Hell no! I was like "naw man no clue what it could be; I've been running my ac more?! yeah I'm baffled! Weird!"
He totally didn't believe me. But I admit nothing.
All plants moved from the offending room. I couldn't no matter how much I tried fit everything. I had to kill 4 plants. 2 were 3 weeks in and were total shit and giggle plants. Seedsman exodus cheese and skinny genes beans some 4 way plant cross. The exodus cheese looked weak and had no smell or trichs yet, the other had the most fucked up mutant leaves I've ever seen once it hit flower (there was blueberry blast in there somewhere.) So no harm other than they were huge. Also had to toss a super tangie and a cheese and chaze that looked great.
Saved exotic and green beanz (best looking plants out of everyone), cannaventure, GGG and bodhi and some clone onlys. The scrog level is so fucked up now

Hey though if you're in this game and can't improvise; You're fucked right?
Best part: "we've been getting a lot of slow service complaints from hardcore gamers and online gamblers in your neighborhood"