxygen.

Just turn/aerate the soil for a week or two until things get back to normal, then feel free to use it.