It's a good site check it out become a premium member and comes with free beans and chances to win beans every month. Plus it's just an all around good cannabis forum. Everyone is very cool and shares and gifts each other stuff so it's a great place to be. Would like to see more people over there and more breeders to sell their gear. Bro I understand cus if I bought what I want from them right now I could easily spend a $1000+ and I feel you not wanting to grow them yet. Take your time wait till your comfortable but don't wait forever cus they'll help you learn too.
I know all about growing and not being legal as I'm on the east coast but I love growing and it's apart of me and I'm not gonna let that stop me from doing what I love. Just makes me have to be careful with everything I do which I already do that anyways but if I'm buying good genetics I'm growing them so fuck em

just like
@jesus of Cannabis said being in legal state doesn't make it completely better but I know what your getting at about having the boys breathing down your neck and I hate it but I take that risk to do what I love. Glad your able to let things fully finish. If I were you I would give those Talismans a try now. If you do the right things you can get by as I have for years but one day you won't have to worry as I won't either