Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

thank u for the response bro, thats the thing i never seen male flowers on these girls but the one plant got seeds only at the bottom i know if there is seeds it has to been pollen sack around but i cant find? will seeds spread to other plants should i remove? i put it in my veg tent for the moment to keep away from girls

there had to be a pollen sac somewhere in there, good chance by the time you noticed the seeds the male flower had run it course and just fell off or shriveled up beyond the point of recognition.

the damage thats done is done, if anothe pollen sac emerges you will get more seeds , i want to say i read somewhere that when a plant hermies it usually does it all at once then is done, meaning they dont continuously produce flowers, they will produce some, when they have run thier course thats that. but dont take my word for it make sure you read up on it a bit.
okay thanks again one more question it was only about 2 weeks left should i let grow out or will it just keep making seeds? just finished overdrive so i wanted at least 2 weeks to flush i think i got all the seed well the visible ones about 12 is it a chance its not filled with seeds thanks again bro sorry for working u so hard i know your retired :mrgreen:
okay thanks again one more question it was only about 2 weeks left should i let grow out or will it just keep making seeds? just finished overdrive so i wanted at least 2 weeks to flush i think i got all the seed well the visible ones about 12 is it a chance its not filled with seeds thanks again bro sorry for working u so hard i know your retired :mrgreen:

HAHA no problem man :)

when the male flower releases pollen it floats through the air hoping it hits a female pistol, then the pistol receeds into the calyx and begins making a seed, so unless you filter all of the polen out of the air there is still a chance one will hit the plant and produce a seed.

if the seeds you picked are fairly mature theres a good chance most of the pollen is not syill floating around in there as it takes a few weeks for a seed to reach maturity, if they are really tiny then pollination probaly happened recently and no telling, but you said you looked and didnt find any naners so i would say your pretty safe man.

just a FYI the seeds that plant is producing are going to be feminized. only problem is they carry traits of hermaphrodidte, personally a few seeds in my stash dont bother me. but i dont want a baziliion of em in there eaither. dosent sound like this plant hermied too badly and to grow the seeds out is a personal choice. i would, many on here wouldnt i guess its more a educated decision.
thanks for the advice yeah the seeds that i removed looked like mature seeds i would plant but i already have a bazillion(like that word) clones and i think i know the reason it started turning so wont do again, i called myself atttempting scrog i put a closet shelf(again self proclaimed total newb) on top of the pot when clone wasnt tall enough to reach then as it grew i weaved through the shelf plant grew nice stayed smaller than all others but dense tight nugs but this poor plant been under stress since it could reach top of pot
on a side note i appreciate people like u and gas so much u make this experiance enjoyable instead of a extra stressful thats the whole point i smoke relieve stress:wink:
Yeah - if growing for yourself is causing you stress you're definitely doing something wrong :) Enjoyable and relaxed all the way
I don't feel great but I am feeling much better. And I did decent on one of my exams so far so I might be in the clear. Just need to find a few more chickens and I'll be up to par :)
good to hear about the exams and the health my apoligies for the chicks but it probly was those damn dmv people thats why they take so long there out ruining our lives they do have our addresses(joke)
good to hear about the exams and the health my apoligies for the chicks but it probly was those damn dmv people thats why they take so long there out ruining our lives they do have our addresses(joke)

I got pulled over again on my way home from the DMV today lol. I live two blocks away, what are the chances? Luckily a quick flash of my new tags and pointing out that he had actually pulled me over in front my house - where I was about to put them on, and he wished me a good day.
lmao whats the chances ill tell u its a conspriacy the dmv mad they didnt take u down that wouldve topped the month off royally, lighting up for u now:joint: woooshaaa
Hey Gas, I am sure you know all about this but I just learned about it and since you do re-use your soil I thought you might like the info.

I found the description I used to get started...I'll post that here, and if you have more questions just let me know and I'll tell you my experience with it.

To give a little overview: you fill a big container with layers of your old soil, then a material you make called Bokashi, then soil, then repeat a few times. You also wet all this down a bit with some more innoculant. You close it up more or less air tight for a few weeks, during which the anaerobic bacteria go crazy and eat up the rootlets and most, maybe all, the potentially harmful microbes or bugs that may have accumulated in the soil--such as fusarium or other wilts, thrips, whatever. You do not want these anaerobic mofos in your planting mix, so at least a few days before you plan to use it, you open up the bin and spray it down with an aerated compost tea to introduce a lot of aerobic bacteria and fungi. For a few days, the aerobes go crazy feasting on the anearobes. When they settle down, you have a biologically cleaned and recycled soil with a healthy, diverse microherd already established. When ready to transplant you use this, mixed with some fresh earthworm castings, and possibly adding minerals or other things if you had deficiencies the last run.

I originally mixed two fresh batches of supersoil about 1.5 years ago and have been recycling and tweaking it since since, now on my seventh run with it. I think it is getting better each run so far.

So here's the description I used to get started...thanks Chunk:

"I use the biggest tote that Rubbermaid makes. I'll empty a Smartpot, and smash down the root mass. I remove the "stump" and the bigger roots, then spread the soil over the entire tote. I sprinkle a layer of Bokashi and then wet down everything with an EM-1 solution. I repeat this until the tote is full.

I put the lid on it and let it sit for 4-6 weeks. The Bokashi/Em-1 treatment begins an anaerobic composting process that breaks down the leftover roots and other organic material.

About three days prior to using the soil, I apply an AACT to infuse the soil with beneficial bacteria/fungi. These beneficials (which are aerobic) feast on the anaerobic bacteria created by the Bokashi composting process.

After about three days the soil is rich and earthy smelling and ready to go. I still like to add some fresh compost and/or EWC for good measure. I don't add seed/marine meals before re-use, but leave room to top dress if needed.

As long as chemical/salt based fertilizers aren't used, the re-use of your soil is an important component in organic gardening."

100 lb (20kg X 2 bags) of wheat bran [Note: I used 50lbs last spring and it's going to last me one year--I scaled down the other ingredients. You can get wheat bran cheap if you have a local grain mill, but it may be a special order)
12 litres of warm water
240 cc of molasses
240 ml of EM
What you'll need
a tarp, or a large, smooth area protected from the rain
a bucket, or a large spray bottle
a large air-tight container, such as an industrial plastic barrel with the lid
1. Spread wheat bran on a big plastic tarp.
A driveway or any other smooth surface would do fine, but you'll want to make sure that you can protect it from rain - we think about these things in rainy British Columbia! With a tarp, you can wrap the whole batch up as a big bundle if rain threatens.
2. Mix the warm water, molasses and EM in a big container.
3. Spray the liquid mixture over the bran with a water jug or a large spray bottle.
4. Mix the bran and the liquid further by hand, crumbling the chunks down until the bran is evenly wetted.
5. Put the mixture in the air-tight barrel. Press it down as you stuff it in to remove as much air as possible.
6. Leave it for about a month in a warm place. (normal room temperature, or slightly warmer if possible)
7. When the surface of the mixture becomes covered with a whitish, fuzzy mold-like material and has a nice (at least for some of us!) sour fermented smell, it's done.
8. The bokashi can be used right away. For longer-term storage, spread the mixture out on your plastic tarp away from direct exposure to sunlight and moisture until it's completely dry. Break up any lumps; the bokashi should be completely granular. This usually takes a couple of days on the warm summer days of our area; in a hotter, drier climate it would presumably happen quite a bit quicker.
9. The dried bokashi should be good for at least two years.

Finally, why go through all this? Sub does not do it, as I understand, because he gets good results from his method of mixing fresh batches of supersoil, and why mess with something that works. Well, I do it first for stealth, since I am not in anything like an mmj state, so I try to minimize everything grow-related that comes in or goes off my property that I can, including buying new soil materials. Second it's working great and I think as I said that my soil is improving over time. THird it's cheap. So there you have it.... :joint:

I will be trying this Bokashi shit this summer. Sorry for Hijacking your thread but since I don't spend much time on the computer lately, I have got no journal of my current grow going and this thread is the only journal I care to fallow, still got a few plants going and I just ordered a 5seeds pack of K-Train and a 5seeds pack of Chemdog that I will attempt to grow indoor under LEDs during the summer. Cheers!!
Good info is good info. Always welcome in my thread :)

I tried something similar to this method on a small scale with a different "bokashi" - kelp, green water plants, and infusorium (anaerobically decomposed vegetables). Produces some pretty nice dark recycled soil for sure. I would assume that as long as you keep it a N/carbon heavy mix you could use all types of mild amendments as the bokashi.
I was going for King's Kush but they were sold out and they suggested the Chemdog, ... sounds even better than the King's Kush!!

I'm dying to get my hands on a good kush cut. Best I've smoked was a Chem Valley Kush which is half Chemdog - not surprisingly.

hey gas, whats your take on 48 hour dark before harvest?

I've tried it and noticed no differences. From a biological point of view it doesn't make a ton of sense. The plant will release some auxins and other hormones but none of them should effect the potency, scent, weight, or anything else helpful. There will be no sudden rush of THC production nor trich production (as if they can grow and cloud up in 2 days)...

Now your plants will be two days older... just the elapse in time would make a small difference as your plants are constantly growing.
dam you and your like button lol i always go to click it and remember being rick rolled lol

yeah it didnt seem to make much sense to me either but i hear everyone talking about it, would probally get more growth leaving them under the UVB bulb and light's

what about cutting thier daylight hours down to 10/14 would that release any hormones to tell the plant time is getting near and to finish up or just another waste of time?
im anticipating my OG kush plant i put it outside hopefully its not dead. i also put my NL x BB in the ground the other day in the woods, havent checked on it in a couple days wondering if it has croaked lol.

good thing i took cuts before i planted outside. now lets hope my cloning rate gets a bit better than 30% sucess with 25% of them being the fucking blue cheese, that dam plant clones like no other...almost 100% sucess on the blue cheese cuts when every other clone didnt make it that one always pulls through, now i have like 10 of the dam things lol. I wont complain though as like i said before the blue cheese is superb smoke even only @ 4 weeks old it tastes so good and is extremely potent.
I've done that to save energy and didn't notice all too much decline in yield. Some plants are very sensitive to the photo period and a difference of two hours can have a large impact on ripening hormone release, however I'm not familiar enough with cannabis to really answer that. I think it would make a great experiment though.