Gardening Basics!

I agree.....A FAQ would be great for **very** new growers like me....I've killed 9 out of 12 of my plants, I'm pretty sure...started out in tiny little clear cups (which I now know is a bad thing....)

When I ask about my issues on the forums, half seem to say I'm overwatering, other half says they're too dry.....haha.

Also, I'd love to know when the different stages end....ex: Like, when it goes from being a seedling, to plant/vegging and flowering.... :)

Hopefully I can keep my remaining three alive...haha... <3


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of this, i would like to see a chart formulated of some kind or thread or guide for the basics but am finding it more of a challenge than i first thought. I have exams tomorrow and court on wednesday and then i am free to experiment, paste and copy hopefully a decent chart up. I have two veiws, one that it won't be any better than what has gone before and the second veiw from new growers that they would like somthing to help stop killing plants. I like a challenge so lets see what i can come up with and other growers.
This why i started this thread in heinzsight of doing this or at least looking into it. The more veiws of different people the better. Peace


Well-Known Member
Alas you rather answer it yourself. Internet forums are no different. Before the forum was updated, there was an extremely extensive FAQ which has now disappeared, the same questions were asked then as they are now. I see two possible reasons, 1 is that while they have read the principals, they can't be bothered to actually work to aply it to a grow, instead they prefere to come and ask and hope to be spoonfed what to do until they become an able grower. Alternatively i think that it has something to do with people needing attention, it doesn't make sense to me, but some of the threads created, well they're either 12 year old or they simply for some reason crave the attention that only creating a thread creates.

You're right though, we could still do with our FAQ back.
Some people just like to visit a sticky that's socially relevant. I myself enjoy the trial and error of it. If you try something enough times you will either get the hang of it, or you won't. That should sort out the shit growers from the ones who are able to. If you don't want to waste money on the marijuana end of growing, practice on tomatoes or other plants and trees. It also helps if you've raised kids, it's quite similar. Feed me, water me, change me, only they tell you in other ways. You get the idea yes? I don't hold all the answers though, but I am on my way to finding out a lot of them. Who will join me?