Genetically Modified Cannabis?***=0***

Hi guys first post, been lerkin' here for a few months and learned alot so thanks for all the great info everyone.

Anyway, what we have is mixing strains of cannabis to produce the desired results. This is not genetic modification. This is selctive breeding and has been going on for thousands of years with many diffrent animals and plants.

Genetic modification or geneticly enginered plants and animals do exist and the scientists say its perfectly safe, but they say alot of things. They have crossed Goat with spider, monkey with jellyfish and potato with cockroach amungst other things.

I feel this is playing God, I just don't think we are ready to be fooling around with such things. They could cause alergic reactions and pollen is hard to control. Such as Aventis' Starlink corn which was never intended for human consumption and yet the strain has spread and contaminated the worlds corn supply. Even after they destroyed the GE corn (GE = Geneticly enginered). I just don't think these guys know as much as they think they do. Just because we can do a thing does not nessisaraly mean we must do a thing.

That being said there is alot we can learn from GE plants and animals. I just don't think we need to be to hasty.

agree with this a 100% we are fU@#!n& with mother nature too much already! i can accept crossing 2 different strains of plants or breeds of animals but when you start crossing species. that's a whole different kettle of fish! I knew about the spider goats but a potato roach? wtf was their objective on that one, a potato that would withstand a nuclear bomb or one that would walk on your plate when you turned out the lights?
The next time you need modern medicine, say, "No thank you Doctor, I don't want to be a GMO."

Every time you utilize another organisms traits to your advantage, you are GMO-ing yourself. Using bacteria found only in insects to battle infections. Using cloning to grow organs. This is all GMO. Altering the genetics of a pig, so it grows YOUR nose on it's back, is GMO. I bet the people who get face surgery and get most of their face back might argue in favor of GMO.

Once AGAIN. It's the utilization that you are hating on, not the technology! You keep sighting how "Some" people and scientists are seeing negative side effects. What if they solve that problem, or perfect GMO-ing so it's not a concern. Then you would be ok with it?

You laughed at Beta Cara-tine toting rice. While a poor example of GMO, as it was in it's infancy in the 90's, you fail to acknowledge that some people can't just "Grab a fucking carrot".
In my opinion, GMO is a crime against nature. No good can come from it. Whenever man tries to play God, the planet suffers! Monsanto is one of the most evil corporations out there. Just say NO to GMO.
A better example is "Golden Rice". Loaded with Vitamin A. Yes, you can get Vitamin A from other foods, IF THEY ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU! If you can't afford much else but rice, free vitamin A is kinda cool. People said Cannabis was immoral and no good could possibly come from it. People say a lot of things. The facts speak for themselves. I had a similar argument over Hydro VS Organics. Poor people do NOT use organics. They use Mineral nutrients in a recirculating Hydro system. Why? Because it smells good? Because it's new? NO! Because it's the only way to grow tons of fruit in a small area. Period. It works. Why are third world countries using seeds that grow huge fast? Because it works. Period.
Now here's a nice test of every ones honesty. (Tee hee) (Please don't tell me about how this isn't possible yet. This is a hypothetical situation. It illustrates how people condemn something until it benefits them greatly.)

*Fictional report*

This just in. Monsanto just released a press statement announcing it's first Cannabis Technology. "Cannanto" is a new strain of Cannabis. It grows to a full height of 4 feet. It produces on average 1 pound of female flowers per 4 foot plant. Seeds are ready to flower in 2 weeks. Flowering depends on conditions, and ranges from 3-5 weeks.

NOW TELL THE TRUTH! Who would order these seeds? I sure as fuck would. A lot of people would. C'mon y'all, tell the truth, Ruth!
Once AGAIN. It's the utilization that you are hating on, not the technology! You keep sighting how "Some" people and scientists are seeing negative side effects. What if they solve that problem, or perfect GMO-ing so it's not a concern. Then you would be ok with it?

You laughed at Beta Cara-tine toting rice. While a poor example of GMO, as it was in it's infancy in the 90's, you fail to acknowledge that some people can't just "Grab a fucking carrot".

As usual you are missing the point and trying to help others miss the point. A carrot was an example. Beta carotene is in almost EVERY single yellow, orange, and green fruit or vegetable. You don't have to eat a carrot.

So you're saying that we should genetically modify rice, something that grows naturally and is completely fine the way it is, just for people that don't feel like eating carrots. Even after all the GMO disasters I just reported on?

You also noted that it's a poor example of GMO, how come you don't post any good ones?

Any YES, for the record I am against genetic modification in theory and in practice.

I do believe, as do you and others, that we can learn a lot from genetic modification....I just think most of what we learn tells us that we shouldn't do it and we never should have in the first place. You can argue with me all week if you want to, but you've failed to mention a single good thing that genetically modifying food can do, while I've explained how they have devastated the world and our bodies.

Instead you keep confusing theory, gmo food, and breeding plant species together to try to prove a point that you can't make.

And you can bet all you want that the people who get face surgery where part of "their" face was grown on a pig (or mouse) would argue in favor of gmos...but instead of betting why don't you ask one! Lol. Get "their" opinion instead of just throwing around yours.

The world is perfect the way it is...or was I should say...before MEN started trying to play GOD. Ever look in a fucking telescope? The world is much bigger than any MAN, and you're are just plain FOOLISH to think that now, or at any point in time, MEN will do a better job of creating nature than nature. It will never happen, and we will only make mistakes.

One of your arguments is that we as human beings aren't perfect right? So how is something imperfect supposed to improve upon itself or other things but using imperfect logic and knowledge?
As usual you are missing the point and trying to help others miss the point. A carrot was an example. Beta carotene is in almost EVERY single yellow, orange, and green fruit or vegetable. You don't have to eat a carrot.

So you're saying that we should genetically modify rice, something that grows naturally and is completely fine the way it is, just for people that don't feel like eating carrots. Even after all the GMO disasters I just reported on?

You also noted that it's a poor example of GMO, how come you don't post any good ones?

Any YES, for the record I am against genetic modification in theory and in practice.

I do believe, as do you and others, that we can learn a lot from genetic modification....I just think most of what we learn tells us that we shouldn't do it and we never should have in the first place. You can argue with me all week if you want to, but you've failed to mention a single good thing that genetically modifying food can do, while I've explained how they have devastated the world and our bodies.

Instead you keep confusing theory, gmo food, and breeding plant species together to try to prove a point that you can't make.

And you can bet all you want that the people who get face surgery where part of "their" face was grown on a pig (or mouse) would argue in favor of gmos...but instead of betting why don't you ask one! Lol. Get "their" opinion instead of just throwing around yours.

The world is perfect the way it is...or was I should say...before MEN started trying to play GOD. Ever look in a fucking telescope? The world is much bigger than any MAN, and you're are just plain FOOLISH to think that now, or at any point in time, MEN will do a better job of creating nature than nature. It will never happen, and we will only make mistakes.

One of your arguments is that we as human beings aren't perfect right? So how is something imperfect supposed to improve upon itself or other things but using imperfect logic and knowledge?

So your answer to world hunger is educate the poor about good diet. SERIOUSLY!?

People in AMERICA eat shitty because of ignorance. In most third world countries, traditional recipe's provide a shit ton of nutrients. Far more than a HUNGRY MAN micro meal. It's the fact that these people can't afford anything BUT rice. I'm broke. I have a mule. I need seed. I need it to do as much as it can, because that's all I grow or eat. I am going to grab the most powerful strain, and I don't give a fuck who made it or when. These people don't even know what gmo's are. But they know one strain of rice treats deficiencies while another does not. One strain resists frost, while another does not. Some are GMO's, some are not. Half the population of the earth would be dead right now if we just accepted nature.

So you would rather die than live with the help of modern medicine? Go ahead with your bad self, Bob Marley!

I mentioned several ways GMO's could and DO benefit mankind. It is you who refused to acknowledge them and gave me anecdotes instead. "We don't need that, just eat more fruit." That doesn't work for the fruitless.

The only theory I mentioned was a hypothetical situation to illustrate that GMO has it's place. And never mentioned breeding, accept to make it clear that it was waaay different from GMO's.

I don't need to ask "them". I've met 2. Both were extremely grateful that GMO technology existed at the time.

What tickles me pink is people who insist that anything mankind does is not natural! We are from nature. We exist in it's boundaries and must adhere to it's laws. If it happens on this planet, in this universe, it's natural.

Light remaining constant outside of a vacuum is un-natural. Nature is flawed by design. Why do you think evolution transpires? Because it's a hot mess. Who's to say our created mess is any worse or better than what's been alive before. Remember, most of the life on earth is already extinct! 99% of the universe snuffs life out in a fraction of a second. When all is said and done, two beings belonging to a species descended from Humans will argue in a holographic chamber about whether GMO's led to their evolution or not...
Man, do you just sit around and read government corporate propaganda as a hobby lmao. Yea, I'm Bob Marley because I think educating poor people is a better idea than changing the genetics of food, food that has been feeding us properly for millions of years lmao.

You keep talking about people in other countries that don't have access to food, have you ever been to any of these countries or talked with the indigenous people's of those countries. What the fuck do you think TRADE is?

And I already de-bunked your rice thing lol, why are you still bringing that up? The people in third world countries don't need GMO food to live lol. In fact, look it up, in most Asian countries they don't, or didn't have any of our diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and most cancers until the Western influence. OUR INFLUENCE is killing them, not a lack of food.

  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]"I don't need to ask "them". I've met 2. Both were extremely grateful that GMO technology existed at the time."[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Have you asked them lately? Those "faces" tend to reject or cause problems. And if you truly asked to people with such a condition and they said theysupport gmo technology, then that's great for them, but what you were arguing about with me was gmo foods, that's what you posted links to.[/FONT]

    • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]"What tickles me pink is people who insist that anything mankind does is not natural! We are from nature. We exist in it's boundaries and must adhere to it's laws. If it happens on this planet, in this universe, it's natural."[/FONT]

      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]This is just a cop out from the entire argument.......I digress[/FONT]

      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Either come up with ONE single example of how genetic modification has helped us in the PRESENT and in the PAST, or one GUARANTEED way that it will help us in the future....and I'm not talking about pigs growing noses. That hasn't been PROVEN to help anyone, it's only been proven that we can grow a human nose on a pig and attach it to someones face and make it work "kinda" the way the nose you were born with works.[/FONT]

      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I offered PAGES of FACTS about how genetic modification is destroying the world. All you giving is pigs growing human noses and a little big of MISINFORMATION from bad sources. [/FONT]

      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]How bout just take a few days off from this thread and do some REAL actual research and then come back with some ACTUAL info ok? I don't mind the debate, it's just tiring arguing with someone when their mind isn't open to the idea that they could be wrong.[/FONT]

Man, do you just sit around and read government corporate propaganda as a hobby lmao. Yea, I'm Bob Marley because I think educating poor people is a better idea than changing the genetics of food, food that has been feeding us properly for millions of years lmao.

You keep talking about people in other countries that don't have access to food, have you ever been to any of these countries or talked with the indigenous people's of those countries. What the fuck do you think TRADE is?

And I already de-bunked your rice thing lol, why are you still bringing that up? The people in third world countries don't need GMO food to live lol. In fact, look it up, in most Asian countries they don't, or didn't have any of our diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and most cancers until the Western influence. OUR INFLUENCE is killing them, not a lack of food.

  • "I don't need to ask "them". I've met 2. Both were extremely grateful that GMO technology existed at the time."
    Have you asked them lately? Those "faces" tend to reject or cause problems. And if you truly asked to people with such a condition and they said theysupport gmo technology, then that's great for them, but what you were arguing about with me was gmo foods, that's what you posted links to.
    • "What tickles me pink is people who insist that anything mankind does is not natural! We are from nature. We exist in it's boundaries and must adhere to it's laws. If it happens on this planet, in this universe, it's natural."

      This is just a cop out from the entire argument.......I digress

      Either come up with ONE single example of how genetic modification has helped us in the PRESENT and in the PAST, or one GUARANTEED way that it will help us in the future....and I'm not talking about pigs growing noses. That hasn't been PROVEN to help anyone, it's only been proven that we can grow a human nose on a pig and attach it to someones face and make it work "kinda" the way the nose you were born with works.

      I offered PAGES of FACTS about how genetic modification is destroying the world. All you giving is pigs growing human noses and a little big of MISINFORMATION from bad sources.

      How bout just take a few days off from this thread and do some REAL actual research and then come back with some ACTUAL info ok? I don't mind the debate, it's just tiring arguing with someone when their mind isn't open to the idea that they could be wrong.

WOOOOOOW! You don't read? I posted sources showing GMO populations in foreign countries, published by a European Dept. Since you bolstered europes disdain for GMO products. I'm in the US actually. And again you fail to understand the poverty in the world. You keep saying, "I got you" when all you did was name a fruit with that nutrient. OK. So your suggesting EVERYONE everywhere can grow everything. That can't be. No one cares about the poor. No one is going to educate any one unless it makes dollars. Sorry, but that is global economics.

ONCE AGAIN! I'm not arguing the negatives of GMO's. It is YOU who are not open to the fact that you may have prematurely condemned an entire technology, based on how primitive man has used it thus far. I am well aware of the negative effects of GMO's. Are you aware of all the benefits? Doesn't sound like it.
Either come up with ONE single example of how genetic modification has helped us in the PRESENT and in the PAST, or one GUARANTEED way that it will help us in the future....and I'm not talking about pigs growing noses. That hasn't been PROVEN to help anyone, it's only been proven that we can grow a human nose on a pig and attach it to someones face and make it work "kinda" the way the nose you were born with works.

So getting your face blown off and then having a doctor tell you you can go out in public and feel the wind on your face isn't helping any one? ​TRY IT SOME TIME!
So you would rather die than live with the help of modern medicine? Go ahead with your bad self, Bob Marley!

I mentioned several ways GMO's could and DO benefit mankind. It is you who refused to acknowledge them and gave me anecdotes instead. "We don't need that, just eat more fruit." That doesn't work for the fruitless.

As I've already mentioned in this thread several times, I almost died BECAUSE OF modern medicine and GMO practices, and I DEPEND on organic food and medicine to live. Because of the job that the food in this country has done to as far as GI issues (and my own ignorance and unwillingness to admit that I had a lot of learning to do about GMOS and nutrition) I can barely eat one meal a day.

Again, debunked. Don't you realize that modern medicine is almost all plant-derived? The reason we use "modern medicine" is because pharmaceutical companies can't patent a plant, unless they can find or create a new species AND reproduce it asexually. They get almost all of the medicine we use from plants.

Now you use Cannabis right? So you already know that their are different strains that help with different things for different people. One strain helps with a headache. One strain helps with a backache. One strain helps you sleep. One strains helps you stay awake. They all do something different in different people as well.

So how is plant-derived medicine that has ALL been modified to be exactly the same in every dose, going to help every person in the same way? It doesn't. That's why modern medicine is constantly failing, chemo is a fraud, and they have to pass shady ass laws all the time so people can't sue pharmaceutical companies and doctor's for almost killing them.

That's why when someone takes an anti-depressant, most of the time it makes things actually worse, so they have to go back and get on a different one, and a different one, till they find one that makes life better than it was. Sometimes you find one that really does help you, most of the time you get worse...Even though their are natural seratonin regulators like 5HTP and Cannabis, which actually work great together.

And you're "that doesn't work for the fruitless"?????? Have you never grown a garden? How about instead of all the richest people in the world getting together to figure out how to make more money off of food in a supposed attempt to "feed the world" lol, we all just grow an over-abundance of food in our own back yards and donate it to the rest of the world whom you seem so sure is starving right now.

We need GMO meat and steroids and hormones and anti-biotics being pumped into cows to produce enough milk to feed the planet? Please lol, that's rediculous.
So getting your face blown off and then having a doctor tell you you can go out in public and feel the wind on your face isn't helping any one? ​TRY IT SOME TIME!

Tell ya what, you try it since you think it sounds so great, and then let me know how it works. I have my doubts lol.

And if part of my face got blown off with a gun, I promise I wouldn't want a new one grown on a pig as a replacement. I would just be the man with no face lol.

And by the way, since that was the only decent example of something good genetic modification can do, I'll chill out and say that I'm glad for these people that they have this option, and if genetic modification is going to exist, which it obviously is, then I wish it would stay focused in areas like this....instead of cows producing human breastmilk.....and the food I eat containing poisons without me even knowing about it.

But there's another good point as well...why is the FDA and Obama administration cooperating with Monsanto at such a high level to keep GMO labeling off of food products in the US if it isn't dangerous? (i.e. Obama hired Monsanto's Vice President to RUN the FDA.)

The truth is they want people to know as little about genetic modification and what's happening to their food as possible. Now Monsanto's scientists and lobbyists are saying shit like "well, all the stuff we've done so far is a disaster, but there's definitely something to learn from it and we are on the verge of...blah blah blah"
As I've already mentioned in this thread several times, I almost died BECAUSE OF modern medicine and GMO practices, and I DEPEND on organic food and medicine to live. Because of the job that the food in this country has done to as far as GI issues (and my own ignorance and unwillingness to admit that I had a lot of learning to do about GMOS and nutrition) I can barely eat one meal a day.

Again, debunked. Don't you realize that modern medicine is almost all plant-derived? The reason we use "modern medicine" is because pharmaceutical companies can't patent a plant, unless they can find or create a new species AND reproduce it asexually. They get almost all of the medicine we use from plants.

Now you use Cannabis right? So you already know that their are different strains that help with different things for different people. One strain helps with a headache. One strain helps with a backache. One strain helps you sleep. One strains helps you stay awake. They all do something different in different people as well.

So how is plant-derived medicine that has ALL been modified to be exactly the same in every dose, going to help every person in the same way? It doesn't. That's why modern medicine is constantly failing, chemo is a fraud, and they have to pass shady ass laws all the time so people can't sue pharmaceutical companies and doctor's for almost killing them.

That's why when someone takes an anti-depressant, most of the time it makes things actually worse, so they have to go back and get on a different one, and a different one, till they find one that makes life better than it was. Sometimes you find one that really does help you, most of the time you get worse...Even though their are natural seratonin regulators like 5HTP and Cannabis, which actually work great together.

And you're "that doesn't work for the fruitless"?????? Have you never grown a garden? How about instead of all the richest people in the world getting together to figure out how to make more money off of food in a supposed attempt to "feed the world" lol, we all just grow an over-abundance of food in our own back yards and donate it to the rest of the world whom you seem so sure is starving right now.

We need GMO meat and steroids and hormones and anti-biotics being pumped into cows to produce enough milk to feed the planet? Please lol, that's rediculous.

I am sorry about your experience. I really am. But when I say modern medicine, I mean the technology of medicine, not the quality of care you receive once politicians are done with it. Millions of people eat GMO's every day. Most are safe, some are not.

Modern Medicine saved my life. I experienced a GSW to the lower abdomen. Without sterilization and pain killers and artificial materials, I would be dead right now...

GMO pig skin> Super pimpin'!
Bleading out while a shaman stuffs cannabis in your wound> Not pimpin'!

Uhhh, did you just say modern medicine is based almost entirely on Flora!?

Holy Shit! You did!

Dog: Discovery of insulin
Monkey: Polio vaccine
Mouse: Rabies vaccine
Pig: Skin grafts for burn victims
Pig: Computer-assisted tomography (CAT) scans
Rabbit: Corneal transplants
Rat: Carcinogen screening

Without animals we would be mixing herbs in a mortar and pestle!

I know where medicine originated, but to say it's ALL based on plants!? Yikes.

Which "Herb" restores electrical impulses to dead nerve tissue, and allows for nerve regeneration? please advise.
JUST so my personal position is clear, I prefer organic methods and natural seed because of politics. But I've also assisted with Hydro setups in other countries which utilize the most "UNNATURAL" means to make 100's of little children smile. So I feel there is a place for everything. For a farmer who grows nothing but rice, will never grow anything but rice, should get as much nutrition as possible from that food source. If this years answer is organic, sweet! But if GMO Technology can provide a superior strain, with no ill side effects, why not!?

Let's not get into growing techniques. I've seen "Organic" farms use fresh manure. Manure can contain a number of diseases. So to blanket GMO's without having controlled sources is premature.
man wich docter your just a conspiracy theorist everybody is not out to get you nobody cares about mind control thru flouride, adn nobody cares about GMO. i think its bullshit that you dont see the human variable as a naturally occurring variable. i f you cnotinue this way, you are only confirming your belief that we are the only intelligent organism in the universe, but if we are not the only intelligent organism and we are not the first to play with genetics this would make GMing anything a part of natural occurring cycle of life, as it happened elsewhere in the universe with another intelligent species. see what im saying it part of the future fight against all you want but the truth is im rocking a 8 pack(lucky genetics or maybe im altered...) adn i eat what i want.

when i was a kid in the group homes i worked at mcdonalds, and ate straight mcdonalds for a year, im healthy as a horse, probably kick your ass. im bold like thats why im not talking about physical appearance, in fact i often wonder (privately) if anyone here is actually 'ripped" like me but then i think these guys are mostly weed smokers and NErds, not that, that, is preventing you from being ripped it just doesn't fit the description of the standard here
Tell ya what, you try it since you think it sounds so great, and then let me know how it works. I have my doubts lol.

And if part of my face got blown off with a gun, I promise I wouldn't want a new one grown on a pig as a replacement. I would just be the man with no face lol.

And by the way, since that was the only decent example of something good genetic modification can do, I'll chill out and say that I'm glad for these people that they have this option, and if genetic modification is going to exist, which it obviously is, then I wish it would stay focused in areas like this....instead of cows producing human breastmilk.....and the food I eat containing poisons without me even knowing about it.

But there's another good point as well...why is the FDA and Obama administration cooperating with Monsanto at such a high level to keep GMO labeling off of food products in the US if it isn't dangerous? (i.e. Obama hired Monsanto's Vice President to RUN the FDA.)

The truth is they want people to know as little about genetic modification and what's happening to their food as possible. Now Monsanto's scientists and lobbyists are saying shit like "well, all the stuff we've done so far is a disaster, but there's definitely something to learn from it and we are on the verge of...blah blah blah"

I can't believe I got trolled! I thought you were serious. Now I see your just fucking around. Roger That!
man wich docter your just a conspiracy theorist everybody is not out to get you nobody cares about mind control thru flouride, adn nobody cares about GMO. i think its bullshit that you dont see the human variable as a naturally occurring variable. i f you cnotinue this way, you are only confirming your belief that we are the only intelligent organism in the universe, but if we are not the only intelligent organism and we are not the first to play with genetics this would make GMing anything a part of natural occurring cycle of life, as it happened elsewhere in the universe with another intelligent species. see what im saying it part of the future fight against all you want but the truth is im rocking a 8 pack(lucky genetics or maybe im altered...) adn i eat what i want.

when i was a kid in the group homes i worked at mcdonalds, and ate straight mcdonalds for a year, im healthy as a horse, probably kick your ass. im bold like thats why im not talking about physical appearance, in fact i often wonder (privately) if anyone here is actually 'ripped" like me but then i think these guys are mostly weed smokers and NErds, not that, that, is preventing you from being ripped it just doesn't fit the description of the standard here

I can't believe I got trolled! I thought you were serious. Now I see your just fucking around. Roger That!

Trolled? If anyone's been getting trolled here it's me, not you lol. You mean because I said I'm happy for the people that feel GMOs have changed their life in a positive way?

I'm pretty sure Poly up there just tried to challenge me to a private message muscle challenge or something lmao, not sure what that was all about...but congrats on the 8pak and good luck with the McDonald's...

And fucking around? Sure, that's what it looks like to other people reading this...I'm trolling and fucking around.

And you just quoted me and called me a troll and didn't answer the question lmao. If genetic modification is safe then why can't we get gmo labeling on products in the US and why did Obama put the Vice Pres of Monsanto in charge of the FDA?

I was however wrong about 75% of prescription drugs being plant-derived and for that I apoligize. I had more time to look it up now, and it's actually 25% [h=3]Herbal Medicine - Introduction - herbs, medicinal plants, herb directory[/h]
Indeed, about 25 percent of the prescription drugs dispensed in the United States contain at least one active ingredient derived from plant material.

I don't have time to get into all that vaccine stuff right now...but I'll just touch on the Polio vaccine for now. Between 1957 and 1965 over 30 MILLION people were infected with the SV-40 virus, unknowingly, which causes bone cancer, seizures, all kinds of horrible diseases. The SV-40 virus is from the monkey kidney cells used in the Polio vaccine

Am I glad I won't get Polio, sure. Like I said, there are pros and cons to playing god...just WAYYY more cons. But the only thing giving people Polio now, is the POLIO VACCINE. Look it up.

There was another issue with SV-40 in the 80's I believe. Of course they say this can't happen again because now we take protective and preventative measures...but the same fucking thing can happen with another virus.
trolled? If anyone's been getting trolled here it's me, not you lol. You mean because i said i'm happy for the people that feel gmos have changed their life in a positive way?

I'm pretty sure poly up there just tried to challenge me to a private message muscle challenge or something lmao, not sure what that was all about...but congrats on the 8pak and good luck with the mcdonald's...

And fucking around? Sure, that's what it looks like to other people reading this...i'm trolling and fucking around.

And you just quoted me and called me a troll and didn't answer the question lmao. If genetic modification is safe then why can't we get gmo labeling on products in the us and why did obama put the vice pres of monsanto in charge of the fda?

I was however wrong about 75% of prescription drugs being plant-derived and for that i apoligize. I had more time to look it up now, and it's actually 25% herbal medicine - introduction - herbs, medicinal plants, herb directory
indeed, about 25 percent of the prescription drugs dispensed in the united states contain at least one active ingredient derived from plant material.

i don't have time to get into all that vaccine stuff right now...but i'll just touch on the polio vaccine for now. Between 1957 and 1965 over 30 million people were infected with the sv-40 virus, unknowingly, which causes bone cancer, seizures, all kinds of horrible diseases. The sv-40 virus is from the monkey kidney cells used in the polio vaccine

am i glad i won't get polio, sure. Like i said, there are pros and cons to playing god...just wayyy more cons. But the only thing giving people polio now, is the polio vaccine. Look it up.

There was another issue with sv-40 in the 80's i believe. Of course they say this can't happen again because now we take protective and preventative measures...but the same fucking thing can happen with another virus.

stop mentioning how the technology is being used and start researching positive uses for gmo's. I am tired of repeating myself over and over and over and over and over again.

I understand the federal government doesn't give a shit. I get it. Gmo's and the government is a joke when you see how they really fuck us. Again, i know humans can take a blessing and turn it into a curse!

So you keep trolling me with examples of how governments have fucked it up, and refuse to acknowledge it's benefits in the right hands. Good day sir.