Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

I've easily spent 1000 hrs on starcraft I &II

Hahaha, always a good choice - I've yet to play II, was waiting for them to re-balance it a bit as I was told it's similar to the first in terms of being lopsided units vs power vs cost, just like Terran is unbeatable in the first if utilized properly.
I played Diablo in win 95 and Descent.
Those were both sorta dos games.
Cyrix 133 processor and 128mb of ram. :hump:

One day, I may have to take a pic of my original laptop/gaming machine. Was a PS Note 20MHZ with 4mb of ram (which got upgrade to 8, then 16 mb ... haha)
I remember the Atari (pong) game then I think 78ish my sis and I were given the choice for Christmas: A TI-99 or a bunch of smaller gifts.
We picked the 3mhz TI-99.
Then years later the Commodore 64.
A few years later I was in tech school and my housemate had a Apple laptop. That was like 1982
Pretty amazing for that point in time.
I remember the Atari (pong) game then I think 78ish my sis and I were given the choice for Christmas: A TI-99 or a bunch of smaller gifts.
We picked the 3mhz TI-99.
Then years later the Commodore 64.
A few years later I was in tech school and my housemate had a Apple laptop. That was like 1982
Pretty amazing for that point in time.

Oh yeah, no doubt.. it's amazing how things have changed :D
world of warcraft ive spent 5 fucking years playing that game........literally almost every day, ive never ran out of wow time, except i took a recent 2 month break

doesn't it literally count all the hours you ever played for a character.

Lets see from the beginning lol?

Super Mario brothers
Super Mario world
Mario cart
Mega mans
Amry men
amy men air assault
lol... jk

but i really played Halo 2 the most, i think more then any game, well I played a lot of COD 4, And i played as shitload of the original star craft with its endless mini-games thanks to a sweet editor provided by blizzard.

Its like they encouraged hacking

OH and Command and Conquer Red alert . The OG back when if you wanted to play against another person you had to bring an extra Play Stations and have 2 tvs lol

I loved all C&C games up to Yuri's revenge. C&C3 ,& all the newer ones suck dick

god I cant remember how many hours I wasted on this game, Back then those graphics were the shit. I still remember the horrible action lol it was like comic relief

No man, the fucking Technodrome, or did you not get that far yet?

i beat the game once when i was about 10 (no game genie) and then i was done until i was twenty something and pulled out the nes for some nostalgia at a party and relived the horror of that damn level. when i was a kid it took me about 8 million tries and that fucking seaweed level was the one that just made me want to give up because it ate all my lives. that whole game is a masochist's wet dream. some of that gameplay was just absurd. raphael was as useful as tits on a bull for 98% of the game. i'm raging just thinking about it.
reg nintendo- RBI baseball, mario, zelda
64- mario party, mario kart, 1080 snowboarding
x-box-counter strike, halo , GTA
ps2- madden, FFXII, socom
360- cod, nba2ksomething,

dont play much anymore so i canbe sure ive hit the 1000 hours with the 360 games, but i remember how fun the games for reg nintendo were, then going from that right to 64 ( didnt get many vid games growing up) was mindblowing. and the new 360 games are crazy, just the size of the levels and the online balogna is really sweeeeet.
i beat the game once when i was about 10 (no game genie) and then i was done until i was twenty something and pulled out the nes for some nostalgia at a party and relived the horror of that damn level. when i was a kid it took me about 8 million tries and that fucking seaweed level was the one that just made me want to give up because it ate all my lives. that whole game is a masochist's wet dream. some of that gameplay was just absurd. raphael was as useful as tits on a bull for 98% of the game. i'm raging just thinking about it.

I dunno, I never really had that much of a problem with the seaweed. After a while I could just fly through that stage without touching anything, but the technodrome was a bitch. I haven't beaten that game in forever, I might have to give it another shot once I finish Doom64.