Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

Goldeneye 007 (n64)
Metal gear solid (ps1)
Star craft (pc)
diablo 2 (pc)
Call of duty black ops 2 (360)
Call of duty MW2 (360)
Grand turismo 2 or 3? (ps2?)
Grand theft auto 3, vice city, san andreas, liberty city storys, vice city storys, gta4, ballad of gay tony, and lost and damn... All those combined have probably accounted for more time in game than it would take a chick from banging, to giving birth.

Not sure if its over 1000 hours, but damn close... Weeks of my effing life drained into this shit.
Like I said before I'm behind on the times but loving it. After many many hours of Fallout 3, I'm now in the New Vegas world. The mods for this game are endless.

At the homestead with the wife-

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Some more intimate moments-

falloutNV 2013-05-11 23-52-21-80.jpgfalloutNV 2013-05-11 23-53-35-87.jpg

She loves her gun more than mine.
Final Fantasy Series 1-13, FF 7,8 AND 12 in particular I have spent the most time on hands down.
Diablo 2
League of legends
Quake 3 Arena
Alien versus Predator on PC <miss this game online back when existed,before the site shut down was#7 out of 9000 in ranked.
Counterstrike source<alot of time spent here
Day of Defeat Source<countless hours playing this one
Command and Conquer 2 red alert and C&C Tiberium Sun
Guilty Gear X and Guilty Gear Isuka
Tekken 2,3,4 especialy Tekken Tag tournament
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Ultimate
Resident evil 1 and 2 Played the holy hell out of R.E.2
Fifa 2012 and 2013
world of warcraft ive spent 5 fucking years playing that game........literally almost every day, ive never ran out of wow time, except i took a recent 2 month break

I used to play, but tired of it after less than a year. You must PvP or something :).
OK, time to up my weird quotient

Games I've spent the most time on, but not 1000 days for any individual game: (in no order)

* Vampire Bloodlines (through several nonofficial patches)
* Resident Evil 4
* Neverwinter Nights 1&2 through all expansions
* Oblivion and Skyrim
* San Andreas
* Thief: Deadly Shadows
* Drakensang series
* Dragon Age
* Fallout 3, New Vegas
* Borderlands 1&2
* Witcher series

I'm sure there's more there but Neville has made me hazy and I'm forgetting stuff.
I remember in its prime when Halo 3 would have over 300,000 people on during the weekends now you are lucky to see it get past 2,000

Yeah I know, I still play on occasion and it's really competative now. Only die hard, old school players online now which means everyone's insane.
Battlefield 3 and Apache Air Assault, on Xbox lately.
I got really into Tiger Woods Golf, went all the through to Tour Pro.

And then, way back, certainly Doom.