Gavita Sold To Hawthorne Group

Maybe think humans are the problem and genetically modifying and altering nature isn't what was intended? Maybe we need to reduce human population instead of messing with nature.

there's just a small step from this to genocide, and genocide is something we germans have great results with. is that what you want?
Or maybe we should stop reproducing so much? Look at the population increase expected in the next 50 years this world will reach the tipping point where earth can no longer sustain. Population control aka reproduction control like china does might be the answer.

10 billion by 2040 according to the high end of the graph, that's the maximum sustainable for the earth.

you should look that up again, especially the part what china is doing (hint: they dont do that anymore)
Or maybe we should stop reproducing so much? Look at the population increase expected in the next 50 years this world will reach the tipping point where earth can no longer sustain. Population control aka reproduction control like china does might be the answer.

10 billion by 2040 according to the high end of the graph, that's the maximum sustainable for the earth.

No, it's well past what's sustainable.
naww we shouldn't do things like china.

You should try living in China. Population in the US is only about 300,000,000 while in China it's over a billion. What works for the US might not work for China.

Commute to work: (You're actually only allowed to drive on certain days of the week)


Tug boat in garbage:
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You should try living in China. Population in the US is only about 300,000 while in China it's over a billion. What works for the US might not work for China.

Commute to work: (You're actually only allowed to drive on certain days of the week)


Tug boat in garbage:

300,000 in the U.S. yet 39 million people live in california. L.A. alone brings in 250 million tourists a year.
there's just a small step from this to genocide, and genocide is something we germans have great results with. is that what you want?
We don't have to hurt anyone to control the population we just need to limit how many children people can have.
I haven't figured out how to up vote yet but agree with most of what you said. I hate how my family farm paid more tax every year than GE did for 15 years. They didn't pay tax for much of the 2000's. GE isn't evil though, they just happen to have really good tax lawyers, and we keep electing the same idiots who give them tax breaks and give favors for contributions.
Big doesn't have to necessarily be corrupt, we just allowed it to be. i try to separate the work of the scientists, and the products they provide from the political controversies that arise from billion dollar companies doing battle. GE does make incredible shit! Shame on our congress and their lawyers, but their science teams are doing good. That's how I feel about big business. Hard to call something pure evil, it's an amalgam. Some evil and some good.

How many of our friends and neighbors are really paying attention? I know so many people stuck in partisan mode, they just love dems or republicans, year after year without skeptical inquiry. We got the democracy we built.

I liked Bernie as well, he was a little left for me ( I'm old and like my stuff) but he was the most honest trustworthy guy running. It matters more to me that we not kill people needlessly around the world in failed nation building than I save on taxes.

I somehow doubt there are many Cruz supporting growers but I could be wrong lol. Lots of us liked Bernie. Even guys with Monsanto stickers on their truck.

Add Apple to the list of tax cheats along with Bono and U2. Sorry GE is evil. Most of their engineering is done on their financial statements. They dumped tons of PCBs in NY rivers and never paid a penny for any clean up.

As far as Scotts Liquid Grow? Not a giant company but their products are not very good. Schultz makes better garden stuff.

Cruz is a Canadian who illegally became a senator and conned the voters of Texas but they seem to be fine with his fakery.

The Dutch (Gavita). I generally like the Ducth - good engineers, gorgeous women, Norelco razors that last forever and sadly we just lost the great Johan Cryuff one of the greatest football players and coaches in history and gentleman. They also gave us Pim Fortuyn and Wilders while the Dutch elite murdered Pim like JFK was murdered. Then they paroled Pim's killer. They also murdered Theo van Gogh and paroled his killer.
Add Apple to the list of tax cheats along with Bono and U2. Sorry GE is evil. Most of their engineering is done on their financial statements. They dumped tons of PCBs in NY rivers and never paid a penny for any clean up.

As far as Scotts Liquid Grow? Not a giant company but their products are not very good. Schultz makes better garden stuff.

Cruz is a Canadian who illegally became a senator and conned the voters of Texas but they seem to be fine with his fakery.

The Dutch (Gavita). I generally like the Ducth - good engineers, gorgeous women, Norelco razors that last forever and sadly we just lost the great Johan Cryuff one of the greatest football players and coaches in history and gentleman. They also gave us Pim Fortuyn and Wilders while the Dutch elite murdered Pim like JFK was murdered. Then they paroled Pim's killer. They also murdered Theo van Gogh and paroled his killer.

And the price of tea in China isn't rising this week.

WTF does any of that gobbledygook have to do with what the man said?

You want a good razor to cut the bullshit from the truth? FOLLOW THE MONEY.
The Dutch (Gavita). I generally like the Ducth - good engineers, gorgeous women, Norelco razors that last forever and sadly we just lost the great Johan Cryuff one of the greatest football players and coaches in history and gentleman. They also gave us Pim Fortuyn and Wilders while the Dutch elite murdered Pim like JFK was murdered. Then they paroled Pim's killer. They also murdered Theo van Gogh and paroled his killer.
What the fuck... That's some messed up shit man, like saying the US gave us Mohammed Ali and Trump. Van Gogh's killer is still in jail, serving a life sentence without parole. It's totally normal to be weird in this forum but at least get your facts straight.

And you forgot to mention the vitally important ~$2million loan to John Adams funding the independence of the US. And capitalism. And 70% of the vegetable varieties in the US, 40% of all plant varieties cultivated by mankind... Thanks to breeder's right by many different people, from small breeders to large corporations.
What the fuck... That's some messed up shit man, like saying the US gave us Mohammed Ali and Trump. Van Gogh's killer is still in jail, serving a life sentence without parole. It's totally normal to be weird in this forum but at least get your facts straight.

And you forgot to mention the vitally important ~$2million loan to John Adams funding the independence of the US. And capitalism. And 70% of the vegetable varieties in the US, 40% of all plant varieties cultivated by mankind... Thanks to breeder's right by many different people, from small breeders to large corporations.
Yes, just do not give thanks to GMO"S...
My family always did field tomato. Ours ended up in tomato sauce, they didn't have to look perfect just be ripe and healthy. They were generally cooked and canned within 24 hr of being picked, so they were ripe when picked.

If you want to sell it in the produce aisle then you grow greenhouse. Higher quality, picked by hand, costs 4x as much at the end but is pretty. They ship em unripe so they don't bruise. Farmers markets have the best tomatoes these days, can get em fresh, ripened the whole way. It's like picking your flowers on week 6 and letting the hairs turn on the rack, ain't even close to the same.

that's because the growers dont get a dime for producing tasteful products, the consumer wants CHEAP and CHEAP ONLY. for tasteful tomatoes just increase the EC, but why should they? nobody pays that extra so they produce watery tomatoes. easy as that.[/QUOTE
What the fuck... That's some messed up shit man, like saying the US gave us Mohammed Ali and Trump. Van Gogh's killer is still in jail, serving a life sentence without parole. It's totally normal to be weird in this forum but at least get your facts straight.

And you forgot to mention the vitally important ~$2million loan to John Adams funding the independence of the US. And capitalism. And 70% of the vegetable varieties in the US, 40% of all plant varieties cultivated by mankind... Thanks to breeder's right by many different people, from small breeders to large corporations.

Yeah the Dutch collected all kinds of plants. They were explorers, and managed to get just about everywhere. Unfortunately people of the day did explore a little violently....but those guys also loved plants. They did help us with our Brexit which was very kind as well, good of you to point that out on the 4th!

I always am impressed when I see their current farming set ups. Their greenhouse technology is pretty fantastic. I've seen greenhouse setups with thousands of gavitas. They made themselves the experts in Europe for cut flower production. Not an easy feat when you don't have crazy cheep labor and your sun is less than ideal. But it's a great way to make a good return off an acre. And being a small country they don't have many acres.

That's our advantage in our industry as well. Growing up doing field tomato, and occasional bean and corn, you need tons of space to make enough money to pay the bills. If you are growing cut flowers or our fav dried flowers, you need 1/100th the footprint. I could harvest 50 acres a day of tomato, I'm lucky if I can do 100 sq ft of herbs.
There is a lot of anger at the big guy, but we are blessed to have an industry available now that doesn't require vast sums of money to get going. Prices will go down, we've been a little too blessed maybe, but any guy or girl who can work hard enough to build a greenhouse will be able to micro farm themselves a future. Herb will always be different from tomato and corn.
Everyone is looking at Monsanto but it's John Deere who will change our game the most someday. When they make a fully mechanical harvester where you can just drive over fields and have nuggets shoot into a bin while leaves and stalks are dropped to the soil, that will make some pretty damn cheap shwag available. People who make oil will love the cheap and dirty. That or for pre rolls.

I don't want to compete with that industrial scale, or grow that way. I want to grow the best quality, in a greenhouse. There will always be people who buy micro brew, and those that buy bud light. You just won't be able to sell your stuff at micro brew prices, if your still growing bud light. A game time.
Hard to keep people from fucking bro, you'd probably have to hurt me to get me to have no interest lol.
You can fuck all you want, just make use of contraceptives. If people had any love for the planet, they would know better than to have more than one child.