Geneva Convention - Poll - Obsolete or not post 9/11?


Well-Known Member
LMFAO your right bud... your SOOO 'in the know' RA RA RA america... bomb those BROWN PEOPLE!!! WOOT WOOT! america fuck ya!!!!
Examine the history of U.S. warfare, and you'll find that we've pretty much treated every non-white enemy we've encountered with kid gloves compared to what we did to whites. Well...minus Japan, however, they got nuked simply because the Nazi's were already defeated.

Did we bomb the ever loving shit out of N. Korean towns the way we did "ze Germans"? Fuck no.

How about N. Viet Nam? Nope.

Somalia? Oh hell no! We let those savages get away with killing U.N. troops AND U.S. troops, despite the fact that we could have leveled that entire piece of shit "nation".

Afghanistan AND Iraq both got away relatively unharmed...from us at least. Haj has probably murdered 10 ten times as many of his fellow "brown people" than we ever did, if not more.

We've shown a great deal of restraint with non-whites, for some odd reason, which is why we've fucking LOST everything SINCE WW II, wasted U.S. lives and resources, and why the world views us as the cowardly limp-wristed bitches we've sadly become.


Well-Known Member
No torture.
just blow their heads straight off
fuck feeding and housing them if they are of no value.
no catch n release no prisoners.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Bill Hicks was a self righteous limp-wristed unfunny douchebag.
oooo my post got deleted.

probably not because i called ronpaul2012 a twat, but because i made fun of bill hicks.

gay porn dumps, malware links, stormfront links, gibbering racist slurs at every opportunity?: Nope, all good.

dont like bill hicks?: youre a monster! slowdown, post deletion, eventual banishment!

the only funny part of bill hicks was his pancreas. that little bastard was a killer!


Well-Known Member
oooo my post got deleted.

probably not because i called ronpaul2012 a twat, but because i made fun of bill hicks.

gay porn dumps, malware links, stormfront links, gibbering racist slurs at every opportunity?: Nope, all good.

dont like bill hicks?: youre a monster! slowdown, post deletion, eventual banishment!

the only funny part of bill hicks was his pancreas. that little bastard was a killer!

Da fuq?!?

That post was mild, AT BEST, and it got deleted?

What a joke!


Well-Known Member
what part of "Freedom Fighting" requires throwing acid in little girl's faces?
how does throwing said acid in the faces of little girls FROM YOUR OWN VILLAGES help the cause of "freedom"?
in what way does murdering every non-moslem in a shopping mall advance the struggle?
how much "Freedom Fighting" is accomplished by murdering journalists and posting the super awesome videos on youtube so you can fap?
why is it that so often "Freedom Fighting" centers around killing helpless women and kids, rather than attacking armed soldier of the oppressor?

InB4 "But... The Jews!"
Their motivation for throwing acid, to cause fear and shock, in the re-telling and distribution of said attack. You think all "..insert label.." Members want to throw acid in little girls faces? I believe the majority are heavily indoctrinated, scared and involved because they believe they are doing the right thing, not understanding their part in the bigger game.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Their motivation for throwing acid, to cause fear and shock, in the re-telling and distribution of said attack. You think all "..insert label.." Members want to throw acid in little girls faces? I believe the majority are heavily indoctrinated, scared and involved because they believe they are doing the right thing, not understanding their part in the bigger game.
throwing acid in girls faces is "part of the game"

which game is that?

certainly not the pimp game.

bitches cant get daddy's money if they aint got no faces (unless the john is into that, but thats a fringe market at best)

acid attacks are the New Hotness in AfPak, and growing more popular every year in the rest of the moslem world.

theres even been a few on british soil (Yay Multicultuarlism!)

i particularly like the way you attempt to imply that throwing acid in little girl's faces is a military tactic of some sort.

hooray for your "Freedom Fighters", and i sincerely hope you dont have to get "Freedom Fought" yourself.

but if you do, at least you have already prepared your list of excuses to explain why those "Freedom Fighters" had to (check all that apply)

[ ] chop your head off
[ ]shoot you
[ ]throw acid in your face
[ ]rape you
[ ]burn down your village
[ ]other


Well-Known Member
throwing acid in girls faces is "part of the game"

which game is that?

certainly not the pimp game.

bitches cant get daddy's money if they aint got no faces (unless the john is into that, but thats a fringe market at best)

acid attacks are the New Hotness in AfPak, and growing more popular every year in the rest of the moslem world.

theres even been a few on british soil (Yay Multicultuarlism!)

i particularly like the way you attempt to imply that throwing acid in little girl's faces is a military tactic of some sort.

hooray for your "Freedom Fighters", and i sincerely hope you dont have to get "Freedom Fought" yourself.

but if you do, at least you have already prepared your list of excuses to explain why those "Freedom Fighters" had to (check all that apply)

[ ] chop your head off
[ ]shoot you
[ ]throw acid in your face
[ ]rape you
[ ]burn down your village
[ ]other
all of the above my friend. I cant and don't vouch for all motivations. I will say this though, if your culture ( indoctrination) or peers nurture you to adopt barbaric techniques, in all likelihood, you would. Do you know of Sigil Majick, Dr?


Well-Known Member
throwing acid in girls faces is "part of the game"

which game is that?

certainly not the pimp game.

bitches cant get daddy's money if they aint got no faces (unless the john is into that, but thats a fringe market at best)

acid attacks are the New Hotness in AfPak, and growing more popular every year in the rest of the moslem world.

theres even been a few on british soil (Yay Multicultuarlism!)

i particularly like the way you attempt to imply that throwing acid in little girl's faces is a military tactic of some sort.

hooray for your "Freedom Fighters", and i sincerely hope you dont have to get "Freedom Fought" yourself.

but if you do, at least you have already prepared your list of excuses to explain why those "Freedom Fighters" had to (check all that apply)

[ ] chop your head off
[ ]shoot you
[ ]throw acid in your face
[ ]rape you
[ ]burn down your village
[ ]other
the KKK think they are simply fighting for their freedom as white christian men and commit no small number of hate crimes every year, but they never register a mention from you.

why is that?


Well-Known Member
If I told you I have eaten dinner and shared my own social belief with Muslim "extremists". Partied with IRA. My own next door neighbour was a gun importer ( Pakistan to uk! ) Nice chap, I survived them all without any aforesaid tragedy.


Well-Known Member
Ah but do you know how in its many facets it is used or practiced? How would you move a million people if you wanted to let's say.. Flood another country to create imbalance, or erase once clearly defined territories.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If I told you I have eaten dinner and shared my own social belief with Muslim "extremists". Partied with IRA. My own next door neighbour was a gun importer ( Pakistan to uk! ) Nice chap, I survived them all without any aforesaid tragedy.
i would say it's entirely possible you lifted a pint or three with cats who said they were members of the IRA.
i have smoked weed with cats who claimed they were actually the second coming of Jesus H Christ. (no, not nenevah420, he is just crazy)

lived next door to a gun smuggler? sure, as long as you dont squimp, fuckit.
i have smoked weed with a wide array of criminal types, from evil drugs kingpins who "manufacture" cannabis to actual gangbangers.

spoke openly and frankly with moslem extremists?
if you mean Moslem Fundamentalists, nope. I dont believe it unless you had them outnumbered or had a gun in hand.
moslem fundamentalists dont let anyone "disbelieve their communications", cuz the koran says that makes you a "mischeif maker" which opens you up for all manner of jihady goodness and "Freedom Fighting"
unless the Moslem Fundamentalists didnt have the advantage, then it's all about Taquiyya and "acceptable untruths"

but if you were a woman, or a child...

then, ohh yeah, pass the acid!
they are ready to "Freedom Fight" you real good in that case.


Well-Known Member
spoke openly and frankly with moslem extremists?
if you mean Moslem Fundamentalists, nope. I dont believe it unless you had them outnumbered or had a gun in hand.
moslem fundamentalists dont let anyone "disbelieve their communications", cuz the koran says that makes you a "mischeif maker" which opens you up for all manner of jihady goodness and "Freedom Fighting"
unless the Moslem Fundamentalists didnt have the advantage, then it's all about Taquiyya and "acceptable untruths"
why do you insist on painting this caricature that every muslim wants to kill you?

it's false and patently absurd.

85% of republicans support torture, which is far beyond the number of muslims who support extremism.

does that mean you get waterboarded every time you sit down for dinner with republican types?

what is your point in trying to spread these false and bigoted beliefs of yours?


Well-Known Member
i would say it's entirely possible you lifted a pint or three with cats who said they were members of the IRA.
i have smoked weed with cats who claimed they were actually the second coming of Jesus H Christ. (no, not nenevah420, he is just crazy)

lived next door to a gun smuggler? sure, as long as you dont squimp, fuckit.
i have smoked weed with a wide array of criminal types, from evil drugs kingpins who "manufacture" cannabis to actual gangbangers.

spoke openly and frankly with moslem extremists?
if you mean Moslem Fundamentalists, nope. I dont believe it unless you had them outnumbered or had a gun in hand.
moslem fundamentalists dont let anyone "disbelieve their communications", cuz the koran says that makes you a "mischeif maker" which opens you up for all manner of jihady goodness and "Freedom Fighting"
unless the Moslem Fundamentalists didnt have the advantage, then it's all about Taquiyya and "acceptable untruths"

but if you were a woman, or a child...

then, ohh yeah, pass the acid!
they are ready to "Freedom Fight" you real good in that case.
Convicted and proven guilty is enough for me to believe their labels. How do you change a extremist to a fundamentalist, well throwing acid in his sister's face helps as well as other recently discussed techniques.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ah but do you know how in its many facets it is used or practiced? How would you move a million people if you wanted to let's say.. Flood another country to create imbalance, or erase once clearly defined territories.
if you are attempting to argue that somebody is using Ritual Magic, Runes of Power, the Greater Seal of Solomon, Congress With The Devil, Neo-Pagan Faux Witchcraft, Voodoo, Sympathetic Magic, selected readings from The Book of Named Shadows, or Harry Potter's Phoenix Feather Wand then this discussion is over.

if you are attempting to manufacture some foolish analogy then this discussion is pointless.

say what you mean, and explain how guys who throw acid in little girls faces are "Freedom Fighters" or admit youre a putz and we can all move on.


Well-Known Member
if you are attempting to argue that somebody is using Ritual Magic, Runes of Power, the Greater Seal of Solomon, Congress With The Devil, Neo-Pagan Faux Witchcraft, Voodoo, Sympathetic Magic, selected readings from The Book of Named Shadows, or Harry Potter's Phoenix Feather Wand then this discussion is over.

if you are attempting to manufacture some foolish analogy then this discussion is pointless.

say what you mean, and explain how guys who throw acid in little girls faces are "Freedom Fighters" or admit youre a putz and we can all move on.
what discussion?

there is no discussion here. it is just you trying to indoctrinate everyone into your stupid belief that all muslims are out to kill you based on the actions of a lunatic fringe.

if i thought the same way you did, i would never be friends with any white person because so many of them are hateful racist dickbags, as evidenced by this very forum.

there is a difference between spamming your agenda and having a discussion.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That all depends on how you define "torture". IF you're talking about using pain to garner information, then no, I don't believe torture is an effective technique. However, there ARE approaches and techniques that CAN be used to garner information that do NOT involve the use of pain, or anything that will permanently damage a subject, that I support using with unlawful combatants.

Unlawful combatants should be held accountable in accordance with the law of land warfare, and granted only those rights afforded under those laws. The pussified leadership in the U.S. essentially granted those cocksuckers the SAME rights afforded to lawful combatants, in an attempt to appease the bleeding heart liberal idiots in the states too stupid to understand the legal aspects of war.

They've done the same thing with pirates too, BTW...

What does the law say?

I support the law, as opposed to making shit up as you go, which is what the U.S. has been doing with unlawful combatants for the past 13 years.
Good people do not torture others, whether it is legal, illegal, or kinda sorta legal if your name is Dick Cheney or Hillary Clinton.

Good people also ignore bad laws. I'd lie to the Storm Troopers if I was hiding a jew in my attic, even if it was illegal to do so....wouldn't you?


Well-Known Member
if you are attempting to argue that somebody is using Ritual Magic, Runes of Power, the Greater Seal of Solomon, Congress With The Devil, Neo-Pagan Faux Witchcraft, Voodoo, Sympathetic Magic, selected readings from The Book of Named Shadows, or Harry Potter's Phoenix Feather Wand then this discussion is over.

if you are attempting to manufacture some foolish analogy then this discussion is pointless.

say what you mean, and explain how guys who throw acid in little girls faces are "Freedom Fighters" or admit youre a putz and we can all move on.
Since you are resorting to name calling I will explain like I would a child.
1. Two parents meet after each witnessing their own atrocities. The atrocities were committed by a group with unknown intent.
2.These couple have children.Some of which die at the hands of this group with unknown intent.
3. One of these children witnesses the event.
4. Filled with rage and mourning their loss, the family want answers.
5. They are given their answer by a group (also with unknown intent).
6. This couple teach their children to dispise the causer's of their pain.
7. Years of secret hate indoctrination later,the child who is now a young confused and hateful man is revelling with his brother in arms, about how they will punish there tormentors.
8. The idea of acid as a tool to implement pain comes up in conversation.
9. A little time later, after joining a group with known intent, he is given tools to implement "justice".
Ha ha you are that desperate to prove your intellectual prowess you just googled sigil majick. If you truly understood we would not be having this disagreement.
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