G-13 x buddha and Lowryder #2 grow


Active Member
im using dutch nutrient formula its 2 part veg and bloom program, but good call on the every other day i think im going to follow that guide as well and start feeding my girls tomorrow on day 1 of week 3. I will be using a 1/4 strength veg solution on the lowryder and g13 for the next two weeks, then for the lowryder i will switch to a 1/2 bloom and switch the g13 to a 1/2 strength veg


Active Member
So i ordered 1 25 watt t5 strip and 2 2700 k bulbs for flowering and when my girls get a bit taller i will get a second 25 watt t5 strip for side lighting. This is completly an experiment but im hoping it works when the lowryder begins to show signs of flowering i will change my lighting to full spectrum yet remain on a 18/6 light schedule so i can flower my lowryder while stile vegging my g13. Im still unsure as to whether ill be able to flower the g13 with only 150 watts


Active Member
So a quick update i took some pics and tomorrow i plan on feeding my plants a 1/4 strength veg solution. but i decided to take some pics of my set up just to show what im working with.

anyways like i said in my last post i plan to get more light. the one plant in hydroton is just some bag seed im gonna kill it and i have a free dinafem rocklock seed im germinating that im gonna start. but im still debating one of the g13labs fem pineapple express seeds. Anways any advice would be appreciated

allen bud

Active Member
pineapple is going to stink!! grow it out side if you can in spring,could get up to 650 g's off of pineapple :)i grown to full potential ,my week 3 easyrider looks just like yours (awwwww..lol ) i also have 1 budding ,but i stunted it with to little nutes, then to many
but she budding(lmao so small ) and might get 5 grams off her.lol...but other 2 are doing good.i will post a pic of budding #2 after work,just ordered blue mistic seeds for the nutral oder when growing ...and for the couch lock.lol peace


Active Member
hahah thanks for the heads up on the pineapple, im gonna have to wait till spring cuz i live in an apartment and i cant have that pineapple stinking up my apartment lol. I just fed my lowryder and g13 their first round of nutes this morning so im excited to what happens over the next few days. good call on the blue mystic, i ordered the g13 because it apparently has little to no odor even during flowering. I also have some ch9 fem hashplant and purple widow seeds on the way so im thinking of starting the fem hashpant instead of the pineapple.

allen bud

Active Member
i have the hash plant haze but thats a 12/12 (light time that is ) so going to have to wait on that till done with the 20/4 on the lowrider stuff, 2 more to germ and seed but 3 more weeks till then ,so its going to be a while.lol.


Well-Known Member
I am on my 5th LR2 cabinet grow about 1 week behind you using 250watt HPS and your plants look great! Maybe you don't have the room, but why did you not put them in bigger pots? You seem to be all over the nutes, but my strategy has been to put them in bigger pots early with Foxfarm Ocean soil to give plenty of nutes and avoid any rootbinding stunting. Maybe I'm wrong, but they mature so fast that I am trying to give them every incentive
to grow big. They mature so fast that any setback will decrease the yeild. I put them in a 2 gallon pot at 10 days. Probably not add nutes for a month. Previous grows seemed to be stunted when I used smaller pots compared
to other grows I have seen, but I was not as serious about nutes compared to you. I was always to afraid of nuts burn like so many have encountered with LR2. Great grow thread. Keep it coming.


Active Member
Thanks bro, much appreciated. no you definitely have the right idea on the bigger pots i just got smaller ones to minimize growth, i know what an absurb thing to say on my part but its my first lowryder grow and i live in an apartment so i thought id keep them at a managable size. I only have one lr2 at the moment the other plant is g13 x buddha, but i only have a week of veg left so i want to get it nice and big before flowering. I am pretty intense about the nutes, but i use a really really weak solution on my plants


Active Member
So i finally went out and bought a t5 strip for some extra lighting in my grow cabinet. anyways after an hour or two of messing around with my cabinet i finally set everything up.

anyways nothing special but i thought id leave a quick update


Active Member
ur plants are looking good bro, lol ur two lowryders are looking exactly like mine. its soon gonna be week 4 for my lowryder and g-13 buddha. my g-13 x buddha isn't looking so good the bottom leaves have turned yellow ill take pics tomorrow or monday to show what im talking about tho so im a little unsure as to whether or not shes gonna make it but sometimes thats the way she goes. im hoping to see some flowering on my lowryder but ill just have to wait and see :(


Active Member
So i thought id do my weekly update with pics today because I probably won't have time tomorrow. Anways like i said in my last post my g13 x buddha isn't looking to good the lower leaves are yellow but she is getting taller so i guess she can't be totally fucked anyways heres a pic if anyone can identify or thinks they know whats wrong with her please let me know.

iv come to a conclusion thats its a nutrient problem but im not sure if its the result of over feeding or under feeding. Iv only been using a 1/4 strength veg solution some im thinking i might be under feeding it but like i said im no proffessional.
My lowryder is looking a little better but the lower leaves are beginning to yellow much like my g13, anyways here a pic

anyways thats all for know i guess its the beginning of week 4 so hopefully the lowryder will start to flower soon im thinking of putting 2 2700 k bulbs in my cabinet to encourage flowering, but if anyone has any ideas on what might be wrong with my girls any ideas or opinions much be greatfully appreciated


Active Member
it is almost week 5 now for my lowryder #2 and i have still not seen any signs on flowering, should i be worried. i am debating putting in 2 2700k bulbs to encourage flowering. also i am going to start feeding my lowryder a weak bloom solution


Active Member
So its week 5 now if anyones still interested, and I have yet to see any signs of flowering on my lowryder so I am beginning to be worried, however i took some pics to show some progress.

G13 x Buddha

Lowryder #2


Active Member
Lol so i guess i should change the name to just lowryder #2 grow, i killed my g13 buddha yesterday it wasnt looking good at all. Although when i think about it i should of just given it a flush and waited see what happened but too late now. It is week 6 now and i think i might actually see signs of flowering ill post pics tomorrow, im excited though looks like it might be a female