General Advice, I'm a first timer!

Alright all my rollitup friends, I'm gonna start by saying this is the best website in the world for first time growers and i attribute this websites help directly to my grow, and now I'm a proud daddy!

Check it out guys heres the setup
2x1 cabinet with 300w of cfl blue and red spectrum on my lights, i take them outside for the day once a week, watering with arrowhead water mixed with healthy amounts of fox farm big bloom, 24/0, ph 6.5-7.1 constantly. Leaves Ive been tying up the top fan leaves of my indica to make it more bushy which is working!

Two questions here:
1. How does my indica a look?(I've seen a lot of online pics of same age and mine seems to be doing real well)
2. Any general advice? My leave tips are always curled like a fish hook, Im thinking about when to flower too.....desicisons decisions.....

ill + rep like a bitch in heat.



Well-Known Member
youve got the claw from to much n from a qiuck look and they look real dark green. i dont mean to be a prick nut my taxi as just pulled up. i will only be 2 hours. when i come back im more than willing to talk to you in great detail about anything you would like to ask. i send you a friends request and if you still need help when i come back i help np sorry about this op
that would be great man! always like new friends, the thing is i know u can get those claws from ph imbalance or over noting but I'm using fox farm in miracle grow soil and my ph is looking fine. i dunno!?


Active Member
how often are you watering? that last picture looks like some sort of water related stress.
Also i would try to get the ph of your water around 6.5 all the time, 7.0 isnt horrible but 6.5 is alot better
i water once a day when its dry about halfway up my middle finger. i drenched them the last few days for flushing, maybe thats what it is. any way to lower nitrogen?


Active Member
how big are the pots that you have them in?
how much are you watering them each time?
Iam not sure about how to lower nitrogen, whats the NPK of the nutes your using?