Germinating in rock-wool cubes.


Active Member
Al right so I have some Grodan rock-wool cubes and some kind seeds, the question is: What is the best practice to follow when using rock-wool cubes?

This is going to be a soil grow btw.



Well-Known Member
make sure the rockwool cubes are fully wet, place the seeds on their sides firmly so the seed surface makes good contact with the rockwool but not under the surface of the cube

put them in a air tight propagator or box with a little bit of water at the bottom in the dark, in a warm place, in 2-3 days they will crack and show the white tap root

when the tap root is .5 to 1cm long, place the seed tap root side down into the rockwool cube, so that only the shell of the seed is poking above the surface of the cube

then put them under the light, getting them under the light as soon as they germinate like this helps to stop them stretching

the taproot will grow out of the bottom of the cube, and the seed end will grow upwards and split open, and you will see the first 2 seed leaves



Well-Known Member
Dude, i'm just saying that starting in rockwool blocks is harder than starting in dirt, or rapid rooters, etc. I start in RW blocks and wish I could just start in dirt. But if you really want to, go ahead. rinse the blocks in some 5.5 ph water first and try not to over water. here is the website for grodan :)


Well-Known Member
starting seeds in rockwool is very simple
starting in dirt is not germination that is just planting the seed lol you are a funny guy


i put my seeds in an egg cup with water in it and a saucer on top . in 2 days the seeds will have de-shelled . i then put them into the rockwool .


Well-Known Member
i do pre wet rockwool, or pellet with superthrive or liquid karma before i plant the seed in there...also i do plant seed direct in the 16oz party cup (its easier).



I've read in many articles people to advice cover the top of rockwool and don't put the rockwool in direct sunlight. Others tell to don't cover the top of rockwool.

Is there really necessary to cover the rockwool?


Active Member
You are almost certain to get algae without covering the top of the cube. It's not much of an issue but it certainly does not look pretty.


Well-Known Member
I soak the seeds in R/O until they crack, usually about 24 hours. Before the taproot emerges plant the seed sideways in the rockwool cube. Plant about 1/2 inch deep and cover the hole. Keep it damp and the shoot will be up in a few days. Very high success rate good for expensive beans.