Well-Known Member
What are you offering the market besides this?
Everything comes from some kind of labor... whether physical or intellectual.
Intellectual capital keeps paying long after you put the shovel down, son.
What are you offering the market besides this?
Everything comes from some kind of labor... whether physical or intellectual.
Intellectual capital keeps paying long after you put the shovel down, son.
I do not think I can help you understand any better than my previous post. How about a riddle? How do you obtain that intellectual capital with no sort of labor?
You're too quick to reply, and jump to insults. Take the internet rage goggles off, hop in the garden and sample some product, my prescription to you.![]()
I didn't say no work was necessary, that's you trying to cram those words into my mouth.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not the one flailing about between riddles and rage goggle accusations. I'm not even upset.
I said everything comes from labor. You implied that intellectual capital did not with your reply, and follow up attempt to insult physical laborers. Or were you just bragging and trying to sound superior with your post?
I feel personally that Dupont™ has the finest quality agricultural products. Much better than monsanto.
I was just talking about American companies monsanto has inferior products compared to Dupont™.Did you happen to see the automated greenhouse I posted earlier? Personally I think the Dutch have been absolutely killing it. Not a huge country but contributing way more than their share to the progress.
The automated cloner machine will make 5000 cuts per hour! Sign me up. I'm lucky if I can make a 1500 in a day, so thats like 20x faster. Sisestaak is ther name I think.
Hey Farmer,don't you have a Trump rally to go to or something.
I haven't figured out how to up vote yet but agree with most of what you said. I hate how my family farm paid more tax every year than GE did for 15 years. They didn't pay tax for much of the 2000's. GE isn't evil though, they just happen to have really good tax lawyers, and we keep electing the same idiots who give them tax breaks and give favors for contributions.I am pretty conservative but no longer a Repub because the party are NeoCons for endless war. There is not a dimes worth of difference between the Bushes, Clintons and Oboma. Endless wars and endless misery - have to keep MIC (military industrial complex) happy. The Dems and Repubs are the same people. The GOP tried to screw Trump and have not given up tryinhg to steal his nomination. The Dems and Clintons screwed Bernie. Bernie supporters, correctly, are suing the DNC.
I support small and medium sized business. MonSatan is pure evil. Dow Chemical, Bayer and many others are scum as well. And let's not forget the darling that owns Congress and corn - Archer Daniels Midland. (ADM). The reason why shitty and unhealthy corn syrup is in almost all package foods is ADM. Mexico's Coca Cola has sugar while US Coca Cola has corn syrup.
I do not hate capitalism just crony facism which is what we have now. Endless bailouts and endless corruption.
Endless mega companies paying almost no taxes while the average person pays through the nose.
Oh and it will be coming to pot in the near future. Many of the legal states will crack down more on small growers in favor of big growers.
How about all the wonderful GMO fruit and vegetables in most grocery stores. They look beautiful and don't bruise easily which is good for transport but all the flavor has been bred out of them and they taste like you're eating cardboard.
that's because the growers dont get a dime for producing tasteful products, the consumer wants CHEAP and CHEAP ONLY. for tasteful tomatoes just increase the EC, but why should they? nobody pays that extra so they produce watery tomatoes. easy as that.
Not so much; they bred tomatoes to withstand the trip to market. Flavor was secondary.
and? that's the same problem, in the end the consumer decides. and they want CHEAP, big, red tomatoes. not many are into paying more for a smaller, more tasteful product that has soft spots from transport. dont blame the producers for the buying decisions of the consumer. go to italy for once, try their tomatoes. they are not so stupid over there and prefer tastefull stuff so the producers make it for them. the shitty stuff gets sent outside the country to the stupid, BILLIG ÜBER ALLES germans and other nations
Fortunately, growing your own has never been easier or more affordable.
...he says, on a growing website lol
then why is everyone hating on companies that deliver what the consumer wants? like srsly, we cant feed the world with organic products, not now and especially not in 2050 when we will be 10 trillion on this planet. because there is not enough workable soil nor the luxury of wasting nutrients. its easy to sit here fat and smug and point on the many "mistakes" big ag does without providing equivalent solutions. to feed everyone in 2050 will be a very big challenge, even for big ag. doing the same as always will surely not feed the world as we cant feed them all already now. so whats the solutions from you naysayers? stop using all the bad things big ag does but letting millions die because the results are not there to feed them? whats better, dying because there is not enough food or live but eat "contaminated" products? and no, not everyone has the ressources, the space and the time to "grow their own". thats a luxury for most
Maybe think humans are the problem and genetically modifying and altering nature isn't what was intended? Maybe we need to reduce human population instead of messing with nature.then why is everyone hating on companies that deliver what the consumer wants? like srsly, we cant feed the world with organic products, not now and especially not in 2050 when we will be 10 trillion on this planet. because there is not enough workable soil nor the luxury of wasting nutrients. its easy to sit here fat and smug and point on the many "mistakes" big ag does without providing equivalent solutions. to feed everyone in 2050 will be a very big challenge, even for big ag. doing the same as always will surely not feed the world as we cant feed them all already now. so whats the solutions from you naysayers? stop using all the bad things big ag does but letting millions die because the results are not there to feed them? whats better, dying because there is not enough food or live but eat "contaminated" products? and no, not everyone has the ressources, the space and the time to "grow their own". thats a luxury for most
You could kill yourself if you actually believed that.Maybe think humans are the problem and genetically modifying and altering nature isn't what was intended? Maybe we need to reduce human population instead of messing with nature.
Or maybe we should stop reproducing so much? Look at the population increase expected in the next 50 years this world will reach the tipping point where earth can no longer sustain. Population control aka reproduction control like china does might be the answer.You could kill yourself if you actually believed that.
Or maybe we should stop reproducing so much? Look at the population increase expected in the next 50 years this world will reach the tipping point where earth can no longer sustain. Population control aka reproduction control like china does might be the answer.