G13 Pineapple Express Germination


Well-Known Member
From the Tude promo, having on hell of time germinating this seed. Anyone else having or have had a hard time germinating this strain. Been germing seeds for years now, my Connie Chung, Bubba Kush, and my Kalashinova have all popped, using paper towel on ceramic plate with my trushy heating pad underneath.

Just wondering............


Well-Known Member
that seed looks fine IMO.

a true fire way to test seeds for their viability is to put the seed between your index finger and your thumb.. and apply pressure. Now, the trick is.. is your mission here is not to make the seed crack/pop by applying too much pressure to it.. you want to add just enough pressure to test the seed for its viability.

While under medium pressure.. if the seed(s) bust/crack/pop open... then you know you have a non-viable seed. If the seed stays intact and doesn't crack or pop or break open under the pressure.. then you know you have a good viable seed.

Here's another true/proven way to test for good/viable seeds. This is the method I always use.. and its never let me down so I know it works.

Get you a clear glass cup. Fill half 1/4th to 1/2 way full with water. Drop your seed or seeds into the glass of water. Let the seed soak between 12 to 24 hours.
After the initial 12 to 24 hour soaking time.. look inside the glass. You should notice that you have some seeds that have sank to the bottom of the glass.. and some that are still floating. Basically.. in a nutshell, the floaters are bad seeds while the sinkers (ones that sank overnight) are the good ones.

Like I said, I've used this method for years now and its never failed me.

Anyhow, yeah.. that seed "looks" fine to me. But until you test it.. you'll never know for sure.



Well-Known Member
My 2 PE seeds were small like they but they germed in 2 days no prob. I used the paper towel method in a jar


Well-Known Member
^^^ same for me. mine germed in under 24hrs. even tho they looked like green and not "viable"