Gavita Sold To Hawthorne Group

Storage is expensive, very inefficient and itself needs replacement at substantial cost. Why not use the grid instead? Generate enough energy to offset your own use and sell/accrue credit for future use when you make extra. The grid then delivers that power to its closest user in order to minimize transmission costs.

It makes sense as a stepping stone strategy, as well; paying your own power use directly reduces your bill, highest tier first.

Not sure why there an obsession about being off grid completely when the benefits are so many and the drawbacks so few.

Not only that but batteries are quite toxic. Heavy metal laden. And the energy used to mine things like lithium is intense.

Did you know every ton of coal contains a couple grams of uranium? Where does that go when we burn it? That's right, up the stack! There's also lead in there too! We've spread more uranium into the atmosphere by burning coal than through all the nuclear accidents and weapon tests done so far.
Millions of tons per year, even at a tiny rate of grams per ton you end up with tons of uranium coming down in our rain. Coal needs to go first imho.
Not only that but batteries are quite toxic. Heavy metal laden. And the energy used to mine things like lithium is intense.

Did you know every ton of coal contains a couple grams of uranium? Where does that go when we burn it? That's right, up the stack! There's also lead in there too! We've spread more uranium into the atmosphere by burning coal than through all the nuclear accidents and weapon tests done so far.
Millions of tons per year, even at a tiny rate of grams per ton you end up with tons of uranium coming down in our rain. Coal needs to go first imho.

Right. Very little in the way of contaminants for natural gas.
The people are the ones who voted against it where I live in Cali. We had mandatory labeling on the ballot. I was for mandatory labeling, even though I'm open minded to gmo. Hard to blame Monsanto for that one.

Who do you think bank rolled the campaign to defeat it with their lies.

Haven't you ever seen a TV commercial about clean coal? Just another one of the corporate campaigns of lies to the gullible public.
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Right. Very little in the way of contaminants for natural gas.

Natural gas emits carbon dioxide,we already have solar,wind,tidal and other tech available now,the only thing stopping us is the fossil fuel industry and their last gasps of a dying industry that will kill us all if they are not stopped.
Natural gas emits carbon dioxide,we already have solar,wind,tidal and other tech available now,the only thing stopping us is the fossil fuel industry and their last gasps of a dying industry that will kill us all if they are not stopped.

Biogas isn't fossil fuel and we need a technological bridge to get us from here to there. Hate it as you might, it's a logical step.
Biogas isn't fossil fuel and we need a technological bridge to get us from here to there. Hate it as you might, it's a logical step.

You don't seem to get it,for every step forward we take to truly clean renewable energy sources the rich and entrenched fossil fuel industry throws up another road block. They are at work now buying off politicians at the state level to block anything they can,Solar city and companies like them are now a big target,the big utility companies are also trying to block solar. Just like the big cable companies trying to block access to infrastructure to stop competition.
Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House in the 70's and one of the first things Reagan did when he got in office was remove them. At least some of those panels are in the hands of a museum and they supposedly still work. One step forward and another back. Why do you think community broad band is illegal in most states,because the big cable companies don't like competition. It's the same for all the big players,they remove their competitors. Who do think pushes the talking points on energy? The big energy companies want you to think it's a very long hard road to change anything and it will take a long time. That way they can either try to bankrupt or buy out their competitors.
You don't seem to get it,for every step forward we take to truly clean renewable energy sources the rich and entrenched fossil fuel industry throws up another road block. They are at work now buying off politicians at the state level to block anything they can,Solar city and companies like them are now a big target,the big utility companies are also trying to block solar. Just like the big cable companies trying to block access to infrastructure to stop competition.

Babies and bathwater,bro- nothing wrong with biogas.

And if you want to break the chains of corruption and influence over our government, might I suggest the direct approach; supporting campaign finance reform and an end to influence peddling. Otherwise your suggestion won't go anywhere.
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Ever heard of the Big Lie,it's just one of their propaganda tools. Keep dreaming about your swamp gas,it's probably going to be as good for the environment as corn based ethanol,one of the worst plants for making ethanol.
Ever heard of the Big Lie,it's just one of their propaganda tools. Keep dreaming about your swamp gas,it's probably going to be as good for the environment as corn based ethanol,one of the worst plants for making ethanol.

Dude, it's the natural byproduct of the decomposition of bio materials from dry leaves to the deuce you took this morning. Is already bring made, the plan is to make use of it instead of allowing so much to continue contributing to global warming.

There's science here, even organic chemistry. You grow in organics, right? You're producing methane, aka swamp gas.

Bone up on the subject of methane power. We're on the same side, I'm just a lil further along the path of implications and alternatives.
Dude, it's the natural byproduct of the decomposition of bio materials from dry leaves to the deuce you took this morning. Is already bring made, the plan is to make use of it instead of allowing so much to continue contributing to global warming.

There's science here, even organic chemistry. You grow in organics, right? You're producing methane, aka swamp gas.

Bone up on the subject of methane power. We're on the same side, I'm just a lil further along the path of implications and alternatives.

Your a legend in your own mind. Methane is a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide,only good thing about it is it has a shorter life span in the atmosphere.
Your a legend in your own mind. Methane is a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide,only good thing about it is it has a shorter life span in the atmosphere.

And you aren't going to get rid of it by ignoring it! It's made from ALL decomposing materials, do you get that? Capturing it and using it as an energy source would be a carbon sink!

I'm sorry you don't understand the science well enough to have an intelligent discussion on the matter. But that's on you to fix; continuing to rant against it just makes you look silly to those who are knowledgeable about the relevant technology.
And you aren't going to get rid of it by ignoring it! It's made from ALL decomposing materials, do you get that? Capturing it and using it as an energy source would be a carbon sink!

I'm sorry you don't understand the science well enough to have an intelligent discussion on the matter. But that's on you to fix; continuing to rant against it just makes you look silly to those who are knowledgeable about the relevant technology.

There you go again talking down to people,guess I'm just a dumb rube and nothing I've said is based on science,good luck with your swamp gas challenge to save the world.
Who do you think bank rolled the campaign to defeat it with their lies.

Haven't you ever seen a TV commercial about clean coal? Just another one of the corporate campaigns of lies to the gullible public.

I blame the gullible public primarily. The greedy public was told grocery prices could increase by a few percent and they weren't willing to give that up. That and they allowed themselves to be easily bullied. Distributors said they wouldn't sell in Cali if they had to label. I say bullshit, we have 10% of the market, they would do what they had to.
I'm being slightly sarcastic but, but yeah aggravating when the trouble is taken to get something on the ballot and people vote against the mere dissemination of info.
this one should have been easy. Don't know why someone would believe a commercial paid for by the people we are trying to regulate! If they are that gullible we are lucky they aren't eating rat poison on accident.
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There you go again talking down to people,guess I'm just a dumb rube and nothing I've said is based on science,good luck with your swamp gas challenge to save the world.

Nice dismissive attitude. If you refuse to educate yourself about a given subject, no one suffers more than you.
I blame the gullible public primarily. The greedy public was told grocery prices could increase by a few percent and they weren't willing to give that up. That and they allowed themselves to be easily bullied. Distributors said they wouldn't sell in Cali if they had to label. I say bullshit, we have 10% of the market, they would do what they had to.
I'm being slightly sarcastic but, but yeah aggravating when the trouble is taken to get something on the ballot and people vote against the mere dissemination of info.
this one should have been easy.

Problem is that the large corporations have the money to spread their lies and scare the public,against what,a small environmental group that has to beg for small donations,it's not a fair fight. I remember when I was a kid the news was just that the news. They would tell you the news and sometimes they had something they called a "Editorial Viewpoint" and by law they had to offer the same amount of TV time to the other side of the argument,naturally that law was abolished.Now it's giant corporations with agendas calling what they put out as news and no real rebuttals.