Geneva Convention - Poll - Obsolete or not post 9/11?


Well-Known Member
What you don't know doesn't hurt (You) only the enemy........what is the old saying....all's fair in love and war.......all I know is I don't want to be to far from my head at any given time !


Well-Known Member
As I understand it, nations not terrorist groups, signed this treaty.

Should we deem the failure of a nation to police it's terrorist population as an act of war?

Seriously, how can we fight fire without fire?

EDIT: NO poll, can't edit one in and I accidentally hit post on my phone. :(
If everyone carves themselves out as exempt, then nothing the UN says or does matters.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Since you are resorting to name calling I will explain like I would a child.
1. Two parents meet after each witnessing their own atrocities. The atrocities were committed by a group with unknown intent.
2.These couple have children.Some of which die at the hands of this group with unknown intent.
3. One of these children witnesses the event.
4. Filled with rage and mourning their loss, the family want answers.
5. They are given their answer by a group (also with unknown intent).
6. This couple teach their children to dispise the causer's of their pain.
7. Years of secret hate indoctrination later,the child who is now a young confused and hateful man is revelling with his brother in arms, about how they will punish there tormentors.
8. The idea of acid as a tool to implement pain comes up in conversation.
9. A little time later, after joining a group with known intent, he is given tools to implement "justice".
Ha ha you are that desperate to prove your intellectual prowess you just googled sigil majick. If you truly understood we would not be having this disagreement.
thats a lot of words, but they mean NOTHING.

"childhood trauma" as an excuse for barbarous behaviour has been discredited for so long, it's not even worth answering.

in trying to sound mysterious and esoteric you dredged up an old phrase (with the groovy new age trendster twist of adding a "K" the the end of Magic) and tried to use the generic name of a broad category of sympathetic ritual magic to demonstrate your "Secret Wisdom" and when asked for specifics on which type of ritual sympathetic magic you refer to, you start claiming somebody "googled" shit.

youre just another fool in a fabulous pair of Clownshoes trying to dance with me.

if you are actually trying to intimate that Isis/Isil, the US govt, the Illuminati, the Jews, or 7 foot tall lizard aliens from the 9th dimension are using ritual magic to redraw political borders and cause strife, then youll need to back that shit up.

(this is the part where you feign outrage, scream that i should "do mu own research" and smugly claim that i am just not initiated into the Deeper Mysteries)


Well-Known Member
It took a long time to answer...... Lol. So I'm not getting in a slagging match. I don't think I'm privy to any information you yourself, could not find. That you have chose to ingest corrupted publicly available reasoning for various answers, shows me you can store (even better than myself), but can not think for yourself. Just to assist you in broadening your slim view. Google Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. You might understand my view point.
In 1950 Sheikh Mahmoud Halabi and Aytollah Khomeini branched from the mainstream teachings of the Koran, to start up a fringe group called Anjorman-e Khayryyehyah (Charitable Society of the Mahdi) Their mission was to prepare the WORLD for the coming of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi. They set up internationally and were heavily funded. They came to British soil and were treated with courtesy befit of royalty, from our own government. Hujjatiyyah Shiism is the foundation to ALL Muslim extremist teachings. Research Sigil Majick ( how it's spelled, not my edgy spin) and its connection to specifically this branch of teaching (overlook its connection to everything else).

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It took a long time to answer...... Lol. So I'm not getting in a slagging match. I don't think I'm privy to any information you yourself, could not find. That you have chose to ingest corrupted publicly available reasoning for various answers, shows me you can store (even better than myself), but can not think for yourself. Just to assist you in broadening your slim view. Google Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. You might understand my view point.
In 1950 Sheikh Mahmoud Halabi and Aytollah Khomeini branched from the mainstream teachings of the Koran, to start up a fringe group called Anjorman-e Khayryyehyah (Charitable Society of the Mahdi) Their mission was to prepare the WORLD for the coming of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi. They set up internationally and were heavily funded. They came to British soil and were treated with courtesy befit of royalty, from our own government. Hujjatiyyah Shiism is the foundation to ALL Muslim extremist teachings. Research Sigil Majick ( how it's spelled, not my edgy spin) and its connection to specifically this branch of teaching (overlook its connection to everything else).
just for fun, i did as you said, and googled "Sigil Majick" and found exactly what i expected to find, new age hokum, phony ritual sympathetic hoodoo, and a whole lot of self deluded emo neo-pagans making up the rules as they go along so they can feel "In The Know" about their "totally legitimate belief system"

first 4 links:

(the last one is the most hilarious.)

what didnt i find?
any connection to twelver shiia
any references to actual historical works on the subject of ritual sympathetic magic
any references to the broad panoply of different belief systems which actually existed before the catholic church started burning people for "witchcraft" (and still exist to some degree today)
any references to actual extant works on the subject (both for and against the ideas)

in fact i found NOTHING to support your general assertions (vague though they were) the new age sympathetic ritual magic is in play, nor your specific claims regarding twelver shiia.

hit the books, read The Greater Key of Solomon for an easy to locate primer on the kaballah ritual magic that spawned this new age claptrap, and the Malleus Maleficarum for the Opposition Opinion

i would link you directly to sources for these works, but i wouldnt want to rob you of your Journey of Discovery.


Well-Known Member
my friend you have parasitic tendencies. Shit links to demonstrate your inability to research beyond domestic level sources. Keep trying. Also your pseudo bullying demonstrates your desperations' for status. Now you explain the cognitive processes, one would go through prior to throwing acid in a little girls face... What is your belief, expose your vulnerabilities so I can blindly contradict them. Lol and I very much doubt you'd be privy to The Lesser Key of Solomon, unless you have been ordained?
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Well-Known Member
In fact after searching for more insight into your argument, your posts are intelligently written Dr. We have found different answers to our own questions that is all. I can see your frustration with certain members, I understand your tone to me. Please understand our differences.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
my friend you have parasitic tendencies. Shit links to demonstrate your inability to research beyond domestic level sources. Keep trying. Also your pseudo bullying demonstrates your desperations' for status. Now you explain the cognitive processes, one would go through prior to throwing acid in a little girls face... What is your belief, expose your vulnerabilities so I can blindly contradict them. Lol and I very much doubt you'd be privy to The Lesser Key of Solomon, unless you have been ordained?
the Lesser Key of Solomon is a 17th century re-imagining of the 14th century Key Of Solomon (usually referred to as the Greater key of Solomon for clarity) which was in fact a re-imagining by christian esoterics of much earlier kaballic works revolving around the judaic tradition of ritual magic, symbology and numerology, which in turn drew heavily from even earlier works of greek aryan and egyptian esoteric traditions and religious beliefs.

ordination into any religion is not necessary to gain access to either the Lesser or Greater Keys of Solomon. catching a peek behind the curtain at the earlier works those volumes were based on requires some digging, but it's possible.

Note: i subscribe to none of these beliefs, i read this stuff because i find it interesting, and it sheds a lot of light on why some groups think the way they do, even if they are not actually aware of the source of their traditions.