Hi guys first post, been lerkin' here for a few months and learned alot so thanks for all the great info everyone.
Anyway, what we have is mixing strains of cannabis to produce the desired results. This is not genetic modification. This is selctive breeding and has been going on for thousands of years with many diffrent animals and plants.
Genetic modification or geneticly enginered plants and animals do exist and the scientists say its perfectly safe, but they say alot of things. They have crossed Goat with spider, monkey with jellyfish and potato with cockroach amungst other things.
I feel this is playing God, I just don't think we are ready to be fooling around with such things. They could cause alergic reactions and pollen is hard to control. Such as Aventis' Starlink corn which was never intended for human consumption and yet the strain has spread and contaminated the worlds corn supply. Even after they destroyed the GE corn (GE = Geneticly enginered). I just don't think these guys know as much as they think they do. Just because we can do a thing does not nessisaraly mean we must do a thing.
That being said there is alot we can learn from GE plants and animals. I just don't think we need to be to hasty.
agree with this a 100% we are fU@#!n& with mother nature too much already! i can accept crossing 2 different strains of plants or breeds of animals but when you start crossing species. that's a whole different kettle of fish! I knew about the spider goats but a potato roach? wtf was their objective on that one, a potato that would withstand a nuclear bomb or one that would walk on your plate when you turned out the lights?