Michael Huntherz
Well-Known Member
- Place in dirt,
- add water,
- wait.
under a humidity dome
You ever use rock wool? Soak ur cubes for a bit then let thrm drip until tgey cant drip anymore. Once your tap root is showing. Just place the seed in the rock wool. Tap root down and seed up. In a few days u should have roots and the seedling should have more than tripled in size.Hey mate, those seeds I tried to grow ended up dying/rotting
Any idea what I did wrong? Or what I should do next time when the replacement order comes through
Just chalk it up to a learning experience and try again. If you know anyone who has good plants growing or there's a dispensary nearby maybe you could buy some rooted clones.Hey mate, those seeds I tried to grow ended up dying/rotting
Any idea what I did wrong? Or what I should do next time when the replacement order comes through
Yeah, there's too many old seeds around, or genetically weak strains. You need nice fresh F1 seeds. NLxSK sounds good.Here's a hint: Order from peakseedsbc. Its pretty sad, the health of so many seeds from large-scale, respected breeders. To take such pride in your genetics and then send out embarrassingly weak pathetic little seeds... It's frustrating. Anyway, germinating a seed isn't and shouldn't be tough. Push a peakseeds northern skunk seed in the dirt. Water. 30 hours later, marvel at the fat, healthy, vigorous, seedling that was able to shed its seed coat and shell without any drama.
I agree, I have sprouted seeds in the PPT method but I've hung the baggie vertically and the tap root grown straight downYeah I know the references say that, but in reality I find that the roots like to grow straight out
Totally agree. Paper towel method is not needed at all. Here is how i have sprojted my seeds and so far had a 100% success rate and spit seeds with tap roots in under 24 hours.I dont know why all these seed banks advocate this paper towel method,personally I think its unnecessary.Too easy to damage the taproot and just overcomplicates the simple system nature has been using for millennia.
Start the seed in a cube rr or rw etc etc then plant into coco I find they always take this way tarot probably got to dry at somepoint