They propagate by both methods.... for seeds you need to have a male near a female, just like weed. My females produced seed every year but with no results. Now i have my males in but I'm still waiting.... I have been waiting patiently for mother nature, but this year i will pollinate it myself. If you think of March or April....PM me your address and I will send oyu up the other kind...a new bud which pops out from underneath at ground level...i have a bunch of them and would gladly send oyu one or two. Let me know Miss...
That would be really cool, I'd be more than happy to send you some flower seeds in exchange. I have lots of stuff, purple coneflower, yellow coneflower, columbines, Irish eye daisys, black eyed susans, Borage..............
Papaver somniferum? GG don't worry I have those already..... sure throw in whatever you like. yah know there are all sorts of seed exchange should check them out. Some pretty neat stuff. When i send you the sago buds I'll throw in a couple of Vetiver amazing grass!!!
If your ground freezes hard then no..... you'll have to pot it up as well. It is possible maybe to place it near your house on the south side, cut it down to the ground in late fall and mulch the hell out of it. You might get a spring surprise
Don't worry, Ill send you a dozen grass slips, you can play with them.....I have many many thousands of them