Fumble's First Grow


Well-Known Member
ROAD TRIP!..................

OK, I have a camper, & Hodge has Motorhome, who has gas money?.........

23rd?!.................We better leave soon!

OK, PM me boy's lets get this trip started, fumble we'll meet you there!

P.S. I do have 1 round trip of airmiles anywhere on Southwest!:-P


Well-Known Member
I promised to stay out of Iowa, for life..lol I'll go but you have to drive JJ, kidding, wife would kick my old fat arse if I even hinted was going east..


Well-Known Member
Oh, we couldn't tell our wife's! lol! We're going on a 'hunting trip'.

P.S.I used to regularly hunt with a guy that just used it for an excuse to get out of the house & drink. We once returned from a 3 day hunting trip & when his wife asked how it went, he said it was ok, but she forgot to pack him any socks. He had to wear the same pair for 3 days. She said "sure I did honey, they are right here in your rifle case!" Dough!


Well-Known Member
Got damn! I'm just running around liking everyone today. Thanks for stopping by vdog. Be vewwy vewwy quiet though...we're hunting wabbits...lol

I can't tell you all how effing excited I am! Not only is my son getting married, but I get to get away for a whole freakin week! I hope the weather is just starting to cool down back there. Fall is my favorite season, especially in PA. Only downfall is no weed. Unless my son has or gets some. I don't want to take any chances by bringing any or something*. He will most likely be able to get some. Hoping.

Anyway, to the girls...Thanks to Hodge, I have been a busy little bee. I am in the middle of constructing some privacy screens. I am almost finished, just need to go to Lowe's and get shade cloth. I so love buy now pay later lol. The two pictures show the fence to the house next door. It is for sale and as soon as people walk down the side of the house my girls are the first thing they see. One lady actually bent down, pointed at them to her friend and said, "oh my god, they have pot plants!" I was watching and listening from the kitchen. And the other day, right before the realtor got there, my princess was hella barking at the fence. There was a ten speed parked along the side of the house and some guy sitting in the back patio enclosure. By the time I got dressed and got over there (less than 60 seconds), he was gone and the realtor was there. I am so going to be putting traps up!

Sorry for such a long post...in the GR pics you can see how much I had to take. In the pic with the baby mantis (only 1 inch long) you can see on the leaf behind the white flies and yellow larvae (the stage right before the actual white fly). I doused them hella good with the SNS-203 yesterday and the day before. It is also a soil drench, so I did that too. Today I used the Green Light fruit tree spray. There were waaaaaay less bugs today, so hopefully she will pull thru.

I took out all the Mexican sunflowers and planted my orange and lemon trees. They needed to go into something for now. Got the bug light up and it was zapping away in seconds. This one moth took forever to die! I love it!

Okay, last thing, I promise...My PK is all white or cloudy. I think I saw a couple of amber ones out on the ends, so I still have a couple weeks right? She's already been flowering for 8 weeks. I also stopped feeding her. Only straight water from here on out right?

Any and all comments/advice welcome.



Well-Known Member
oh, we couldn't tell our wife's! Lol! We're going on a 'hunting trip'.

p.s.i used to regularly hunt with a guy that just used it for an excuse to get out of the house & drink. We once returned from a 3 day hunting trip & when his wife asked how it went, he said it was ok, but she forgot to pack him any socks. He had to wear the same pair for 3 days. She said "sure i did honey, they are right here in your rifle case!" dough!
bah hahahahahahah


Well-Known Member
Got damn! I'm just running around liking everyone today. Thanks for stopping by vdog. Be vewwy vewwy quiet though...we're hunting wabbits...lol

I can't tell you all how effing excited I am! Not only is my son getting married, but I get to get away for a whole freakin week! I hope the weather is just starting to cool down back there. Fall is my favorite season, especially in PA. Only downfall is no weed. Unless my son has or gets some. I don't want to take any chances by bringing any or something*. He will most likely be able to get some. Hoping.

Anyway, to the girls...Thanks to Hodge, I have been a busy little bee. I am in the middle of constructing some privacy screens. I am almost finished, just need to go to Lowe's and get shade cloth. I so love buy now pay later lol. The two pictures show the fence to the house next door. It is for sale and as soon as people walk down the side of the house my girls are the first thing they see. One lady actually bent down, pointed at them to her friend and said, "oh my god, they have pot plants!" I was watching and listening from the kitchen. And the other day, right before the realtor got there, my princess was hella barking at the fence. There was a ten speed parked along the side of the house and some guy sitting in the back patio enclosure. By the time I got dressed and got over there (less than 60 seconds), he was gone and the realtor was there. I am so going to be putting traps up!

Sorry for such a long post...in the GR pics you can see how much I had to take. In the pic with the baby mantis (only 1 inch long) you can see on the leaf behind the white flies and yellow larvae (the stage right before the actual white fly). I doused them hella good with the SNS-203 yesterday and the day before. It is also a soil drench, so I did that too. Today I used the Green Light fruit tree spray. There were waaaaaay less bugs today, so hopefully she will pull thru.

I took out all the Mexican sunflowers and planted my orange and lemon trees. They needed to go into something for now. Got the bug light up and it was zapping away in seconds. This one moth took forever to die! I love it!

Okay, last thing, I promise...My PK is all white or cloudy. I think I saw a couple of amber ones out on the ends, so I still have a couple weeks right? She's already been flowering for 8 weeks. I also stopped feeding her. Only straight water from here on out right?

Any and all comments/advice welcome.
Everything is looking great fumble!!! For you trip make sure to pick up some edibles and pack them in ziplock bags (out of the original packaging) I have found that 2-3 3 dose edibles last me about 5 days. You just won't be able to "smoke" but you will still be medicated. :) Just a suggestion. :)


Well-Known Member
Very nice pic's fumble!

Yes plain water

Pacifico Yeah! My favorite

Here's one more picture of 'Ol Mo' the monster Baja lobster
Check what I have in my hand, Pacifico!




Well-Known Member
Nice barrier Fumble, really helps break up the shape of the ganja plants. They look great btw. That was a pretty extensive hair cut you gave them, hope it clears out the bugs. I got some special stuff for my root aphids today, smells like carpet shampoo :D

doublejj: Those are the biggest feet I have ever seen, that is all.


Well-Known Member
Nice pics, hope the pest problem is taken care of? Take it the medi helps with the headaches? Glad the wife and I could help. If you want to make edibles, I've some trim from the medi that's great for making cannabutter, getting low on the mayo, Hint-Hint...
I also love cookies too...


Well-Known Member
Love the pic with the beer and the bong!! Gotta love it! Livin the cali life! I dig the picture JJ looks like fun times!


Well-Known Member
Hey Mugan! I love sitting out there and smoking. And drinking. And smoking. lol I think my yard is my favorite place next to the kitchen.


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking great fumble!!! For you trip make sure to pick up some edibles and pack them in ziplock bags (out of the original packaging) I have found that 2-3 3 dose edibles last me about 5 days. You just won't be able to "smoke" but you will still be medicated. :) Just a suggestion. :)
If I got edibles and seal a meal them can I put them in my check in luggage? Don't they question food items? That would be so cool. Thanks ABM


Well-Known Member
you should make one of em.. bongs out of the 5 gallon water bottles and attach a hooka pipe to it so you can chill on that beach chair and hit it .


Well-Known Member
Very nice pic's fumble!

Yes plain water

Pacifico Yeah! My favorite

Here's one more picture of 'Ol Mo' the monster Baja lobster
Check what I have in my hand, Pacifico!

Love the pic DJJ! Yeah, loves me some Pacifico. I love Blue Moon too, but it is too filling = can't drink as much. And Fat Tire is awesome too. Nice and chocolatey.

So just water for the PK from here out. Hopefully she will wait for me to come home to finish. If not, my bf is under strict instructions to pick when perfect. hehe


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jozikens. I was afraid the cutting would shock her to death, but she didn't even wilt a little. She is the one I was looking forward to the most for her sativa high. I got the shade cloth today and put it up. I still need to do a bit more, but it's better than it was.

I sure hope it is taken care of Hodge. I drenched the eff outta her this morning with the fruit tree spray. Gonna do it again tomorrow. it can't get any worse, if I don't do anything she will surely die. I would love to make edibles. I just need a recipe or something. Not sure how to make cannabutter. But I never made mayo before either! Glad you like it. I can make you more. Yes the Medi is great for the migraines. Doesn't take the pain of a migraine away, but makes it bearable. And it's great for all over body pain to. I was able to just keep going.


Well-Known Member
you should make one of em.. bongs out of the 5 gallon water bottles and attach a hooka pipe to it so you can chill on that beach chair and hit it .
Are you talking about a gravity bong Mugan? My son made one of those a couple of years ago when he came to visit. Gets you hella ripped!