G-13 x buddha and Lowryder #2 grow


Well-Known Member
Coolbreeze there is a problem here. Your plant is not where it should be for 6 weeks. Mine is a week behind and is 6 inches tall and budding all over. It's short because I had my 250watt hps too close. Yours should have shown sex toward the end of your 3rd week. I have to go back and look at your light set up, but those top leaves on the plant you tossed look like they were reaching for more light. Are they still in those dinky pots? I have decent experience with Lowryder which tells me that you need to change something or this will end with a crappy yeild or worse. I may be able to post a pick of my 39 day old tomorrow.


Active Member
I definitely agree that my plant is very behind, iv been told that lowryder flowers by the end of week three, also have been told that this is not always the case depending on the seed, grow conditions and other random factors. I transferred my lowryder out of that small little pot it was in into a 3 gallon container, and when i transferred it the roots were bursting out everywhere. Also i feel the plant has been stunted a bit by nutrients and the lighting conditions, but i have upped my lighting now so hopefully that might help


Active Member
hey edcocks i just had a question about ur 250 watt hps, does it raise ur electricity really noticably? See I also have a 250 watt hps, i only have one plant at the moment so my current set up is ok its about 225 watts, but for my next grow im thinking im might start using my hps again for flowering and use my current set up for veg


Well-Known Member
Have not noted any change in electricity, but then again I don't pay much attention. Can't be that much though.


Active Member
Oh nice iv been asking around about that and everybody says the same thing so thats good. Im thinking of getting my 250 watt hps from my other house to use for my next grow im currently starting some ch9 hashplant feminized. My current set up maybe just be enough to get me through flowering for the one plant i have now, but ill need something better for flowering for my next grow


Active Member
So i messed up i thought i saw signs of flowering but i think i was wrong, anyways almost week 7 no signs of flowering

im debating whether or not i should feed it nutes, are those yellow leaves a sign of nute deficiency or too much nutrients? and if it needs nutes should i feed it bloom because it should be flowering?


Well-Known Member
It's way to long to not see any flowering. I would get another seedling started. I'm worried you may not have an autoflowering plant there. You can also go to 12/12 lighting to flower whatever it is your growing. It looks healthy from the pics so I don't think it is anything you are doing wrong.


Active Member
i think ur right edcocks, because iv heard people who have had lowryders that didnt flower till week 5 most of those cases were outdoors, however it is almost week 7 and still no signs of flowering and iv never heard of a lowryder that took that long to flower. So im not gonna do anything durastic right now im gonna wait till monday and if nothing by then ill give it 36 hours darkness and put it on a 12/12 schedule, because I also don't think this is an autoflowering plant there could has been a seed mix or iv heard sometimes not all the seeds have the autoflowering trait


Active Member
im noticing a considerable amount of growth from my lowryder #2 these past two days which is good so maybe i might see some flowering soon hopefully but if none by week 7 my doubts might be confirmed. I just started two original haze seeds one in soil and one in a rock wool cube, i also germed some more lowryder #2 seeds this morning. Im thinking of vegging them for two weeks under the fluorescents and them in gonna get my 250 watt hps from my other house. Im gonna start a flowering room, but for my og haze im gonna veg them under my 250 watt hps but use my hps/mh conversion bulb.


Active Member
So its day one of week 7 for my lowryder #2, i decided to take some pics its actually looking okay now there a few yellow leaves on the bottom but its 7 weeks old so i suppose thats normal for an autoflower.

anyways i have it under 150 watts of t5 i only have 2 red bulbs at the moment but i ordered 4 more red bulbs, another 2ft 2 bulb t5 so ill have 200 watts of t5, and i already have two 26 watt cfls in for lighting as well. oh and i also am getting a meter that tells relative humidity and temperature. My set up has been a little inadequite but im slowly getting all the necessary items. Anyways i started my plant on 12/12 schedule yesterday I know its an autoflower strain but after not flowering for 7 weeks its either just a seed that didnt have the auto flowering trait or a seed mix up. If it is an autoflower tho will it take 5 weeks to finish or would it just be like any other 8-9 flower period, sorry im kinda baked so im not sure if that made sense


Well-Known Member
Don't know how long until harvest after going 12/12 because I have only grown lowryder and they have always autoflowered. I have completed about 5 grows and had no problems. I would guess about 8 weeks.


Active Member
so it only week one of 12/12 and i think i see a couple white hairs already which is exciting, lol ill be so upset if its a male. i have some yellowing/dead fan leaves on the bottom of my plant can i cut them off or should i just let the plant do its thing? I started some original haze seeds last week only two out of five germed so i put one in soil and one in rockwool. I think im gonna use a SOG method for my next grow but ill put that in a different thread if anyone is interested.


Well-Known Member
i was guessing it would be female due to its size. Glad to hear it. I Started out with 6 seedlings and ended up with only 2 females. Getting tired of chopping males Lowryders. My last grow was just the opposite with almost all females.


Active Member
hahah well its still too early to tell but im 90% sure its a female unless it hermies on me. my chances were pretty slim to begin with considering i only started with two plants and i am now down to one so ill be really happy if/when i get to harvest. I was thinking bout giving it nutes but i dont really want to risk it because the nutes i have the npk ratio is seems sort of questionable


Active Member
So i finally went out a got a thermometer with hygrometer, the temperature in my grow box is 76 ferenheit without any fans. i have two more tests to do one being temperature with fans on and the other temperature when lights are off. provided i don't exceed temperatures of 80 will i be ok?


Active Member
i had it on an 18/6 schedule but even if there were light leaks its an autoflower so it wouldn't matter well i think im not 100% certain about that tho. But Its day 8 of my 12/12 schedule iv been seing a bunch of white hairs :) so im pretty sure its a female unless it hermies on me which then ill probably go smoke some bowls and cry lol. your plants look amazing im envious mine looks like this and its almost week 8.

Im debating cutting off some of the yellow/dead fan leaves to allow lights to the healthier parts of the plant
is that a good idea or a terrible idea?


Well-Known Member
Leave the yellowing leaves. They turn colors as the plant sucks thier nutrients. Cut them when they turn crispy/dry. Your plant looks really good. It is going to yeild a ton more than a typical lowryder with all that veg time. Maybe I should not be referring to it as a Lowrdyer at this point.

I now have a 7 and a 4 week old that I wish I could share pics, but my PC took a shit on me. I can only surf on my iPhone. The 4 weeker showed sex a week ago and is going to be a monster in lowryder terms. It is already about the same height as the 7 week plant(11 inches) that looks like one big bud with fan leaves. I love these little closet plants.

Allen Bud - your plants look great. Those buds will explode if you put her under some HPS. CFL's will do the trick, but a 150 or 250 Watt HPS will turn it into one big ass bud. That is based on experience with both.


Active Member
Thanks edcocks, good call on leaving the leaves there are a few dead/yellow ones but there at the bottom and i figured they will just fall off when the plants done with them. Lol yeah i should change the name of the thread to "supposed lowryder". I started two more lowryder seeds there about a week old now i guess ill know they aren't if i have the same problem as i did with this plant. Im hoping it doesn't get any taller or sidebranch alot i just want one nice cola, lol but ill settle for anything at this point. Im 90% certain shes a famale im seing more and more pairs of white hairs everyday, im hoping she'll be ready in 7 weeks but i think that might be a little overambitious. I also started some some original haze in rockwool cubes just to fuck around with and get a better understanding of nutrients