Gavita Sold To Hawthorne Group

When prices for a pound of excellent marijuana grown by huge companies (if you dont think "they" can - your delusional) hit 500 bucks or lower....who in there rite mind would grow it under any artificial lighting....hid led or otherwise? Nope. The future is outdoor and super quality in huge greenhouses with supplemental lighting just like any other agricultural crop. And believe me....even 100 bucks a pound is an extremely huge profit margin to the traditional agricultural industry. More than all the other ag crops combined.


To your point, tobacco goes for about $20/lb. And there's still billions to be made in that industry.
To your point, tobacco goes for about $20/lb. And there's still billions to be made in that industry.
Can you imagine something the big meanies can ride out for awhile. ....starting at say....800$ a pound??? Good god man...what big ag conglomerate wouldnt? Billions of dollars and fortunes for shareholders at stake here. And from a business standpoint....congrats to Larry Brooke and GH and Gavita for seeing into the future and cashing out. You would too. Damn to hell ethics.....when did ethics apply to anything in this industry? 4500$ a pound back in the day? Yeah rite.....ethics.
Corporations themselves are just legal constructs. You might as well hate a piece of paper.

It's the legal environment surrounding these entities that's the issue, like 'corporate personhood', preferential tax rates and codes, the ability to both make and write off 'political contributions'- that's bribes, in common language- and much more that's at the heart of the problem.

People made these laws and people can change them. I would like your help in this cause, it would be much more effective than standing on the sidelines, hating just because they're business entities at all.
Well said
Obviously, it's a big conspiracy, and has nothing to do with a company positioning itself to make money on the impending legalization of cannabis in the world's 6th largest economy.
Damn....i said damn. This and nothing more needs to be said. Gavita and Hawthorne knows exactly where the big money will be coming from in the near future. And its not in a hobbyist basement or small wharehouse. You think Scotts bought these companies up for this thing already existing?
It well all be put into big money's hands...... Such is the way of this world. The rich and powerful will remain that way because they can buy in to anything at the right time. All I got to say is render unto Cesar what is his..............
I felt the need to point out a few observations. I've worked in the herb industry for 2 decades now, but have been growing different crops for decades before. Tomatoes before, thousands of acres. We were a small tomato farm, not a big one. Get used to it, this will happen to pot too. Farms will get bigger and pounds will get cheaper for customers. Time to get professional or work for someone who is.

There is so much anger toward big business from the pot side of the farmers, but I don't think they have the experience or the knowledge to know better. If you never planted a few hundred acres of something don't talk to me about how terrible round up is, you never tried to weed a square mile.

Keep in mind also the big guys may change things for the better, not worse. General hydro sold to Scott's as well. For years GH had been selling paclobutrazol to customers, selling it as an "ornamental only". Talk about poison, that's as dirty as it gets. Cancer and reproductive harm. Illegal to use on food. They knew their customers used it to keep herb short in indoor grow rooms. Scotts took the product off the market almost immediately after they acquired the company, they actually removed the only dangerous product from the lineup.

No tomato farm would ever risk their families future by spraying a yield enhanced like paclo on their tomatoes, because it's tested. And you go to jail if you spray illegal stuff on food crops. The holier than thou attitude I hear from the cannabis farmers toward conventional farms is ludicrous. Without a doubt the pot available in the unregulated market is more loaded with toxins than any product on the shelf at Safeway.

As the big ag guys enter the market I'm looking forward to the professionalism and decades and centuries of farming know how that will be brought to the table. If you think your a better farmer in your basement than the guy who grows your lettuce you better watch out, when he starts to grow what you do he's gonna school you kids. Learn more and preach less, keep in mind it's you who are the newbies.
Another great post...obviously someone who also has been green thumbing it for quite some time.
I Things may evolve in far flung ways on this. The Sunday morning pulpit parrots will be demanding 12' razor wire fences to keep kiddies safe. Because so many fools regard herb as a dangerous drug, it will be far from unregulated. Corporate pricks will try to write the laws for their benefit and probably eliminate the small supplier but it s in their interest to make sure the market isn't flooded. Pricks they are...Fools they are not. Fools invest in a deflating product!
I Things may evolve in far flung ways on this. The Sunday morning pulpit parrots will be demanding 12' razor wire fences to keep kiddies safe. Because so many fools regard herb as a dangerous drug, it will be far from unregulated. Corporate pricks will try to write the laws for their benefit and probably eliminate the small supplier but it s in their interest to make sure the market isn't flooded. Pricks they are...Fools they are not. Fools invest in a deflating product!

On the other hand, help them grow it better, faster cheaper and they'll pave the street to your house in gold.
To your point, tobacco goes for about $20/lb. And there's still billions to be made in that industry.

Wow where do you get $20 a pound for tobacco? I live in the middle of one of the biggest tobacco producing states back in the day...... Not now and the few who still try get $2 a pound. You are lucky to make $10 an hour.....Argentina produces most tobacco now. The gmo tobacco that grows so fast at night you can hear it..... No Shit

If you think big AG here will produce it you are probably wrong. If smokeable bud stays it will be cheaper to get produced and processed south of the border. So home cultivation will be like people that grow a garden. Self satisfaction and knowing what you are consuming will be the only drive.
If people think that the usda/ fda are just going to let the US canna business go on as usual.......that's delusional, prepare for the worst imo. Like CM said before, we might all just end up back in the closet, growing illegally.

Monsanto is protecting their tech/patents just like Microsoft, Apple,etc......... seeds have a different meaning to most, that's the main problem. They just got into bioag, compared to their long chemical history which reads like a hardened criminal 's wrap sheet. I don't agree with allot of things they do, but their not the only ones with superfund sites and looking out for company "interests"

Why do you think farmers aren't even allowed to fix their own goddamn tractors!.......
I think cannabis genetics in general along with breeding for medicinal benefit will take the biggest hit. They stand to produce the least at the highest cost, and might be the most important, imho.

Most taboo industries have diversified though, we went from the King of Bullshit to microbrews, porn is now free on the internet, and the only drug ever to ever be on the decline and thru education rather than resistance no less, tobacco......So cannabis might have a chance to see a broader light in the "heirloom" market...but cannabis already has the patents too....Gg4 or at least the 1st attempts.

Heavily commercialized cannabis production doesn't have to be the norm and part of that lends itself to its "effects". But the high prices are comical. I literally try and give away everything for free and encourage it. Yes, it isn't a sustainable venture, but fuck it.