Germinating in water question


Well-Known Member
So I've always stuck with the paper towel or wash cloth method, but reading up on some newer methods I noticed some people drop seeds in a cup of water. If seed float, their no good, if they sink they are. Thats at least from my understanding. I had 13 seeds sink, but none sprouted after a week so I stuck them in soil anyway. Are they suppose to sprout in the water?


Well-Known Member
i germinate many seeds in water. especially weed. many if not all the seeds usually float and after 12-24 hours they usually sink because the water has gone through the shell and into the embryo. i just planted a seed i germinated in water a few days ago and its on its second set of leaves. and with the seeds i have i usually just leave them in the water for a few days until they sprout. but thats just me. ive also heard of leaving them in there for only 24-48 hours and then plant them in soil.


Well-Known Member
they def sunk after about 24 hours, but I left them in their for a week thinking they would sprout... They never did so I planted them in soil this morning. Think they'll sprout?


Well-Known Member
i have germanated many diff ways
paper towel till split then to red cup and soil
cd case wit paper towel in it standing on edge so gravity makes tap go down - dont remove till seedling
straight to red cup and soil

all include heating pad wit controller set to 82deg F



Jus Naturale

Active Member
You're only supposed to leave them in the water for two or three days tops. After that, they're essentially drown.

Check out my journal; I just popped a couple seeds in water, and planted them this morning.

Good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
no idea if they will sprout. where did you get them? sometimes seeds in a bud arent fully developed and never sprout, while other seeds take a little longer. but jus naturale has a point of drowning. id say two days is good in water. just watch your soil so it doesnt dry out and make sure they get a good amount of light.


Well-Known Member
their under a 225w LED. I did change the water. Temps around 80. I got the seeds in some random bud I got from dispensaries over the year. I'm not worried about loosing them, was just trying a different germination process. At least i know for next time. Still hope a few pop up, but if not, no biggy. Got 12 other plants going, can always get some clones.


Active Member
Putting my seedlings in a cup of water is the only way I've ever done it. After a day or two ppl say they will drown but idk about that cause I had a few seeds in a cup of water that I forgot about for 5 days. When I remembered them I ran to the cup to see and they had sprouted about 3inches looked like a long worm but I planted them a month ago and they are doing great


Well-Known Member
hmm... well maybe they will sprout. I'll see. If they do, that'd be nice. Although my last batch of seeds I got 3 males and one female...


This is the way I have always germinated my seeds and its worked 100% before you put them in the water(distilled) make sure to put the seed between you pointer and thumb fingers and give them a light squeeze to make sure they don't pop and let them sit for 24-72hrs mine normally sprout within 36hrs