Well-Known Member
Nah, you were eaten just like everything else.
either a fossil or excrement. or is that the same?
Nah, you were eaten just like everything else.
Wasn't there....can't remember my former dino life....pretty sure I was a t-Rex or something bad ass.
sorry to jump in late to the thread: so this is about miracle gro buying gavita?
Lol something like that
i just read something about miracle gro son buying scotts (or merging) then buying GH and then a dutch lighting company.
he flies his personal plane from long island to ohio 5 days a week. so he's a working man. lol.
Nothing wrong with being where you gotta be to be productive.
I hope your not serious.South America has a bunch of giant field waiting for farming once they get rid of that pesky rain forest. Same with Madagascar and some other places. America is pretty developed out but some of the wilds of South America can still be saved.
Lol no I don't want to destroy rainforest, that's my point. That's why i begrudgingly accept big ag, because by making farming more effective we can feed the 7 billion people we have without converting more natural land to farm land.I hope your not serious.
We don't need to destroy rain forest. Don't need to destroy anymore land.
Fuck big ag. Money driven pricks.
We need more smaller self sustaining farms. More roof top farms in cities to address storm water issues.
Have you seen the large scale farms that fit in a city block? Multiple floors with food growing.
The answer is not destroying what forest we have left. That will only hurt us.
think about his carbon footprint though! and he built a special dog bed in his plane for his german sheppard. so he's an animal lover too. lo.
I'm glad you don't want to destroy it.Lol no I don't want to destroy rainforest, that's my point. That's why i begrudgingly accept big ag, because by making farming more effective we can feed the 7 billion people we have without converting more natural land to farm land.
Get rid of big ag I'm pretty sure it will hurt the rain forest, you'd need more land to do the same growing.
There so scared of the truth they're passing a law to hide it.
This is how it works,take a big enough bag of money to DC and the weasels will make a law out of it.
I'm glad you don't want to destroy it.
Its just not true we need GMO and large fields to feed people.
We need more small sustainable farms.
My dad married a woman from China. You should see how they grow gardens. We are wasteful on how we do things.
You're hung up on this large ag to feed people. Its just not true. We don't need larger tracks of land.
How Vertical Farms Bring Fresh Food To Booming Ci…:
New York City Rooftop Farm:
Add in the floating farms that are being designed and we can get somewhere.
I'm just not going to agree that GMO or large corporate ag is needed to feed people.
Screw it. Let big ag fail. I could care less.
She was from rural China and could grow more food than you could in the same space.Oh geez. Not sure where to start on that one.
China doesn't make nearly enough food for their 1.1 billion people. We export them a huge chunk of wheat and dairy and meat.
Their farms aren't efficient, they pollute like crazy and yield far less than American farmers per acre.
Also, gmo is about 5% of what big ag does. Big ag makes seed for everything, the only gmo they make is soybean, corn, cotton and one strain of rice. They are trying to add more but its still relatively new, and not even close to most of what they do as companies.
May want to check and see where some of the worlds greatest minds are at this point when trying to solve the problem of how to feed potentially 12 billion people in the next 50 years. Urban farming bro? Ain't enough rooftops in the world.
We ran our family farm for over 100 years. We don't get subsidies and don't need em, we grow tomatos. Not subsidized bro. Your thinking corn, which is for ethanol.She was from rural China and could grow more food than you could in the same space.
Screw big ag with your subsidies and shit. It it were not for crooked money you would fall on your face.
I hope big ag fails.
If more people fed themselves we would be better off.
I agree that China pollutes and what not.
We have plenty of roof tops and plenty of dilapidated houses from the market crash. Maybe take those properties and make vertical farms.
Like I said, screw big ag and I hope it fails.
At the end of the day we don't need you or big ag to feed us. One day people will realize that.
She was from rural China and could grow more food than you could in the same space.
Screw big ag with your subsidies and shit. It it were not for crooked money you would fall on your face.
I hope big ag fails.
If more people fed themselves we would be better off.
I agree that China pollutes and what not.
We have plenty of roof tops and plenty of dilapidated houses from the market crash. Maybe take those properties and make vertical farms.
Like I said, screw big ag and I hope it fails.
At the end of the day we don't need you or big ag to feed us. One day people will realize that.
Dude I was raised in western KY. I worked farms. I was riding in combines when I was five.We ran our family farm for over 100 years. We don't get subsidies and don't need em, we grow tomatos. Not subsidized bro. Your thinking corn, which is for ethanol.
I currently grow herb like the rest of you guys, just telling you guys how it rolls. I've sold more tons of food than you've seen tons of food man. Seriously, hundreds of millions of tomatoes. We've had people from Italy come to our farm to study our yields, but hey what the hell do I know about farming right!
Lol America breaks food yield records every year not China bro. China can't breathe their own air, not America. They build a coal plant every week. China spits out more co2, has poisoned rivers. I love the Chinese people but their country is future ecological disaster waiting to happen. Their importing of food is going to increase not decrease.
Vertical farms use tons of plastics metals and concrete to build, I like the concept but it just isn't going to replace fields in my opinion.
Wanna find me one crop China has ever won a yield per acre in? That's how farmers measure yields, can't find anything to support them having great yields at all.
Dude I was raised in western KY. I worked farms. I was riding in combines when I was five.
I was running equipment by ten. By the time I had a permit I was driving 18 wheelers to the silos.
I've thrown alfalfa bales until the wire cut through the gloves and into the meat of my fingers. Blood soaked gloves.
I've cut, spiked, hung, smoked, stripped more tobacco than I care to think about.
My mom would pick maters while she rocked me in the garden.
I grow, hunt, catch food to feed my family.
I'm a corn fed hick. I'm a country boy through and through.
Don't take it personal. I'm sure you have a great farm.
I say screw big ag for a reason.
I'm sick of money hungry farmers shoving growth hormones down animals.
I'm tired of shoving animals in tight spaces to increase profit.
I'm tired of milk companies thinking of nothing but money to the point they suck blood and puss and need to be pasteurized.
I'm tired of horse shit laws that weasel the little guy out.
It just became legal to purchase unpasteurized milk from private farmers in the last few years here? That's bull shit. Why was it ever illegal. Don't say to protect me. It is to protect the profits of big ag.
Like I said, don't take it personal. I'm sure you're a good guy with a good farm. My bad if it seemed like a personal attack.
I can agree with that.Well I agree with 90% of the same shit to be honest. I hate factory farms that grow meat, hate antibiotics in my meat, and hate that armed cops will raid a dairy that sells fresh milk. Chickens are tortured for all intents and purposes. We both hate all those things.
Long time ago I was a zookeeper for a bit, one of the best experiences in my life. I learned from that job just how threatens the wilds are, almost everyone I know who works with Tigers or rhinos fully expects them to go extinct in the wild. That's why I'm willing to deal with potentially some human side effects from big af if it saves wild spaces. We can't have the whole planet to make veggies with.
I blame government for selling out to lobbyists more than I blame industries. Monsanto never took raw milk from someone at gun point, that's the government. If we allow the government to run our lives and regulate everything it always tilts toward the powerful IMO. Truth is we prolly like a lot of the same stuff, but blame different parts of society for the break down.
I honestly think a streamlining of regulation and subsidies at this point would only help the little guy. I like family farms better than corporate farms, it's what we did. But we bought a lot of stuff from big companies, like seeds, and fertilizer, and tractors and stuff. with all our tech we grew soooo much more than Amish who lived near us. I just would hate to see those benefits go away. Respect to your position though.